




The ease at which Sarah and Labyrinth located the exit from the Void mitigated, somewhat, the entire nightmarish, psychological journey. Sarah expected their transition to last at least as long as their usual travel between realms so the shortened trip surprised her, especially since she directed their destination to the Goblin castle. The fact that they found themselves arriving face first through the maw upon the Camlann Council room floor irritated Sarah immensely, especially since they fell in an undignified, if intact, heap of tangled limbs and clothing.

"Bloody hell!" Jareth cursed, sharing her sentiments as they struggled to rise from the marble tiles, "I thought you said it would take longer."

"I thought it would!" Sarah snapped.

"Mom! Dad! You're okay!" Sarah and Jareth's heads spun simultaneously in the direction of Lizzie's equally ecstatic and relieved voice. Neither were able to regain their footing before the Goblin Princess momentarily reverted to a silly teenager and threw herself bodily atop their collapsed forms.

"Lizzie!" they cried in unison, their arms wrapping awkwardly around her and each other.

"You're supposed to be at the castle!" Sarah stated a bit exasperated beneath her joy.

"Oh, Mom, the Council tried to kidnap me, and Fena and her Gryphons helped defeat them, and then we flew here and declared truce with Randoly and we took over the last of the Council!"

"You what?" Jareth's brows arched over his widened eyes, "the last of the Council?"

Several someone's clearing their throats drew the reunited family's attention upwards, and Sarah and Jareth both started uncomfortably as they realized a large, ragtag band of familiar and unfamiliar faces circled their huddle. At this point Sarah also noticed an exhausted looking sorcerer at the edge of the group. Labyrinth whispered its supposition that his assistance at Camlann's end sped the opening of the Void and their subsequent embarrassing exit. Sarah looked to Lizzie who kept her composure and smiled.

"You guys will never believe what's happened the last week!" Both Jareth and Sarah quirked one eyebrow with droll expressions at Lizzie's tone; disbelief was understatement.






Several hours, a long bath, a large meal, and a short nap later, the Goblin King and Queen sat surrounded by their most trusted allies and a new one in their private quarters at Camlann. A freshly scrubbed and sated Lizzie snuggled with her mother on the reclining couch while Jareth paced nearby.

"To be clear," Jareth began, his arms crossed over his chest with one supporting his chin thoughtfully, "our Lizzie, with the help of Captain Scarvy, Alia, Lady Fena and her kin, single-handedly overthrew the current dictatorship of a Council?"

"Well, we had help from Councilman Randoly," Scarvy added.

"That's High Councilman Randoly, thank you," Randoly replied with a sarcastic smirk before he broke down in guffaws. His earlier compatriots joined him in laughter while Sarah and Jareth exchanged bemused glances.

"To be fair," Lady Fena said, "the overwhelming effects of the lasting Void maw assisted our efforts. The more vicious Council members willingly destroyed one another before our arrival, we merely...sped the final result."

"And don't forget Sarah's contribution," Alia said cheerfully. When the others gave her looks of silent questions she continued, "Tignach, she took care of him before...well, before."

"Of course, I had forgotten," Sarah quickly answered, remembering quite clearly the look on Tignach's face at his gruesome death by her. Randoly had earlier explained the manner of Tignach's death having witnessed it first hand, obvious fear and respect radiating in his eyes as he spoke of the Goblin Queen's rage.

'He deserved his end, Sarah.' Labyrinth said.

'I know, doesn't mean I want to remember it.' She met Jareth's concerned eyes, neither saying anything. After all that occurred they had no need to speak.

"It'll be okay, Mom," Lizzie hugged her mother tighter and Sarah held back sudden tears.

"Thank you, honey, I know. It'll just take time," she looked up meeting several pairs of caring eyes, "for all of us." She sniffed delicately, embarrassed to be so displayed then focused on Lizzie. "I'm so proud of you," she said, kissing Lizzie's forehead and her daughter's smile blazed.

"As am I, Lizzie," Jareth added, bowing his head respectfully. "I sincerely doubt any of us could've performed as well. You are truly a Princess."

"Huzzah!" Randoly unexpectedly shouted making everyone jump then laugh nervously.

"Guess we're still a bit jumpy," Scarvy said as he dropped an arm around Alia who shook herself free of her nerves.

Sarah redirected the conversation to more pleasant diversions. "Lizzie, tell me again about flying on the Lady Fena's back. Not even I have been afforded that privilege!" Fena chirped loudly as Lizzie sat up abruptly, eager to recount their night flying adventure. Alia enthusiastically joined the conversation while Scarvy groaned, his skin turning a pale green. Jareth happily watched his ladies from afar as they regained their emotional equilibrium. Every so often he snuck a sly glance to Randoly and wondered at the character of the man who apparently was so easily outsmarted by his near-daughter; unsure of the meaning of either course. Randoly would bare close observation for the present as they decided the fate of the prisoners awaiting them at their castle, and he would continue to watch this new High Councilman as he charted the course of the Underground's residents.




