Disclaimer: Seeing as they aren't the same age, one went to college in Texas and I can't find any evidence that the other went to college at all… I'm going to go out on a limb and say this isn't true.

Warnings: Awkwardness in a sex shop, discussion of kink and sex toys, adorable young men kissing, use of vibrator, swearing, AU

Author's Note: Their feelings of awkwardness mirror everyone's awkwardness upon first going into a sex shop. I remember how embarrassed I felt the first time a sex shop employee asked if I needed help and explained high end vibrators and plugs to me (the brand was Lelo, whose products are really nice looking and apparently really good, but fucking expensive). So yeah. This chapter is dedicated to all the people who, like me, got over the awkwardness and now want to work in a sex shop.


Freshman Year

Chapter 17: Sex Shop, and Testing, Part I

Sean opens the door for Norman and gives his boyfriend a gentle shove to get him in, following him in before letting the door shut behind them. It's a rather big store, with two floors. "Gay stuff is on the second floor," he whispers to Norman, taking the dark-haired boy's hand and practically dragging him to the stairs.

It isn't that Norman is resisting and wants to leave, he just feels so awkward, surrounded by… things! There are mannequins with corsets and slutty underwear, gigantic dildos modeled to look like real penises (albeit impossibly large ones), other dildos in odd shapes that he can't imagine sticking in private places, boxes full of things like edible underwear, and things he's never heard of, like masturbation sleeves.

Blushing crimson, he lets Sean drag him up the stairs. He thinks he may be more comfortable up there, with gay things, since he's with his boyfriend, but he isn't. He's even more awkward. At least downstairs he knew he wouldn't use any of that stuff, but here? He knows they'll be buying a thing or two, and that he'll be putting one of these dildos in his body. "W-what should we look at first?" he asks Sean quietly, stumbling over his words in embarrassment.

"Should we look at dildos first, since we know we want at least one?" Sean suggests. "Then we'll move on to browsing other things." He gives Norman an encouraging smile when the dark-haired boy nods mutely, bringing him over to a shelf displaying a range of dildos. "Do you want one that's realistic or just a basic cylinder? About as big as me? Bigger? Smaller?"

Norman shrugs. "Uh, I'm not sure. I guess about as big as you," he whispers. "Nothing too realistic, I guess, because the flesh-colored ones with veiny textures freak me out, but the ones with a good dick-shape that have a little head on them look best, I suppose."

Sean picks up a box in each hand. "This one is cyberskin, and feels like real skin," he explains, showing Norman the one in his left hand first. "They're supposed to feel pretty lifelike. And it's purple, not fleshy. It's a little smaller than me," he adds, looking at the box a little proudly. "It's seven inches, I'm between eight and nine. For a base, it has some fake balls. They aren't really for anything except to have a big enough base. If you don't have a base… well, you can sort of lose stuff up there which would be very, very bad."

He holds up the other box. "This one is more basic silicone. It doesn't feel as much like real skin, and it doesn't have the cozy squishy exterior. It's red, seven inches, has a base that's like a suction cup on the bottom so you can stick it to the wall or floor and ride it. Both of them have a cock head, but neither of them have the veiny bits you don't want. So… which do you want to start with?"

Norman chews his lip. "I guess the red one. I like the idea I can use my hand to move it or I can stick it to the floor," he says, face burning with that admittance.

"Wonderful," Sean says, giving Norman a tiny kiss to reward him for being brave enough to pick out a dildo. He grabs a shopping basket from a stack of them next to the shelf, putting the box in it and looking around. "Now, do you want to browse, or should we get you a starter vibrator?"

"I, uh, I thought we were going to try out your vibrator first, before we buy one for me," Norman whispers. "I think I'd prefer to do that, so we will know if I like it before spending money on one."

Sean nods. "Good point. I am sure you'll like the dildo, since you like anal. I know it's for when you're alone, but I think we should try it together before we go back to school, so you, uh, know how to use it," he says, ending lamely when he can't think of a good excuse. He doesn't want to tell Norman that he just wants to see it so he can imagine the other boy masturbating when they're apart.

