Hello again! Sorry for the reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally long wait! It wasn't meant to take this long...

Chapter 3

That night Gwen didn't get that much sleep as every few hours the nurse on duty would come and check her blood pressure, and there were also a lot of different noises from things happening in the hospital. The next morning a nurse was with Gwen when she woke up. "Morning!" the nurse said, "How're you feeling?"

"Um...my face hurts and so does my leg but I'm kinda ok" Gwen replied.
"Ok, we'll get you some painkillers when you have your breakfast. Oh, what do you want for breakfast? I know that eating harder food might be difficult with those nasty cuts on your lips, so maybe, scrambled egg? My name's Freya by the way."
"Yeah, please" Gwen answered, attempting a smile for Freya.

A few minutes later Freya came back with Gwen's breakfast. "Could you sit at the table? That would be great"
"yeah, but, umm, it's kinda hard to move my leg, so..." Gwen replied, not wanting to say that she needed help to stand.
"Right, yeah, here" Freya said coming over to the bed and reaching out her arms to help Gwen out of bed and limp to the table.
It was a relief for Gwen when she got to the table and sat down; it had seemed like an age to get there even though it was only a few meters away.
10 minutes later Gwen had finished her breakfast and taken some medicine, which wasn't easy when it hurt to open her mouth. She looked around the ward, there was only one other girl there. "At least you're allowed out of bed" the girl said, pouting.
"Yeah, what did you do?" Gwen asked, noticing that the other girl had her leg strapped up, lifted off the bed.
"Oh, not much just fell down the stairs and broke my leg" she said, grinning "what about you?"
"Our car crashed" Gwen whispered, voice cracking at the reality of it all, "I don't know where Merlin is, I hope he's ok."
"Oh my god...I'm so sorry, I really hope he's ok," the girl said, her smile disappearing, being replaced by shock and sadness for Gwen.
"I forgot to ask, but, what's your name?" Gwen said, trying to get of the topic of her and Merlin's accident.
"Oh, its ok," she said, with a small smile, "I'm Mai, and you are?"
"Gwen. Mai is such a lovely name" Gwen replied, returning the smile.
"Thanks, and nice to meet you Gwen."