"You can't run forever, Sarah."

"Don't touch me!" she screamed yanking her arm free from his cold grip.

"I just want to help you," he said, cajoling.

"Stay away from me, Garcia!"

"Sarah, Sarah, don't be stubborn." He reached for her, forcing her back. Stepping away her foot landed on open space, and she lost her balance. Her arms flailed, pin wheeling as she fell backwards in the open elevator shaft.

"Aaaaarrrh!" she bolted upright into darkness, grasping at anything solid to break her fall.

"Sarah! Wake up!" Jareth shook her forcefully until a measure of sanity returned to her eyes.

"Jareth?" she said meekly.

"Yes, Precious, another nightmare, you're safe in our bed." With a strangled sob she collapsed into his embrace. Jareth conjured a light crystal setting on the bed while he rocked the love of his immortal life to calmness, slowly stroking her hair in time with his motions. After a time, her sobs quieted and she pulled away to look at him.

"Oh, gods, Jareth, what happened?" Numerous scratches and abrasions marked his pale face from forehead to chin, some still oozing fresh blood.

"Tis nothing," he replied, shushing her.

"But your face," Sarah reached up to caress his injuries then noticed her bloody nails, "I did this, oh, my love, I'm so sorry." She dropped her head in sorrow, tears welling up.

"Shhh, now, it's not your fault," he pulled her back to his chest, rocking again.

"How long will our nightmares haunt us?" she queried in a dull tone.

"As long as must be," he answered, "We've faced worse, we'll overcome this as well."

"I don't want to hurt you anymore."

"And you haven't, my love," he drew her face up by her chin, "these will heal like all wounds." He kissed her softly, "And we will both heal in mind and body together." He kissed her again, "Soon we will both rest without need of sleeping draughts and no dread imaginings will trouble us." Sarah smiled playfully.

"Whatever shall we do with all this extra time at night now that we can't sleep?" she asked with a sparkle in her eyes. Jareth smirked.

"Oh, I'm sure we'll figure something useful out," he replied, his lips descending for a far more passionate kiss which Sarah returned wholeheartedly.



MinkyT: LOL, now screaming and waking up family members! Haha, but I'm glad it freaked you out enough to nearly do that, awwwwwesome! Lizzie is/has come into her own through this trial. I'm sure some will ask why she regressed a bit in the epilogue, but it's only natural as she's still barely 16 and now her parents are back. But she'll never be the spoiled brat that she was. I'm so glad there was so much that pinged in chap 25!

Shenlong Girl: Yes, thank goodness, ding dong the witch is dead...oh wait wrong story. Anyhow, the Council as it was is destroyed, mostly, I guess. If I ever were to continue this I don't know what I'd do about that...hmm...

Autumn O'Shea Swan: Jareth and Sarah both = major emotional therapy = major lovin! Totally glad to be wrapping this up, loved writing it but man, it was long, even longer than I thought. I know the epilogue is a short and maybe a bit thin SORRY...but I just COULD NOT think of any other way to wrap this up without forcing it. And, as ya'll probably know by now, I hate writing filler scenes. There are a few loose strings...Captain Randor is still in prison...maybe he and his men will rot there maybe not. That's for Randoly and the Goblin Kingdom to decide. (Short story anyone?) But in all I just didn't feel like they were pressing enough to write dross about at this point. It'll keep for now.

Little Margarita: Yes, I feel that is absolutely true. The people we love the most, who are closest to us are the one most capable of hurting us the worse - emotionally at least, as well as financially, etc. Yes, others can hurt us physically but we can choose to let them in or not emotionally to some degree. Our loved ones have a free pass- it's call trust. Which is why betrayal from a loved one is so much worse.

So...here we are, finally! Sorry that the epilogue isn't longer or deeper but I just couldn't think of a better way to write it without forcing it. This came out naturally and no matter how I thought/rewrote it this was the final product. Yes, it leaves it open for a sequel...maybe I will...maybe I won't. As G. Bush Sr. would say: "Not prudent at this juncture." However...I do have and idea for a short story telling about how Sarah befriended Lady Fena called "To Save a Gryphon" - would love opinions on if I should write it or not. I do love these characters and would like to visit them again in the future so never say never, right?

I want to thank everybody anon. and named who has be a loyal reader and especially my loyal reviewers! Whoot whoot! I would write for the love of it but hell, cookies always motivate me! This week I had a reader message me to say that she would pay to read my work if I ever went original...OMG! Major blushing! Who knows, I do have an original idea cooking in my head...

I also wanted to let everyone know that I've recently (read today, lol) started another blog since I ditched my old ones awhile back (blecch) dedicated to fiction/writing musing, advice, fic posting, x-rated scene posting, etc. It's called Jinx'ed Fiction and the link is on my profile if anyone has any random interest. If you already have lives, (good for you) if not (take Shatner's advice from SNL and get one) either way stop by and pay me a visit because sometimes I have a life and sometimes I don't. LOL!

You know!

They make me *Happy*