That seems a little odd to Norman-he's pretty sure he'll intuitively know how to get himself off with a dildo-but he smiles and agrees, because Sean really seems to want to try it together. "So, um, browsing," he says, glancing around at the little signs above various tables and shelves. "Should we go to anal toys, vibrators, orgasm denial, medical play, or sensation play?" he asks, listing off the signs he sees on one side of the room.

"Let's check out anal and then sensation," Sean suggests, starting toward the shelf of anal toys. He knows that orgasm denial and medical play are way too much for Norman right now; they need to start slowly.

Norman follows his boyfriend obediently, looking at the array of anal toys. He isn't sure how to use any of them, and he has no idea which would be good. He looks to Sean for help.

"This is a butt plug," Sean explains, holding up what looks to Norman to be a small dildo. "It's kind of like a dildo, but it's designed to just sort of… stay in there. Like, if we used one, I could put it in you and then give you a blowjob without having to hold it or thrust it. It feels good from moving in you when you shift. It can also be used to keep you open between rounds or something."

He puts that down and picks up a string of plastic beads, starting small on one end and getting to be pretty big on the other. "These are anal beads. You can put as many in as you want, and they shift around in you either when you move a bit or when you jostle them using the end that isn't inside you." He puts the string of beads down and looks around at the other anal toys on the shelf. "To be honest, I don't know how many of the others here you would want to try," Sean says, looking at the distenders and enemas. "Hell, some of these, I would never, ever want to try," he adds, gaze lingering on an enema.

Looking with wide eyes, Norman points to the beads. "Those, uh… those might be fun?" he says in a small voice, smiling shyly when Sean puts them in the basket wordlessly.

"So, you want to look at sensation play stuff?" Norman says, leading the way over to the sensation play shelf, feeling a little more confident now that he has picked out two different things. "What's this for?" he asks, holding up a strip of black cloth. It is soft and silky between his fingers, and he sort of likes it.

"It's a blindfold," Sean explains with a smile. "They're common in sensation play because it means that you feel everything without seeing. Touches are more intense and surprising. Want it?"

Norman nods, then picks up a feather. "And this…?"

"For a different sensation when you drag it across skin."

"Flavored body paint?"

"Rip off," Sean replies, smiling. "If you want to try eating stuff off each other, we can buy chocolate or butterscotch sauce, whipped cream, fruit jam… basically anything at the grocery store and use that."

Norman looks at Sean excitedly. "Can we go to the grocery store after this?" he asks hopefully.

Sean is happy Norman is getting so excited about this, and leans over to kiss him. "Of course, baby," he says, nuzzling his neck for a moment before looking back at all the sensation play. "There are scented oils that can be used instead of lube, but strong smells give you headaches," he says, moving on to other things.

Norman stops, smile dropping as he gets confused. "Sean?" he asks quietly. "Why… this section is for gay men. So, uh, why is there lacy, girly underwear?" he asks, pointing shyly.

"Some guys like the way it feels," Sean says, shrugging. "Do you want anything here other than the blindfold?"

Norman shakes his head. "Let's get this and then go to the grocery store," he says, dragging Sean toward the stairs to go down to the cash register and pay. "And, uh, how fast will we be able to get home from the grocery store?"

Sean laughs. "It'll take maybe ten minutes from the grocery store home, babe."

Norman's face falls. "Can we pull over and get in a field before then?"

Raising an eyebrow, Sean smiles widely. "Well, well, aren't you the horny one today?" he whispers as he puts their items on the counter to be rung up. "There are no fields between my house and the grocery. But we can run right up to bed when we get back."

Sighing, Norman grudgingly gives his boyfriend a grin. "I guess," he says. "I may feel a need to play with myself a bit while you drive, though."

