I know what you're thinking, "She's deleted stuff again!"

I have the chapters (they're backed up this time -.-), I'm gonna make them better and edit them they're going to be slightly later on in the story. I've decided I want to play with this idea a little more before going to Central.

There will be your teenage drama, your OC's, and general annoying things. But I'm having fun with this...very much. And I warn that Hohenheim has the name of Van Elric now. I wanted the old 'everyone gets the husband/father's last name' thing and Hohenheim isn't a very good last name for Ed and Al. So it's Elric.

And there's your slight OOC-ness, as you see with all of my stories. You see, I'm a bit of a big fan of AU (couldn't you tell?) and as I've said before:

Different life= Different person.

I want Ed to have a NORMAL life and I want to play with this idea a little. Portray how I think he would be as a normal teenager that doesn't know who the hell he is. Like we all went through and/or still are going through.

It's edited by yours truly, Me. Probably not nearly as good as Kibs, but hey, I need to learn.

Ed's got short hair! And a newsy cap!

I had to make this note the first chapter because FFnet won't allow me to delete the first chapter and if I just replace the first chapter with the new one, none of you would've gotten notified, and I didn't think that'd be really fair 'cuz I've had quite a few people bugging for the next chapter.

So click next and enjoy! Nearly 10,000 words! Well...I know it's over 9,000.