Disclaimer: Hetalia (c) Hidekaz Himaruya
Summary: A collection of unrelated (or are they?) drabbles of mostly DenNor, complete with bad pick-up lines (some of which, I don't even know how they are considered pick-up lines) and general cuteness, all courtesy of the cheesiest Danish of them all: Denmark!
"Hej, Norge, I think I have a heart problem," Denmark said as he slung an arm over his best friend's shoulders.
"Why do you say that, idiot?" Norway asked in response, not bothering to stop his reading in order to look up at the other.
"Because," Denmark grinned from ear to ear. "It starts beating like crazy whenever I'm around you."
Norway glanced up at the Dane and blood tinted his cheeks red from embarrassment. He punched Denmark in the arm with a soft grumble of "Annoying".