Sean kisses Norman's ear before getting out his wallet and paying. He smiles as they go to the car and head off to the store. "So," he asks, once they are out of the parking lot. "What are you thinking? Jam? Whipped cream? Chocolate sauce?"

Norman grins. "I liked the sound of butterscotch sauce and maybe… maybe some raspberry jam?"

Smiling and nodding, Sean turns onto another road, just about a minute from the grocery store. "That sounds good," he says, trying not to think about the things they will do with those items. He doesn't need an erection in the middle of a crowded grocery store.

A couple minutes later, they are in the grocery store, shopping basket in hand, looking for the preservatives aisle. Norman tries not to giggle giddily when they find some raspberry jam, giving Sean a secretive smile as he drops it in the basket. They then wander over to the sweets aisle, finding a squeeze bottle of butterscotch sauce and adding that to their selection. After a whispered discussion, they decide not to get anything else, and head for the checkout.

Once back in the car, Sean pulls out of the parking lot and onto the street as quickly as he safely and legally can, dying to get home. He keeps sneaking glances at Norman, unable to stop grinning. "So, what do you want to try first?" he asks, turning at a stoplight.

Norman blushes, embarrassed once more, as they are drawing closer to trying things out. "I guess… maybe the vibrator?" he says, unsure. "But really, whatever you want."

Sean nods. "Vibrator sounds good. God, it's going to be hot to see it in you. I've come from that thing so many times…" He grins, thinking about it.

It's weird for Norman, thinking of that. "I've never really thought of you with, you know, anything inside you," he comments. "I'm such a bottom, I guess, that you always top. I love it, don't get me wrong, but it's strange imagining you with something up… up there."

"I can show you me with something up there, if you want," Sean says, grin turning a little feral. "So that you don't have to imagine, so you know what it looks like."

Norman's blush goes from pink to scarlet. "I, um, I…" he stutters, unable to get a complete thought out.

"You don't have to say yes or no right now," Sean tells his boyfriend. "Sorry for putting you on the spot like that. I was just… well, confession time," he says with a laugh. "The reason I want you to try the dildo with me around isn't so you can make sure you use it right, but so that I know how it looks for, well… for when we're apart. So that's why I'm offering to do some stuff to show you. I want you to know what it looks like, in case you like to, you know, conjure up those images while, um, playing with yourself."

Norman giggles. "Where is this coming from?" he asks happily. "Our sex was always so pure, and now you're talking about masturbating to images of me fucking myself with a dildo and you are starting us with sex toys. Oh, I like it, it's new and exciting," he adds hastily, not wanting Sean to think he doesn't like this new development. "It's just so sudden."

Sean shrugs, smiling. "I guess that bringing you home made me realize how serious we're getting so quickly. I like a bit of this stuff, so I want to make sure you're comfortable with it and are at least willing to try it. I think it's important to share sexual preferences when getting serious."

"I agree, Sean," Norman says, nodding. "People need to be sexually compatible. I know very little about my own sexual preferences. This is my first relationship with sex I like, and I knew almost nothing about gay sex before we got together, so… I mean, it's nice that you're giving me some things to try out."

Sean pulls into his driveway. "So, mister horndog," he says throatily. "Are we heading up to the bedroom with our new purchases?"

Norman nods, apprehensive but excited and ready to try things. "C'mon," he whispers, getting out of the car and practically power-walking to the door. "Get out your keys, let's go!"

Sean laughs, unlocking the door and carrying in their bags from both Christmas and personal shopping. "It's only one-thirty, baby. My mom won't get home til six, at the earliest. Now, go on up." He follows behind his boyfriend, smiling. In his room, he puts down the bags and grins widely. "C'mon, now. Clothes off."

Norman hurriedly obeys, yanking off his clothes, watching as Sean does the same. God, his Texan boyfriend is gorgeous, skin glowing beautifully even in the winter. He blushes again-he's doing that a lot today-suddenly acutely aware of his nakedness. "Should we… how about we get in bed and kiss for a bit?"

