A/N: This is just a little ficlet (a drabble, if you will) that I threw together while waiting for my physics final to start. It takes place during Hermione's sixth year. There is no real form or plot, but that may change in the future. Hope you like it!

Disclaimer: I do not own any part of the Harry Potter series or franchise. That is the property of the respective owners (Warner Bros, Scholastic, and JK Rowling). I am not making any money from this. Trust me, if I were, college would not be nearly as stressful.


Severus Snape never lost control. He was not sentimental or romantic, he did not pine or moon, and he most certainly did not gaze lovingly. At least, that is what he told himself as his dark eyes drank in her sleeping form. The faded bedclothes had tangled about her legs and waist, leaving her bare to him from the navel upward. Her chestnut brown tresses fanned out on the pillow as wild and unruly as he'd ever seen them, and her emotions flew across her face in the uninhibited manner of someone who has long been lost in the land of dreams.

"You are far too beautiful." He whispered. "What in Merlin's name are you doing here with me?"

"Well, Professor, I was sleeping. But now that I'm awake it would seem I am having a lovely lie-in with you." Her voice was just as soft as his when she answered, and her eyes remained closed even as her bow-shaped lips curved into a coy smile.

"What do you want with an old potions master?" He asked her. He could not bring himself to raise his voice above a whisper, for fear that if he spoke at a normal pitch, he would wake to find this was all a splendid dream. He knew should this be a fantasy, he would not be able to bear it (but he was, as ever, unromantic). "You can have any boy in this school, and I am nearly twice your age."

She opened her whiskey colored eyes and gazed directly into his obsidian colored orbs "I don't want a boy. A boy can't satisfy me the way you do. In any capacity." She threaded her slender fingers with his, bringing his hand to her lips briefly before continuing, "Don't feel guilty, Severus. I wanted this every bit as much as you did." She pressed her lips softly against his.

"How did we get here?" He asked no one in particular.

"Well, Professor, I believe it began with you assigning me a rather undeserved detention." She answered as she moved her body so she was flush against him.

"If memory serves, Miss Granger, that detention was completely warranted. Or were you not trying to steal a rather large amount of acromantula venom from my private stores?"

"Oh Professor, you assumed I was trying not to get caught." Hermione laughed. "I've been stealing from your private stores since first year. Last night I finally managed to knick the one thing I've really wanted from that closet since puberty."

"And what is that?" Snape asked.

"You, Professor." Despite her smile, there was a seriousness to her voice that told him what she said was true. "And the acromantula venom, of course."