Beelzemon soon set foot on spongey ground. Cradles were all over the place, as was the presense of a powerful digmon. His heart beat within his chest as the presence grew rapidly close.

"Beelz?" an all too familiar voice asked. Beelzemon turned to face Kirin.

"Kirin! God dammit! I'm sorry! I 'm sorry for not catching you! Just please Kirin, come home!"

Kirin stared up at her lover, smiling.

"Beelzemon, you idiot, you just caught me. Don't you get the game?"


"Yeah. You don't think I'd get pissed off at you for not catching me when I jumped off the bed, did you?" her face saddened, noticing the remnants of tears in his eyes. She wrapped her arms around him. "I'm sorry Beelzemon. I never should have done that. I'm just so tired of sticking around the fucking masion all the time with you and Gomamon. Not that I don't love you and Gomamon, it just gets boring with three people." She buried her face in the digimon's chest. "Don't hate me Beelzemon."

Beelzemon pulled the wedding band from his pocket, and clenched it in his fist. He broke away from the hug and took Kirin's hand, sliding the ring back onto her finger.

"You lost dat." he said, softly. Kirin's eyes widened.

"I've been looking for that everywhere! I've been retracing my steps and couldn't find it at all! Where was it?"

Beelzemon smiled weakly.

"Right outside da forest. I tought ya left me Kirin, I thought I fucked up that bad."

Kirin shook her head.

"I could never do that to you, no matter how badly you mess up."

Beelzemon leaned in and kissed his wife.

"But wait," Beelzemon said, breaking the kiss. "Who was the guy Digitamamon saw you with?"

"Leomon. He saw me searching for my ring, and offered to help."

Beelzemon looked taken aback.

"Dat ain't possible, I killed Leomon!" Beelzemon exclaimed.

"What? Why? He's so nice and wise."

Beelzemon put an arm around Kirin's shoulder, and they started back.

"It's a long story, but I'll tell you on the walk."

Kirin smiled laying her head on Beelzemon's side.