(An: hey sorry for not updating I've just been really busy, this one's starting off where I left of.)

The flight lasted for several hours but when the plane landed I have never been happier in my life, and when I saw the skyscraper in the distance I knew this wasn't a knew beginning but just continuing where I left off, things had changed though as I was soon to find out.

I made my way to the institute, I walked through the gates, everything looked the same, except the grass looked like it hadn't been mowed in weeks, looks like Maryse and Robert weren't home, I guss I just have surprise them all at different times now.

I wonder if Max was home, I sure did love that kid.

I stood in front of the door, should I go in and supise them inside or should I knock and let them come to me.

I decided on the first It would be much more fun.

I slipped in, trying to make as little noise as possible. I left my suitcases on the side and got into the lift, I walked quietly to the kitchen where they were most likekly to be.

The kitchen door was slightly open , so I leaned forward and peaked into the room. Isabelle was in there and so was Alec, but their also was a redhead that I didn't recognize, she didn't look like a shodow hunter, she didn't have any tattoo's or scars, but she must have been or else she wouldn't be in the institute.

The person I longed to see the most wasn't there, where was Jace? He must have started going on hunt without Alec or Isabelle as backup.

I plucked my courage and walked into the room, they didn't notice that I was in the room, even better for me.

"I know, he's worse then when Bella left." Iabelle was telling the redhead and Alec.

"Whose Bella?" Asked the redhead. Here was my opening. I steped forward out of the shadows.

"That would be me!" Their head snapped to me, they just stared at me for a moment, then Alec and Isabelle sprang into action and were hugging me in a second.

"What are you doing here?" Isabelle screamed in my ear.

"What I couldn't just pop by and say hello?" I pointed a look at the redhead, Isabelle and Alec got the point I didn't want in front of someone I didn't know.

After a few minutes of hello's I decided to get the spotlight off myself and onto someone else.

"So aren't you guys going to introduce us? I asked looking at the girl.

"Oh, right, sorry, Bella this is Clary Frey, Clary this is Bella Swan." Isabelle inroduced us.

I walked forward and held my hand out and said.

"Hi, nice to meet to clary." She got up and shake my hand and said.

"Nice to meet you too."

I sat down, and looked at Isabelle and Alec, they hadn't changed much. Alec had grown a couple of inches and Isabelle was still as beautiful as ever.

"So what have I missed?"

we soent the next half hour catching up, I also got to know Clary a little better and found out she was Jace's little sister, and get this Valentine was Clary and Jace's father.

I was starting to feel hungry, so I asked the other's if they wanted something to eat.




Just as I was getting up to cook something Jace walked through the kitchen door!

(An: hope you guys like the story so far, sorry if there are any spelling mistakes i don't have a beta as of yet but I am working on it and again sorry for not writing for so long.

Please review)