"Of course," Sean says, pushing Norman into the bed and straddling him, bending over to kiss his boyfriend roughly while rolling their hips together. He groans quietly into the kiss; he is already turned on from thinking about all the things they would do.

Norman gasps into the kiss as his cock goes from flaccid to erect almost instantaneously. "Fuck!" he pants, breaking away from Sean. "Get out that vibrator and let's see how good it is," he growls, suddenly more sure of himself.

Sean grins, happy that Norman is ready for this, excited for it. He reaches over and opens a drawer in his nightstand, getting out a bottle of lube and his vibrator. It's a little smaller than his penis, but ridged and bright green.

He kisses Norman quickly. "I don't think you'll need much prep after earlier," he whispers, but he lubes up a few fingers and stretches Norman a little anyway. Once he is sure his boyfriend can take the vibrator, he lubes the toy and grins. "Hey, gorgeous? Ready to try it?"

Norman nods eagerly. "Okay, I'm going to put it in and turn it on," Sean says, starting to slowly insert the toy. "Now, it has five settings, so you can tell me if you want a higher setting. You won't want to go higher than the top setting, believe me. Setting five nearly makes you come immediately."

It takes a few deep breaths, but Norman manages to relax into the gentle push of the vibrator entering him. It's odd, having something inside him that isn't as warm and fleshy as Sean's cock, but it doesn't hurt or anything. "Is that all of it?" he asks breathlessly when he feels Sean stop pushing anymore in. He's excited when his boyfriend nods. "Turn it on?"

Sean pushes a button on the base, starting with the first setting. He smiles when Norman jerks around a bit on the bed, moaning quietly with his cock twitching a little. "Like it?" he asks.

"Fuck!" Norman gasps. "God! Oh, God!" The wonderful toy is vibrating right on his prostate, and it's making him see stars. "Oh! Oh! Baby!"

"Good, ain't it?" Sean says happily, so glad that his boyfriend seems to like this. "Yeah, wait til you feel the other settings. Shit, if you think this is good… you'll be having a spontaneous orgasm by setting three."

"Turn it up," Norman demands, wanting to experience all the different settings before coming, and he knows that it isn't going to take long with this thing inside him.

"Mm, glad you like it so much," Sean whispers, pressing the button on the base again to increase the speed. The quiet hum of the vibrator gets a little higher pitched, and his boyfriend gets a little less coherent.

"God! Oh!" Norman cries, squirming around to try to get even better stimulation. "Oh, fuck!" He isn't sure if he wants to last to try all the settings, or if he wants to just give in and come really early. "Oh!"

He likes this second setting a lot, so he stays on it for a few minutes, hips thrusting against the toy a little as he gets more desperate and needy. After three or so minutes, though, he needs more. "Up!" he gasps to Sean, looking at him lustfully.

Sean is glad to hit the button and take it up a notch; Norman's moans and little movements are driving him mad. He can't help himself; he simply has to reach down and rub his erection, hand slick from lubing up the vibrator. He groans quietly, eyes darting back and forth between Norman's face and the vibrator entering him. Shit, it's such a turn-on to see that; usually he isn't positioned to be able to look at Norman's body taking something inside. He likes it.

Norman has kept his hands still this whole time, but now he can't stop himself from reaching down and starting to pump his cock. God, it feels so good. His strokes are smooth without any lube, as he has so much precome spilling out of him. "God! Haah! Up!" he begs again, unable to form a sentence any longer than one syllable. He doesn't feel in control of his body, now; he's thrusting and stroking and squirming without any thought whatsoever, and he loves it.

Moaning softly, Sean presses the button and takes the vibrator up to the fourth setting, the buzz jumping in pitch. He sees Norman's head loll back and his cock gives a jump; his boyfriend looks so wonderfully close to orgasm. "Baby," he gasps out, thrusting the vibrator into Norman a little to get his attention. "Baby, you going to come soon?"

