The rain pounded the village of Hogsmade. The village was deserted outside no one wanted to be out in this weather except one man. A lone figure with half moon spectacles a crooked nose and long flowing silvery white beard and hair was walking purposely down the street. He was walking as if he was nearly taking a stroll down the block. The man had a purple robe with a emblem on it that had a white shield and two wands crossing it. this mans name was Albus Dumbledore the leader of the light founder of the Order of the Phoenix the last remaining member to an ancient organization known as the White Knights and most importantly headmaster of Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Dumbledore passed by the local pub the Three Broomsticks wishing that he to could enjoy a drink and the carefree attitudes of the people having a good time inside. However bing the leader of the light in the war against Voldemort mare that dream nothing more then just a dream. Dumbledore frowned when his thoughts started drifting to the war. it was nothing like the war against Grindelwald where it was more open conflict. No this war was fought in skirmishes .Relying on shadow and mystery he never knew when voldemort or his forces where going to attack or who. Voldemort instead of taking on the ministry and the order head on decided to pick them off one by one. He would have his followers or Death Eaters as they where called ruthlessly attack innocent people and slaughter muggles and wizards alike. this would draw out the Aurors where they would be ambushed and killed. Members of the order where hunted down and brutally slain. Dumbledore knew that Voldemort was on the brink of winning This war. His numbers where to great and he was to powerful. Dumbledore knew that even his own power which has been compared to Merlin more then once could not even compare. what the world needed was a miracle. However Dumbledore was not on a mission for the war no being the Headmaster at Hogwarts meant that he had to find a teacher to teach the subject divination all though he. Didn't think the class was worth while himself who was he to deny others from learning it. that is why even though he would be number one on Voldemort's hit list he felt confident he would not be in danger of meeting Sybill Trelawney great granddaughter of the famous seer Cassandra
Trelawney. Dumbledore arrived at anther pub named the Hogs Head. After doing a quick check to make sure he wasn't being followed stepped inside and with a wave to the barmen he proceeded upstairs to interview Ms Trelawney. He did not notice a hooded man get up from his table and follow him up. Dumbledore arrived at the room and knocked he herd a rather frazzled voice say
"Oh um who is it?"
"It is me Albus Dumbledore come to Interview Ms Trelawney for the post of Divination teacher
"Oh ok do come in." Dumbledore stepped inside and closed the door the mysterious man quickly went by the door to eavesdrop on Dumbledore.
A half hour later Dumbledore was extremely disappointed. It was clear to him that this women was a fraud and did not posses the gift of sight. Dumbledore got up to leave he was disappointed
"Im sorry my dear but you are not what-" before Dumbledore could finish she went into a strange trance and began to utter a real prophecy:
" The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.. Born as the seventh month dies to parents who have thrice defied him... With a power never seen before the Guardian Of Light will be equal to The Dark Lord but neither can live while the other survives for Mortal enemies they shall always be. The fate of the world will be in there hands... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches
To say Dumbledore was shocked would be an understatement. He was in absolute shock. His thoughts started to drift to what this means. If this prophecy was true which he believed it was that mean that a child will be born soon that could defeat Voldemort for good. Also the women had mentioned the Guardian of Light. For years the White Knights had predicted a warrior to arrive and take on the Dark Lord saving the world from darkness. He would have to speak to the counsel. However first he had to find out who this boy was. He knew of two couples who were due to have a child at the end of July, the Longbottems and the Potters. He would have to keep an eye on both couples. First things first he had to make sure this women does not fall into the wrong hands and the best place for her was at Hogwarts.
"Dumbledore are you okay?" Sybill asked. Dumbledore quickly shook himself out of his thoughts and answered
"Of Course my dear Sybill, I just wanted to tell you that you got the Job I expect to see you start of term on September the First. Good day to you." He had to leave he had to ponder what he just heard.
