Bellatrix smiled into the mirror and brushed out her hair while humming. Humming? Bellatrix had never hummed before, and Narcissa and Andromeda were both shocked. Narcissa looked confused at her sister, but Andromeda nodded happily.

"Bellatrix, are you okay?" Narcissa asked as she sit down beside of her sister.

Andromeda laughed and said, "Are you crazy? She's in love!" Andromeda looked in the mirror at her sister, and Bellatrix looked confused back.

"How did YOU know?" Bellatrix questioned slightly annoyed.

Laughing, the girl with brown hair said, "It's obvious. Humming into a mirror while making yourself look prettier? Love. So who is it?"

Bellatrix blushed and said, Rodolphus Lestrange."

"RODDY?" Narcissa exclaimed with a giggle. "You need a make-over, dear Bella. You just do," said the blonde as she yanked Bellatrix's hairbrush away from her.

Nodding, Andromeda and Narcissa grabbed their makeup. "Here, what color suits her?"

"Purple," Narcissa answered as she brushed out the tangled mess Bellatrix called hair. As Andromeda applied purple lipstick, Bellatrix tried to cringe away from it. The idea of makeup made Bellatrix cringe, but it was getting forced on her face.

Andromeda applied eyeliner and eyeshadow on her sister. Bellatrix coughed as powder was also applied to her face.

"Bellatrix, you look beautiful," Narcissa said after getting her hair down. "Now, however, you must wear one of your nice dresses." Narcissa picked up a purple one and said, "THIS! THIS IS WHAT YOU NEED!"

"No, it's not," Bellatrix stated as she crossed her arms. "Rodolphus likes me the way I am."

"Please!" Andromeda said. "Dress to impress for success," the girl stated as she threw the dress at Bellatrix.

"You're gonna grin and beat it, I just know you will," Narcissa said.

"Bellatrix, you look beautiful," Andromeda and Narcissa said in unison.

Nodding, Narcissa added, "Now, go impress Roddy."

Bellatrix was gonna be popular.