The noise in the great hall died instantly as the doors swung open. Severus Snape, the newly appointed headmaster looked completely unfazed compared to Professor Mcgonagall who was hyperventilating. Half a dozen men with red arm bands on their left arms walked in-between the house tables. As the men passed the Ravenclaw table Luna Lovegood turned in her seat to get a better look at them. Her eyes went directly to the group's leaders and his eyes bored into hers.

Snape stood up as the men reached the staff table. The men with the red arm bands half bowed to him. "May I ask why you are here?"

"Mudbloods." Spat the group's leader. "We're here to round 'em up."

The Carrows whispered something to each other and giggled. Snape sneered at them and turned his attention back to the man in front of him. "Who are you?"

The leader pointed to himself "Scabior. And these are my men." He pointed to the men behind him. "Oh, and that's Greyback." A tall man at the back wearing death eater robes leered up at Snape.

Snape raised an eyebrow at the Carrow twins. "Snatchers?"

"Dark Lord doesn't want any filth in Hogwarts Snape." Alecto said, grinning.

"They won't be here long, they know how to sort the pure bloods from the filth." Amycus added. Both twins grinned happily.

Afternoon classes were canceled as the students lined up to be question by snatchers. Some of the first years were shaking nervously where they stood. The Slytherins sat relaxing on the staircase, completely at ease with the present situation.

"Longbottom, Neville. Lovegood, Luna. Lynn Trinity. Lofthouse, Xander." Professor Mcgonagall read from a scroll of parchment.

Luna headed into the hall first, followed by Neville The house tables had been pushed up against the walls and tables had been set up, snatchers sitting on one side, the students on the other. She was ushered by a teacher to the leader of the snatchers, Scabior. Luna sat down in front of him and stared directly into his eyes. They were an amazing shade of grey, sort of like her own, but they held no warmth.

"Name?" Scabior asked.

"Luna Lovegood."

He sighed "Blood status."

"Well, my dad is a wizard, and my mum was a witch, but I'm not sure about my great uncle Archibald…" Luna replied dreamily.

"I'll put you down as half-blood." Scabior lent back in his chair and stared at the ceiling.

"It's lovely isn't it?" Luna looked up at the ceiling, today it was reflecting a cloudless, blue sky. "Normally I'm outside on days like this, but you know." She shrugged.

Scabior stared at her. "Right. Um, house?"

"Ravenclaw" said Luna, still staring at the ceiling.

"Do you have any knowledge as to where Harry Potter, aka undesirable number one, is?"


Scabior looked down at the piece of paper in his hand. "Says here you were part of Dumbledore's army. Is that or is that not true?"


"Is Dumbledore's army still in existence?"

"Well." Luna thought carefully about her answer. "No.' She lied.

Scabior raised an eyebrow at her. 'You sure about that?" Luna nodded. "Your dad's the editor of The Quibbler, right."

"Yes, he said he's halfway done with his article on Gulping Plimpies." Luna twirled her wand between her fingers, emitting a few golden stars.

"Gulping what?" Scabior said, dumbfounded.

"Gulping Plimpies." Luna leaned in closer and whispered "They make delicious plimpy soup."

Scabior looked down at the parchment, then to her, then back to the parchment. "Er, alright, you can go."

Luna smiled at him, picked up her bag and skipped out of the hall.

"Bloody nuts, she is." Scabior said to one of his fellow snatchers.

Luna reached into her bag and pulled out a piece of raw meat. A baby Thestral sniffed at the meat before he ate it. The snatcher that had questioned Luna earlier slid silently up behind her.

"Can you see them too?" Luna asked him.

"Yeah." He replied.

Luna turned around. "Who have you seen die?" She asked him point blankly.

"Mudbloods." Scabior grunted.

"Oh." Luna looked down at the foal. "That's not a very nice word. Mudblood. Not many people like it."

"I could teach you a few words that aren't very nice." Scabior lit a cigarette.

Luna turned to face him. "A lot of people don't like snatchers. They think you're bad people. I don't think so. I think you're just doing what you can to get by."

Scabior found himself walking next to her. "You think so?" As he took a drag on his cigarette he noticed she wasn't wearing shoes. He decided it was better not to ask.

"Yes. Some people don't agree with what daddy does, but you don't see him giving up. He does what he loves: tell people the truth. It doesn't really matter what you do, in the end, we're all human."

"Insightful." Scabior took another drag on his cigarette. Luna nodded and smiled at him.

Well this is one short chapter. I promised myself I wouldn't write a Scabior/ whoever fanfic but I couldn't get the thought of Luna and Scabior out of my head. I love Luna, she just sees the best in people, which I guessed inspired this story.

So, should I continue writing (even though I have a bunch of other things to do, yet continually procrastinate?)