Severus Snape watched Albus Dumbledore walk into the Hogs Head. He was told by his master the Dark Lord to spy on Albus Dumbledore because his master felt that Dumbledore was up to something . The Dark Lord knew that the war was almost over only Dumbledore was in his way. Snape followed Dumbledore up the stairs and was listening at the door. Snape was surprised at the lack of caution. Dumbledore was the leader of the light was the leader of the light but apparently very reckless. It was not hard to find out that Dumbledore was going to be here. Snape listened to Dumbledore interview some women. It became obvious why Dumbledore was not very cautious because there was nothing to find out.. Snape grew angry at the tremendous waste of his time he was about to go when he heard Dumbledore get up to leave but then he struck gold when he heard the women go into a trance
" The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.. Born as the seventh month dies to parents who have thrice defied him... " but before he could hear the rest he was spotted by the bartender.
"Hey what are you doing here GET OUT NOW!" Snape was caught by a stunner and was thrown out the pub. When he was revived he quickly apparated to his masters hideout to tell him the news ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
"Are you sure you heard correctly Severus?" A high cold pitch voiced asked.
"Yes my lord." Severus Snape said from his position of kneeling on the floor in front of his master the Dark Lord Voldemort.
"If what you said was true then I must find this child and kill him. From what you heard it is obvious someone in the order. Severus I want you to find out who in the order are pregnant and are due towards the end of July. Do not fail me Severus or you will pay with your life am I understood.?"
"Yes my lord." with that Severus left. Voldemort was left deep in thought. He had taken a lot of steps to insure his immortality he will not let some unborn child take that from him. He will kill this child and his parents then he would completely take over this world both wizards and muggles alike will bow down to him. It was only a matter of time.
Dumbledore arrived at the secrete temple of the White Knights. While he was the only remaining white Knight alive in this temple the council which was made up of every White Knight still remained due to some ancient magic. When a White Knight they can live in the temple when the counsel is called and then after the meeting they go back to the afterlife. One can only talk to the counsel in this temple which only a White Knight can enter. Know amount of Dark magic can ever penetrate it and the winds of time can not affect it. Dumbledore had come here to this secrete location which held all the secrets of the order to speak to the counsel about the prophecy he had heard. He arrived in the counsel chambers sat in the middle and began to summon the counsel. There was a flash of white light and suddenly where there had been only empty seats now had over fifty witches and wizards. Then a mystical voice spoke
"Greetings Albus Dumbledore what brings you here before the counsel.?"
"I come with grave news and seek your advice."
"Then speak Dumbledore the counsel is always happy to help.'
"I have heard a prophecy that concerned the Guardian of Light and the Dark Lord." Dumbledore put the memory in the pensieve showing the prophecy to the counsel.
" The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.. Born as the seventh month dies to parents who have thrice defied him... With a power never seen before the Guardian Of Light will be equal to The Dark Lord but neither can live while the other survives for Mortal enemies they shall always be. The fate of the world will be in there hands... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches..."
"Indeed it as we have foreseen.'
"What are you talking about?"
"Albus we can see a great many things being dead allows us to see far beyond our years. However there is a point that we can not see past no seer can. That is the final battle between the Dark Lord and The Guardian of Light. no one knows the outcome of that fight it could go either way. If the Light fails then Darkness would rule forever more. If the Light wins then Darkness would never again be as powerful. We have seen and felt the darkness. It has been building for millennia. The one named Tom Riddle has unleashed this darkness he controls it. He has to power to completely submerge the world in Darkness. He is very close to this goal very close there is only one who could stop him. You must find the Guardian of Light Albus only the Guardian can defeat the Dark Lord."
"I don't know who it is I know of two couples who fit the prophecy.'
' Don't worry when the time comes you will know who the Guardian is. I give you a warning Albus the one you know as voldemort will meet his downfall but as sure as your standing here he will return and rise again. No matter how many years go by remember he is not gone and he will return even more powerful then before. When he returns the world will be plunged into a second war more terrible then the first. You can not stop this but you must make sure that the Guardian is ready. The world rests on the Guardians shoulders he must be ready..." with that there was powerful wind and the counsel was gone.
Dumbledore was left pondering the meaning of what he was told. He decided he will keep an eye on both couples and their children.
Severus Snape entered into his Masters room where three muggles where at his feet begging for mercy.
"Please don't kill my family let them go please I beg you."
"SILENCE, Your begging will get you no where. If I wanted you to live I would have left you alone but since you're here CRUCIO" 'The mans screams echoed of the walls his body twisting in ways that it never should finally Voldemort grew tired and muttered the killing curse and the man was dead. He turned to the mans wife and daughter.
