Andros was quickly regretting lending the Galaxy Rangers the Astro Megaship as the tiny ship he now found himself flying in ground to a halt. The engine had burnt out leaving himself, best friend Zhane and sister Karone stranded on the planet Gwynit.

The trio had exited the ship and Andros was taking a look at the engine. Zhane walked over to Karone and wrapped his arms around her waist as she stared into the distance. The planet's sandy landscape and mountainous regions interested Karone, while Zhane was just happy to have her back.

"It's out," Andros told the duo as they snapped back into reality and turned to face him. "The engine needs replacing, or we need something to give it enough of a boost to get us back to KO-35."

In truth, Karone hadn't really been listening. She had been watching curiously as two monsters stood guarding the door of a peculiar looking house. Sensing trouble, she broke free from Zhane and sneaked down the sloping mountain side before finding cover in a bed of tall grass. Zhane had been calling after her but she had silenced him with a finger to her lips. Now she listened intently as the door to the house flung open, and a robot of some sort appeared.

"Go back and tell Trakeena that the Quasar Sabre is on Onyx!" the robot announced triumphantly. The monster to the left of the door responded with a "Yes Sir" before leaving his position outside the house and heading off in the opposite direction to where Karone was crouched.

The robot then turned to the other monster, a crab like being with scaly red skin. "You and I will head to Karasa and set the trap for the rangers!" The two vanished, leaving Karone worried. She crawled back up to where the ship was and voiced her concerns.

"What was that all about?" Zhane asked when she returned to the ridge of the mountain where they had crashed.

"I don't know who those guys were but they're plotting against the Galaxy Rangers. We need to get to Onyx immediately!" she told them.

"That's all well and good but we've got no way off this planet while the engine's out." Andros reminded her. "Obviously I wanna help but without transportation there's no way we can." As soon as Andros spoke those words, the engine of the ship roared into life. Shocked by the sudden noise, Zhane checked things out.

"The engine is back to full power," he told them. "It's a miracle!"

The trio leapt into the ship and prepared for takeoff. Andros flicked several switches at the main console before sitting down in the pilot's chair. Zhane was sat in one of the few seats that lined the back of the ship while Karone was sat at the front with her face pressed against the window. She felt glad to finally do something good.

The ship flew off with more power than before; it no longer seemed old and rusted. The team were on Onyx in no time and Karone was first out in the search for the sabre. She raced towards one of the better known cities of Onyx; she was sure that news of the sabre's appearance on the planet would make the central city a hub of life.

Andros and Zhane were about to follow when strained voices called out to them. "Andros? Zhane? Is it really you?" The pair turned to see four familiar faces staring back at them, their bodies hidden by the boulder they were hidden behind. One in particular caught Andros' eye.

"Gia?" Andros was struggling to believe what he was seeing. "I don't believe it; you were gone forever."

"No Andros. Darkonda just deserted us in the deserts of Onyx in the hope that we would starve or dehydrate before anyone could help us. We were able to make our way to the city of Agama where we were taken in by locals."

"But Onyxians and Kerovans have never got on. Why would they take you in?" Zhane piped up as he stared at the only other female besides Gia. She had emerald green eyes and shoulder length black hair; just as Zhane had remembered.

"They did not believe in the feud and were willing to help us. Unfortunately, we could never afford to buy a ship to get out of here. The family couldn't put us up for much longer so we opted to stick to the outskirts of the town, between the deserts and the city. We have been hiding here ever since."

A mixture of emotions overcame Andros at the sight of his long-lost friends. Karone had stopped her mad dash into the city and had come back to comfort him.

"Andros, who are these people?" she asked. Her abduction at a young age had meant she had never known her own brother's friends.

"These are my partners and friends; the original Space Rangers," he told her as he steadied himself. Pointing to each one in turn, he announced their names and designations to his sister. "This is Gia; she was the Pink Ranger and also my girlfriend. This is Micah, the yellow ranger and..."

Zhane cut his friend off at this point before continuing himself. "And these are the Blue and Black Space Rangers Kareem and Cathan. Now that the introductions are over we really need to get these guys back to KO-35." Zhane noticed the look on Karone's face and realised why she was disappointed. He went over to talk to her but she stopped him.

"Don't worry. I'll get the Quasar Sabre and you can get the team back to KO-35. I'm sure they need you a lot more than I do at the moment." Karone told him. He nodded that he understood before the girl he had fell in love with ran away towards the city, and potentially ran out of his life.

Zhane watched as she ran into the distance before turning to see Andros shepherding the original Space team into the ship. He darted quickly past Andros as he hurried onto the ship before the Red Space Ranger closed the door and sat in the pilot's seat. Gia was sat as close to Andros as possible, seating herself in the place where Karone had sat beforehand. Cathan and Kareem were spread across the remaining chairs while Micah was resting at the back. Noticing her, Zhane opted for the chair opposite Gia instead of his normal position at the rear of the spacecraft as Andros once again flicked several switches to get the ship airborne.

Earth, 1999

Kim threw her bags to the floor and slumped on the bed. After many hours and much travelling, she was glad to finally be back in Angel Grove. She couldn't wait to see her friends, but was unsure how to find them; Angel Grove was a big place and it would be like trying to find a needle in a haystack searching for them.

Kim was expectedly tired and, not for the first time, opted for the easy option. She reached into the side pocket of her largest bag and withdrew and watch like object. It was her communicator from her ranger days, but it also doubled up as a teleportation device. Securing it tightly around her wrist, she spoke clearly into the communicator.

"The Power Chamber." She said clearly and suddenly her body was encased in powerful pink energy as she vanished away from the room.

The first Pink Ranger reappeared in the Power Chamber. The site that greeted her was not a pleasant one; the computers were smashed, the walls were cracking and the energy tube that had once been home to both Zordon and Dimitria was shattered beyond belief. It was very much trashed and sparks were flying from broken overhead wires as Kim stood shocked.

"" she breathed as she gazed at the place she always thought was safe, bewildered by its destruction.