* Angel returns from his under water sea adventure and he is not happy with Connor.

Warning: Spanking of a teen in this story. If you don't like it don't read it. If you read it anyway don't complain. No one Is making you read it.

* Cussing too. Hey Angel is pissed and has every right to be.


Flashback: "daddy's coming home. And I think there going to be a spanking" Gunn said trying to scare Connor.

Connor looked anxiously around the room trying to figure out a way to escape. He struggled against the ropes that held him to the chair to no avail. Finally giving up and vowing to kill Gunn for this outrageous insult to his pride. Tying Him up would cost Gunn his life. Connor vowed.


"Sit you butt down now." Angel said glaring at his only Son. Connor had just gotten done attacking Fred with the tazer she used on him earlier. Seeing the look on Angels face convinced him that maybe sitting down was a good idea right now.

Gunn helped Fred up and made sure she was okay. But before Gunn could think of something to yell at Connor Angel spoke "I'd like to be alone with my son right now if you don't mind Gunn." Gunn nodded and headed out the door with Fred.

Angel shut the door and locked it behind them.

Then turned to look back at Connor.

"I understand wanting revenge Connor. I really do. But if you had stopped to listen to a damn word I had said you would have realized the truth. But instead of listening to me you trap me in a coffin and send me on an underwater vacation I don't remember signing up for. I've let you have your freedom by letting you run all over town by yourself. And you repay me by manipulating me and my friends. I wont tolerate it anymore Connor." Angel lectured.

"So what are you going to do about it?" Connor asked. As he just starred at his father as if he'd lost his mind. He had a feeling Angel was going to try to start controlling him. And that was not going to happen Connor vowed.

"First off I'm going to make a list of rules for you to follow. Second I'm going to go to sleep because frankly my vacation really wasn't that relaxing. Third your going to be punished when I wake up for dumping me into the ocean and manipulating my team who has done nothing but try to help you since you got back." Angel Stated feeling the effects of his weakness.

"and you'd best be here when I wake up. If I have to come find you. You are going to be the sorriest boy in the world I promise you that." Angel said then turned to leave the room so he could get his strength back by getting the sleep he needed.