A/N: Hey! This is my first attempt at a multi chapter fic so it may work, or maybe not... and thank you to my beta, Sunni :)

Disclaimer: I don't own Merlin

Chapter one

Merlin and Gwen were returning to Camelot after being on holiday by the sea for a week. They were happy and carefree, and couldn't wait to see Arthur and Morgana again.
All of them were going to go but then Arthur and Morgana had some important exams at university the same week, so Merlin and Gwen went by themselves.
They had a lot of fun on the beach room eating ice creams and have a lot of laughs. But they were happy to be going home again.

A few hours after they had first set off it started raining. The rain got heavier and heavier so they called Arthur to tell him they were going to stop the motorways station till the rain stopped and they'll be back later than expected.
Just then they skidded across the road and another car appeared out of nowhere going in the opposite direction. "NO!" Merlin and Gwen screamed simultaneously.

Time seemed to slow down as the two cars came nearer and nearer each other. Then, SMASH! The other car slammed into Merlin and Gwen's, sending glass flying everywhere and making a massive dent in the side of the car, squashing Merlin at the same time. Other people on the road were shocked at the scene unravelling before their eyes. As the cars stopped moving the people in the other car sat gobsmacked, relatively unhurt.
Then people started to act. Some went to Merlin and Gwen's car, others towards the other car and someone called the ambulance.
When people managed to Gwen and Merlin out of their car, they were both unconscious. Gwen's pretty face was covered in cuts from the glass and Merlin didn't appear to have any external injuries, but no one knew about inside.

When Gwen woke up she had no idea where she was. Her whole body hurt. She tried to open her eyes then snapped them shut again. The light was too bright. Then suddenly she was being picked up and put onto what felt like a bed. Gwen managed to open her eyes and the light wasn't so bright anymore. She looked around and saw a paramedic looking down at her. "Just let me put this on your finger dear," the paramedic said, "and your friend is in another ambulance. You're going to be airlifted to the hospital." Gwen lay there trying to take it all in, she was in an ambulance, so was Merlin and she had to airlifted to hospital. How bad was she?

A/N: Sorry for the shortness, I'm not great at writing long chapters :( Reviews are welcome! :)