'Lucius take them away and do with them what you will. I want to talk to Severus alone." Lucius Malfoy took the Prisoners with a strange lust filled eyes it was obvious what he planed on doing to the two muggles girls. While Severus was a death eater he had never taken part in the more barbaric tactics of the rest. He was great in duels his dueling skills where better then all of his masters Death Eaters except the dark lord himself and Ater Angelus. Ater was a half vampire and the Dark Lord right hand man. Not only was he knowledgeable in the Dark Arts his Vampire traits made him extremely fast, super strong and resistant to most magic making him difficult to kill. His lust for blood has also made him feared. He has eaten his prey alive and decapitated others . He lived to infect as much pain as possible to the world. He was a menace and his name the Dark angel fit. His face gave you the impression of an angel but the horrors he commits makes him far from being an angel. He currently was locked up in azkban prison which enraged His master.
"Severus what have you found out?" his masters question snapped him out of his thoughts he quickly kneeled in front of his master and told him what he found out.
"My lord I have found out that there are two couples who have defied you three times and are having a baby at the end of July. The Longbottems and the Potters." It seemed Voldemort had only heard the second couple because he said
"That's it the Potters I will kill them and then I will be truly immortal." Snape was horrified he still loved Lily Potter and did not want to see her hurt he could care less about James potter and his son.
"My-my lord could you not spare the muggleborn Lily. We could capture her and use her for our own advantage it would be useful to have a healer amongst us." Voldemort sneered
"Are you sure Severus that this has nothing to do with your feelings for the women?" Snape looked him straight in the eyes mastering his occlumency and he said
"I admit I have fancied her in the past but I will not mate with a Mudblood like her I just figured she would be useful if you seem it is best to kill her and her husband along with her child I will not morn any of them."
"Good because I have no intention to let any of them live. You may go Severus but send Bellatrix in." it was then that Snape knew he was on the wrong side in this war. He needed help no he needed Dumbledore.
Severus Snape waited in the clearing he had sent a secret letter to Dumbledore asking to meet him here. He did not know if Dumbledore would show up. Dumbledore had no reason to trust him but it was really important that he speak to Dumbledore. He could not let his Lily die at the hands of Voldemort. Suddenly there was a flash of light and snape found himself disarmed. He quickly pleaded
"Don't kill me."
"That was not my intention. So Severus what message does Lord Voldemort have for me." Dumbledore said this looking kind of bored.
'He doesn't know im here I need to talk to you about the prophecy."
Dumbledore's calm facade broke and there was concern in his voice.
"How much did you hear and what have you told Voldemort?"
"I told him all that I heard which was only the first part about a child being born at the ed of July to parents who have defied him three times." dumbledore was relieved to hear he had not heard the whole thing however what he did hear was troubling enough. "So why are you here?"
"Because the Dark Lord believes that the potters are the couple in the prophecy he plans to kill them and their unborn child."
"Surely as somebody so close to Voldemort you could ask him to spare Lily's life."
"I have asked him."
"You disgust me, you do not care one bit for their child or the child's father."
"Then protect them all, Voldemort plans on killing them all anyways you must protect them."
"Okay Severus I will but first I want something from you."
"Ill give you anything you want ."
"I want you to take an unbreakable vow to serve the light. I also want you to become a spy in Voldemort's ranks can you do that?"
"Yes I will but I only want you to know."
"Very well I promise to never reveal the best of you Severus." With that Dumbledore pulled out his wand and placed Severus Snape under the unbreakable vow. Now he had to warn James and Lily Potter.
Albus Dumbledore sat at his desk in his office at Hogwarts he looked like he was waiting for something. As if on Que he heard a knock on his door and he told whoever it was to enter. In stepped two people the first had messy jet black hair and glasses that covered his hazel eyes.
He was about 6,3 and was not heavily muscled but it was obvious that he was in good shape. James Potter was also very good with a wand he was one of the best Aurors in all of England. His wife Lily Potter had auburn hair and brilliant green almond shape eyes. Lily was eight months pregnant and it showed but despite that she was still extremely attractive. Lily was also more then a pretty face she was very skilled witch with a wand making her one of the best healers at St Mungos.
"You wanted to see us Albus?"
"Yes James, Lily please sit down I have something very important to discuss with you."
