R Chapter 3

As they parted, Ianto stood up and walked towards the door. "You're the best thing that's happened to me since Lisa. My world would end without you." He left the office and went back to the kitchen.

Jack smiled, knowing just how much Ianto had loved Lisa. It saddened him that they had to shoot her, but it was for the best. She would never have been the girl Ianto first fell in love with.

Getting on with some paperwork, Jack thought about what Ianto had told him.

How could he have left him alone after the cannibals had tried to kill him? He was more interested in getting Gwen to hospital than he was getting the Tea Boy seen to. Yes, he'd given him a couple of days off work, but had never taken the time to go around and see if he was coping. Shame on you, Jack Harkness.

He wondered what it would have been like, had Ianto put his resignation in.

It really didn't bare thinking about. Jack would have been devastated. Though back then, he would never have admitted to it. Torchwood of today, would never be the same without his one liners. His dry humour. His obsessive behaviour about cleanliness and tidying up after the team. Jack smiled. How good he looked in a suit.

Ianto was straight. Jack was omni-sexual. He flirted openly, even with Ianto Jones. It was second nature to Jack. But lately, he flirted less. The reason, Ianto Jones.

Jack wasn't quite sure if he had loved Ianto from the night they met. Or from when they trapped Myfanwy at the warehouse. Or if it just grew from knowing him. He just knew he did.

Putting down his pen, Jack got up and walked to his door. Looking out, he watched his team below. Tosh was on her computer, as usual. Gwen and Owen were chatting and laughing about something. Ianto, he was in the kitchen making coffee.

Ianto had never been taken on any field trips after what happened at Brecon. It wasn't because he wasn't up to it. Tosh had told Jack how Ianto had distracted them, so that she could make her escape. He was a hero in her eyes. And Jack's. He stayed in the Hub, directing them and generally tidying up. A job for which Ianto never complained, ever. He revealed in perfection. Enjoyed working in the archives and tourist office. He was good with people. Knowledgeable. Intelligent. Sincere. Honest. Reliable. Beautiful.

Jack descended the stairs and went into the kitchen. "Thought I'd save you a walk," he told Ianto. "We're going out to lunch, remember? So no coffee for me or you."

Ianto frowned. "Right. I almost forgot."

"I didn't."

Ianto took the others their coffee and then followed Jack out through the cog door to the lift.

"Where would you like to eat?" asked Jack.

"No fussed," replied Ianto, shrugging.

"I'll choose then, shall I?"

Ianto smiled, then nodded.

"Okay. Either Pizza Express or Bellini's."

"I really don't mind."

They entered the lift and it took them to the floor where the tourist office was. Going through the secret door, Ianto checked to see if there was any mail and then unlocking the door, went out onto the boardwalk. As Jack followed him, he relocked the door and pocketed the key.

"Bellini's," said Ianto, smelling the garlic in the air.

"Good choice," answered Jack.

Once they had been escorted to a table, Jack cleared his throat.

"Do you ever wish you were out with us, catching aliens?"

Ianto raised an eyebrow. "Sometimes. When you get back and are all talkin' about it. I feel….left out."

"We don't mean to. Sorry."

"I know that. It's just….I'm the 'Tea Boy', as Owen likes to call me. I guess I always will be."

"Not to me you won't."

Ianto smiled. "You're different."

"Glad you think so."

The waiter came to take their order.

"Small lasagne, please," said Ianto.

"Make that two, please."

The waiter left.

"Did you ever think of leaving after Lisa? What with your suspension. I wasn't sure if you'd stay."

"Work was like a drug to me. I worked to forget the pain. The pain helped me get through work. It was an endless cycle. But I don't regret any of it." His hand touched Jack's across the table. "Never will."

"I'm sorry for all the wrong I've done to you."

"Don't be. I learned from it."

"You are so forgiving."

Ianto smiled.

The waiter arrived with their food.

"Does it still hurt, remembering?"

Ianto shook his head. "Not as much as it used to. I know Lisa is in a better place."

"Do you….still think about her?"

"Yes, but not as often." He looked directly at Jack. "I have other things to occupy my mind now.""I'm glad."

And so it was, that Jack and Ianto began the first few steps to their new relationship. Each remembering. Never forgetting. Building new bridges.