Letting Go

Mac and Alexis are having a hard time letting go, as they watch their five daughters grow up. Robin who is falling in love with a playboy, Sam trying to rebuild her life, Maxie torn between her dream job and love and Kristina, who is stirring up all kinds of trouble.


Alexis and Mac have been married for 19 years, having met when Alexis first moved to town with her five year old Sam and Mac's two daughters Robin 5 and Maxie 3.

Emily is alive and married to Nikolas.

Sam sat in the middle of the living room as she finished wrapping her Christmas gifts, Christmas was two weeks away and Sam wanted to get a jump on the craziness that came with any family holiday.

"Hey, sorry I'm late." Lulu called as she opened the door with three little children on her heels, "They talked me into ice-cream.

"Mommy, I want a lizard!" A little girl with brown wavy hair and blue eyes yelled as she ran onto her mom's lap.

"It was a chameleon." Spencer corrected as he sat next to Cameron.

"Same thing." Lila mumbled crossing her arms.

"I take it Tangled was a hit." Sam smiled as she lifted the girl off her lap and stood.

"Yup." Lulu smiled as she watched the three continue to argue.

"How are you and Dante doing?" Sam asked as she picked up the extra wrapping paper, "Lila Caroline Morgan, don't even think about it!" Sam yelled as she water the girl try to get a peak at her gifts.

"We are okay, he and Sonny are still butting heads. I thought when he left the PCPD things would get better but you know Sonny." Lulu replied as she headed toward the kitchen.

"They are more alike than they think." Sam smiled as she threw the paper out.

"It's the dimples." Lulu smiled.

"Defiantly." Sam laughed just as her phone rang.

"Hello?" Sam asked not recognizing the number.

"Sammy, it's Coleman. We have a little problem."

"What's wrong?"

"It's your sister, our new bartender didn't ask for idea."

"You served my underage sister!"

"Not me."

"I swear to God Colman, if something happens to her. You are going to pay." Sam spat as she slammed her phone shut.

"Lulu, would you mind staying here till Lucky gets here? We are supposed to got get Christmas trees tonight." Sam sighed as she grabbed her bag and walked into the living room.

"Yeah no problem." Lulu replied.

"So, what are your plans for Christmas?" Matt asked as he took a bite of his chili.

"Christmas Eve at Spoon Island and than Christmas at my parents." Maxie smiled, "You know you are coming to both right?" Maxie added taking a sip of her hot chocolate.

"I don't really want to intrude it's a family thing."

"Are you kidding me, Lulu, Lucky and Cameron are tagging along with Sam and Robin is bringing your brother." Maxie explained, "This is kind of a test for him, to see if he can handle our family."

"Your dad is pretty cool."

"To you, because you are not a coffee importer, who is connected to the mob or a playboy." Maxie laughed.

"So this dinner should be eventful."

"You have no idea, last year ended with the fire department coming because my Mom forgot about the ham. And for the first year my life isn't under attack."

"It's a Christmas Tree, Robin." Patrick complained as he pulled his coat tighter.

"Our first one as a couple. It has to be perfect."

"We have been here for an hour, can we please pick one and go home? I promise to make it worth your while." He smirked as he pulled her closer to him.

"Patrick, I am not kidding. Please lets look around one more time."

"You have to be kidding me."

"If you want anything from me ever again, you are going to shut up and help me pick out this tree." Robin replied as she pulled him down the aisle.

"You and Sam really are sisters." He mumbled shaking his head.

"Are you stupid?" Sam hissed as she entered the bar and marched toward her sister.

"Sam, would you claim down. You are making a scene."

"I'll give you a scene, do you know how lucky you are the Colman called me and not Mom."

"I was just trying to have a little fun, I have been stressing with finals."

"A little fun? I have no idea what has happened with you." Sam replied finally looking at the man that was next to her, "Who the hell are you?" Sam questioned.

"Kiefer." The boy replied as he looked Sam up and down.

"Well Kiefer, you must be dumber than you look. Bring an underage girl to bar, who just happens to be the daughter of the DA and Police Commissioner."

"Krissy and I were just trying to have a little fun and I really don't think you are one to be preaching to your sister, having a child so young and with a killer who than left you."

"Kristina, get outside now. A word of advice Kiefer don't threaten someone who has the power to make you disappear." Sam replied as she went to follower her sister, but a hand stopped her.

"You really don't want to make me angry."

"Cute, but don't be stupid." Sam said trying to pull her hand away but the taller boy just held on tighter.

"Sam, are you okay?" A voice called from the door.

"Yeah, Kiefer was just leaving." Sam replied seeing the scared look on the boy's face.

"We are not done." Kiefer replied as he let go of Sam's hand and push past her.

"Who was that?" Jason asked walking closer.

"Kristina's boyfriend, you is an ass." Sam replied, "He brought my sister here."

"I can talk to him if you want."

"I can handle it Jason, don't you have to go rescue St. Elizabeth." Sam snapped not wanting to start this fight again.

"Sam, please listen to me."

"What Jason, Are you going to justify why you slept with her and than lied about it to me? I really don't care anymore, you screwed up. You saw something and instead of asking me about it, you jumped to conclusions like always and slept with that whore." Sam replied as she headed toward the door.

"Sam, I should have listened to you and Carly."

"You think? She lied Jason and now our daughter is paying the consequence. Every time you have Lila, Liz shows up with some problem for you to fix."

"I though she was carrying my child."

"Right, but she isn't the only one. Not that it matters to you." Sam replied before knowing what she was saying.

"What do you mean?"

"I was talking about Lila." Sam said as she recovered, "Kristina is in the car, I have to go." Sam replied as she headed toward the door.