"What is it? Was it Voldemort? Did somebody from the Order get hurt?"
"Lils honey calm down and let the man speak ." James said. Even though his voice was soothing it had a hard edge.
'Thank you James , to began I set out to interview a women named Sybill Trelawney for the post of Divination. It became apparent that she was a fraud. That was until she made a very real prophecy.'
"What kind of prophecy what did she say?" Lily asked.
"Yeah and what does this have to do with us?" James asked.
"Lily, James it will be better if I show you." with that he pulled out his Pensieve and the three of them watched Sybill deliver the prophecy.
" The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches.. Born as the seventh month dies to parents who have thrice defied him... With a power never seen before the Guardian Of Light will be equal to The Dark Lord but neither can live while the other survives for Mortal enemies they shall always be. The fate of the world will be in there hands... The one with the power to vanquish the Dark Lord approaches"
"What does that mean Albus?" James asked.
"It means that a child will be born who will be the Guardian of Light and will have to rid the world of Darkness being Voldemort."
"What do you mean our baby?" lliy asked fear in her voice.
"It may not be, it can also be the Longbottems child."
"So why aren't they here?"
"Because Voldemort has herd the first part of the prophecy and he believes that your child is the child of the prophecy. He plans to destroy all of you to ensure that the prophecy is never fulfilled."
Lily screamed and James eyes flashed in anger.
"Don't worry Lils I wont let that bastard harm you or our child."
"Noble statement James but Voldemort is the most powerful wizard alive today. He has dived deeper then anyone in the Dark Arts. You will not be doing any good taking him head on."
"So what do we do Albus?" Lily asked.
'Are you guys familiar with the Fidelius Char?"
'Yeah im familiar with it Dumbledore but Im not going to hide." James said obviously having to much pride to hide. Dumbledore sighed
"James your not hiding your just protecting your family, your location is kept secret. Only one person would be able to give your secret away and that is the secret keeper. Voldemort could look in every home even have his pressed against your window and never find you."
"I think we should do ti James." Lliy said.
"Ok fine ill do it." James said melting under the look he got from his wife pleading with him to do it.
"Excellent I would be more then happy to be your secret keeper-" he was cut off before he could finish.
"That's ok Dumbledore but Sirius would be our secret keeper there is no way he betray us." Dumbledore sighed for the second time.
"James I don't think that's a good idea. I am fairly confidant that we have a spy amongst our midst. I think it would be unwise to trust anybody else with this."
"Are you trying to say that Sirius is a traitor? Sirius would never betray me like that ever none of my friends will." James said getting angry.
"James im not saying Sirius is a traitor what im saying is you need to use caution. Use your better judgement you and your child are two important to lose."
"I understand albus but im willing to take the risk." with that Lily and James left his office. Leaving Dumbledore to ponder the future of this young couple and their unborn child.
Lily and James where home at Potter Manor. Lily was really upset what Dumbledore told them.
James was looking at his wife thinking why their baby what power is he going to have that makes him the one. He knew he was powerful for a wizard and he knew Lily was powerful for a witch but did that mean that their baby had to be the one from the prophecy.
"Jamie honey what you thinking about?"
"Just trying to figure out why our baby?"
"I don't know James but im worried if it is true do you know the danger he will be in?"
"I did not want my child growing up in war like I did. All my life this war has been going on. Even at Hogwarts the war was there. When Voldemort decided to try and take Hogwarts I think my innocence went that day."
"Yeah mine to I remember that day or rather that week. I lost a lot of friends." Lily said sadly.
"Yeah and that's what is in store for our baby. Except it is worse because Voldemort will never stop hunting him. I join the Aurors because I wanted to make the world safer for my family. Im also part of the Order just like you so is mostly everyone I know. Despite what Albus says we are not winning this war. Voldemort is picking us off one by one. The ministry is completely unorganized. Plus what's worse is we never know Voldemort's next move. His attacks are completely random. His Death Eaters are just as bad as Voldemort himself. It took me, Alastor, Sirius, Remus and three other Aurors to capture Ater Angelus. He killed the other three Aurors put Remus in the hospital blasted a chunk of Mad Eye's nose and me and Sirius where magically exhausted."
"I know what you mean being a healer I see the results of the Death Eater attacks daily. It makes me sick knowing what they do to people. Im worried James this war is getting worse and worse and doesn't seem to have no end in sight and now our baby is going to be the only hope we have. It's not fair." Lily was sobbing now.
"Shh Lils don't worry will get through this together. I wont let that bastard take you or our baby from me." they spent the rest of the night comforting each other like any couple would.
The next day James, Lily, Sirius, Remus and Peter where at Potter Manor.
"I cant explain the reason why but Voldemort is coming after us. We need to protect ourselves so were going under the Fidelius Charm. Padfoot can you be our secret keeper?'
"Prongs I would be honored but I have a better idea . What if we use Peter as your secrete keeper. He would be the perfect decoy. No one will ever suspect him no offense wormtail . Voldemort would come after me and Moony and it be a waste of time."
"Sirius has a point James it's the better move." Remus said.
"What do you say Peter would you do it?' James asked?
"well I don't know that's a huge responsibility..." Peter trailed off.
"Please? We need you Peter." Lily begged.
"Oh okay ill do it." Peter said
"Oh thank you Peter you're a good friend." Lily said running over and hugging him. He pretended to blush for the sack of appearances but inside he was pleased. He could not wait to tell his master that he had been named the Potter's secret keeper.
The days passed in a blur after that. The next day with Dumbledore's reluctance they did the Fidelius charm on Peter in Godrics Hollow. It wasn't long after that when Lily had to go to the hospital because she was giving birth. After three hours and lots of swearing by Lily, Harry Potter was born. He quickly captured the heart of not only his parents but the rest of the Marauders as well especially his Godfather Sirius. Sirius would transform into a dog and Harry would cuddle with him like he was a large teddy bear. Even though Sirius complained about you could tell that he loved it. On Harry's first birthday his dad got him a toy snitch. Sirius got him a mini broom much to Lily's dismay. They had to pack away all their valuables. So they wouldn't get broken. James just laughed it off saying he is going to be a great Quidditch player. October thirty first arrived Harry was fifteen months old and Sirius and Remus were over at the Potters.
'So Padfoot where is peter I havant seen him lately"
"I don't know he said his mom has been sick so im guessing he has been with her. He has been acting a little strange though." Sirius answered.
" He is worrying about his mom and im guessing he is still upset over what happened to the Prewett brothers. I still cant believe it." Lily said.
"Yeah that hit the entire Order hard. They died like heros though. It took five Death eaters to take them down." Remus said.
"Poor Molly was beside herself. Arthur was taking care of her though she will get through this she is strong that one." James said. Just then Harry came racing in the room on his mini broom chasing the cat everybody laughed and Lily scooped him up in her arms.
"Bloody hell Prongs what are you feeding the little bugger he is getting so big." Sirius asked.
"Sirius how many times do I have to tell you watch your Language in front of Harry I wont tell you again next time ill hex you." Lily said sternly. Sirius looked at her in horror lily's hexes were legendary and tended to be quite uncomfortable
"Sorry Lily I slipped didn't mean anything by it must of slipped up." Sirius said.
"Hmm I bet."
"Ma, Sirri." Harry babbled.
'You want to go to your Godfather huh.? You don't like your mommy anymore" Lily said while tickling Harry making him go into a fit of laughter. Harry babbled something but no one understood it.
"Okay stop torturing my son." James said taking him from Lily.
"Da juice I wanna juice." James went to get him a juice but Lily said
"James no he already had one and besides he has to go down for a nap now."
"Aww Lils come on look at that face cant he have a juice?" James said while showing Harry's pleading face to Lily.
"I said no James. Now have him say goodbye to Sirius and Remus and give him to me so I could put him down for his nap."
'We should get going anyways." Remus said he gave Harry a kiss on his cheek.
"Remush." Harry said with his arms out. Remus took him into his arms so Harry could hug him. Sirius came over to give Harry a kiss on the cheek and ruffle his tuft of black hair which Lliy said was going to be just like James.
"Sirri." Harry called out.
"Aww come give your Godfather a hug.' Sirius said while taking Harry in his arms.
'Your getting to be a big boy soon im gonna have to start teaching you about shagging girls and pulling pranks."
"SIRIUS, you will do no such thing. I don't want Harry to turn out like you." Lily said slightly annoyed.
"Aww Lily you wound me im not that bad." Sirius said.
"Uhuh give me my son" Lily took her son and carried him upstairs. James said good bye to his two best friends and went upstairs. Lily came down and said goodbye to Sirius and Remus when she went upstairs she saw Harry in his crib drinking a juice.
"James, I thought I said no more juice."
"I couldn't help it Lils he was just sitting there so cute like. How could I tell him no."
"You spoil him James."
'Yeah I know but I like spoiling my son."
Lily smiled and they went downstairs and let Harry drink his juice and fall asleep.
Meanwhile far away in a secret location Peter Pettigrew was kneeling in front of his master Lord Voldemort.
"It is time Wormtail. Tonight I shall murder the Potters. So where is their location?"
"The Potters live at 134 Godrics Hollow my lord."
"You have done well Wormtail I shall not forget this."
"Thank you my lord."
Later on that evening Harry was up and playing on the floor with his toy Snitch James was reading the Daily Prophet on the Couch and Lily was making dinner.
They did not see a cloaked figure approach their house. Voldemort smiled as he looked into the house and saw the Potters with their guard down. They had to much trust in their friends. Trust that was misplaced. They actually thought they could escape Lord voldemort's wrath. At this Voldemort laughed. Him the greatest wizard in the world could not be stopped if he wanted something he got it end of story. He pulled out his wand and blasted the gate open.
Inside the potter house they herd the crash of the Gate exploding and James look out the window.
"Lily it's him he's found us get Harry and go i'll hold him off."
"No James I wont leave you."
"Ugh Lily there is no time please get out of here." But just as James said that the door was blasted open and Voldemort stood in the doorway.
"Now now that is no way to treat a guest you need a lessons in manners Potter. CRUCIO!"
The spell hit James and he cried out in agony. When the curse was lifted he pushed himself up and fired a severing curse at Voldemort's head which he defected and fired two more Crucios in rapid succession James dodged both and sent two blasting curses. Lily came in the room and started firing powerful cutting spells. Voldemort blocked them and hit James with a blasting curse knocking him off his feet and then he hit Lily with a Cruciatus curse making her scream in agony which caused Harry to start crying. While Voldemort was torturing lily James got up and tackled Voldemort to the floor Lily while panting slowly got to her feet. Voldemort and James were wrestling on the floor James was resorting to muggle violence. He punched Voldemort in the face. Lily was trying to fire a spell but she couldn't in fear of hitting James. Voldemort let out a burst of magical power and sent both James and Lily flying.
"ENOUGH I GROW TIRED OF THIS." Voldemort screamed. Pick up his wand he quickly used a spell that had James and Lily strapped to the wall with their wands on the floor they where helpless.
"Now you two will watch as I kill your son. Then ill finish the two of you off."
"No my baby, please take us leave our baby alone please."Lily begged.
"SILENCE." Voldemort scream placing both James and Lily in a silencer. They could do nothing as Voldemort walked over to Harry they willed their love for Harry to save him but knew use.
Voldemort look at the child. The child that was supposed to be his downfall. He wanted to watch the child die he was going to take a lot of pleasure in killing this child. The child was still crying making him remember his days at the orphanage. He hated the orphanage. He raised his wand and pointed at the child.
"AVADA KEDAVRA!" there was a jet of green light heading towards Harry.
Lily and James looked away unable to bear seeing harry killed. However they heard a scream and saw a flash of light then the sound of somebody apparating and felt the spells lifted. They quickly ran to Harry's crib to find him crying with a lighting bolt shape cut bleeding on his forehead.
"JAMES HE IS ALIVE." Lliy screamed hysterical.
"What how could that be? Where is Voldemort what happened here?"
"I don't know." Lily said while grabbing Harry in her arms.
'Lily we have to get out of here the house is about to collapse." James pulled Lily and Harry out of the house before it collapsed.
Just then they heard two cracks which was the sound of two people Apparating. James spun around wand in hand ready to curse the two intruders but saw that it was Sirius and Remus carrying a stunned Peter. They did not see James and lily carrying Harry. They only saw the ruins of what used to be the potter's house.
"Oh know Remus where to late...Dammit if we where only here sooner." Sirius said sobbing while he started to kick Peter.
"Im going to kill you Peter you piece of shit I don't care about the consequences."
"Sirius calm down you going to jail wont help anybody." Remus was trying to remain calm but it was obvious that he was very upset.
"SIRIUS, REMUS" James called.
"PRONGS YOUR ALIVE." ?Sirius said as he hugged his best friends. Sirius noticing Harry's cut asked
"What happened to you three?"
"Where not to sure our selves. Why is Peter stunned?" James asked.
"Peter apparently has been working for Voldemort and sold you out to him. We caught him trying to escape. After that he confessed to everything which is why were here we thought you where in danger." Remus answered.
"We were. Voldemort arrived we were dueling he went to kill Harry and then we don't know what happened it's all so confusing."Lily answered. Remus went to go take Harry from her because it looked like she was struggling to stand up herself. Lily Backed up and wouldn't let him near noticing his semi hurt expression she said
"Im sorry I almost lost Harry its nothing personal but im not letting him go again to I find out what happened."
"That's understandable.' Remus said. Just then there was a third crack and Albus Dumbledore arrived.
"James, Lily you guys ok? What happened here?"
"Where not sure." James said.
"I think we should have this discussion in my office." With Dumbledore made a portkey and transferred everyone to his office.
Inside Dumbledore's office James and Lily retold what happened.
"...So we were released from his spells we went over to Harry and he was left with a lighting bolt shape cut that was bleeding."
"Wait what happened to Voldemort?" Sirius asked.
" From what I heard he was hit with his own rebounding curse "
"So he is dead then?" Dumbledore remembered the warning he received and knew the answer.
"Alas no, Voldemort has dived deeper into the Dark Arts then anyone ever has. He is still alive but the killing curse robed him of his body and most of his powers. For now he is no longer a threat. He will rise again I know this for a fact. It may not be today it may not be tomorrow it may not be for fourteen years from now but he will rise again."
"How did the curse backfire?" James asked.
"That is a mystery that I can not solve. If I had to guess I would say that your love was so strong that it provided a shield between Harry and Voldemort. However I can not be certain it could have been something else entirely." everyone was pondering what Dumbledore just said when Sirius spoke out
"What are we going to do with this stupid rat?" Sirius said this while kicking the stunned Peter.
"Can we prove that Peter willingly was a spy and not under the Imperious curse?"dumbledore asked. James looked at Peter with complete disgust. He couldn't believe that his friend who he trusted would betray him.
"We can give him Veritaserum." Lily said.
"I have a bottle on me awake him so we can deliver it." Dumbledore said.
When Peter was brought back he took one look around the room and started to sweat . He went to transform but found that he couldn't. Sirius slugged him in the face and forced his mouth open pouring some liquid in his mouth. Petr felt an odd sense of calm.
'Peter did you betray James and Lily to Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked.
"Yes I did." Peter answered. James, Sirius and Remus looked murderous Lily looked shocked.
"Why you little fucking rat im going to..." Sirius did not get to finish because Dumbledore cleared his throat and gave him a look that clearly meant back off.
"Why did you betray Them Peter?" Dumbledore asked.
"Because my master would reward me better then the Order did. He will make me one of his most prized Death Eaters." Peter answered.
"Why did you join Voldemort?" Dumbledore asked.
"Because there was more to gain joining him then fighting him." Peter answered again. James pulled out his wand and stunned Peter for the second time.
"James why did you do that?" Dumbledore asked.
"Because I don't wont to hear no more what he has to say. We have enough to send him to Azkban I hope he rots in there. No offense dumbledore but me and my wife and Harry have been through a lot I would like to take my family home to Potter Manor." James answered.
"Yes that is true and of course James you guys may go but please get checked out by Madam Pomfrey to make sure you two are not suffering from any lasting affects from the Cruciatus."
After getting checked out and cleared with a clean bill of health everyone went to leave but Sirius held James back.
"Prongs I just want to say im so sorry."
"What for Padfoot?"
"It was my idea to use Peter and he almost got you killed."
"Enough Padfoot it was Peter who betrayed us not you. How were we supposed to know? I don't want to hear you blame yourself because I don't you understand"
"Yeah I understand oh and Prongs?"
"Im glad your ok."
"Me to Padfoot me to."