"Yes!" Norman cries breathlessly. "Oh, God! Yes!" His grip on himself tightens and he strokes even faster, needing to get off soon. When he feels like he can't hold off any longer, he looks up at Sean. "Up!" he nearly screams. When Sean pushes the button once more, and the vibrator buzzes faster and harder than he imagined possible, Norman loses it. Crying out loudly and wordlessly, he comes hard, covering his stomach in milky white semen.

"I like that," he gasps when he catches his breath. "We need one at school, and I really want one for myself."

Sean grins, stopping his hand from stroking himself anymore. "Yeah, I thought you would. We can buy one for you and take 'em both to school. Different ones have different textures, speeds, and intensities. We can look around."

Norman smiles a little. "Hand me a tissue?" he asks, cleaning his stomach off when Sean does. "So, uh, I see you've got a, um… did you say you wanted to use the vibrator too?" He is blushing again, not used to seeing Sean aroused while not doing anything about it.

Sean nods. "If you'd like to watch?" he whispers. "If not, we can start playing with something else so we're both participating."

Norman shakes his head. "No, no, I want to watch. We can try other purchases afterwards." He squirms out of bed. "Here, you can lie down. I'll watch from, uh," he sits cross-legged at the foot of the bed, "here."

Smiling at his adorable boyfriend, Sean lies down on top of his messy sheets and comforter. It's been ages since he's put on a show for anyone, and he feels a little awkward, though he doesn't show it. He lubes up his fingers and pushes on in slowly. God, he hasn't done any anal stuff on himself since he started dating Norman; he is satisfied with their sex life and never really needs any solo time. He can feel his ass protesting as he presses in a second finger. He privately decides not to wait for months between anal play, even if it requires doing so without Norman.

He pants quietly as he manages to get in a third finger inside himself, scissoring and stretching as much as he can to try to make the eventual insertion of the vibrator less painful. A minute or two later, he feels ready, so he slicks up the toy and begins to press it in slowly.

Norman watches, wide-eyed and amazed, as the vibrator disappears, inch by inch, into his softly moaning boyfriend. Wow. Sean really does do anal. He can barely believe it, as he's so used to Sean penetrating him. "Oh," he whispers in awe. "Do you… should I press the button?"

Sean lets out a shaky little laugh. "Babe, I've done this alone probably a hundred times. I've got it," he says, closing his eyes before pressing the button a few times, starting out on the third setting-his favorite.

"Oh!" he gasps, arching his back. He lets his free hand drift down to play with his leaking erection. He has gotten himself close from touching himself while watching Norman, so this won't take long.

Unlike Norman, Sean knows exactly how to move the vibrator to pleasure himself the most, and soon has a fast rhythm of little trusts from his left hand, which is holding the toy, and short, intense jerks to his cock from his right. "Fuck, fuck!" he cries, glad that his mother is gone and he can be this loud. "Oh, God!"

Norman is absolutely entranced, his cock filling out in his lap. He barely notices, though. His mouth is slightly open, his hands resting by his sides. He has never seen Sean like this; when they are together, he sees his boyfriend through a haze of his own desire, but now? Now he can see every twitch of Sean's cock, every tiny, pleasured expression. "You look so good," he whispers.

"Unh! Oh! Fuck, I'm going to come," Sean gasps, head tilting to the side as he is nearly overcome in pleasure. He ups the setting to four. "Oh, almost there!" He manages three more thrusts and four more strokes before falling apart, orgasm tearing a scream from his mouth as he spurts sticky, hot fluid onto his hand and his dark blue comforter.

Panting a little, Norman grabs a tissue and cleans Sean's hand before lying on top of him. "That was really hot," he whispers. "I liked it. You, uh, you like doing that? Like, a lot?"

Sean smiles, pulling the vibrator out and turning it of before dropping it to the floor, wrapping his arms around Norman. "Yeah. I haven't done it in months. We've been at school, where I don't have a vibrator, and then I love our sex life and don't really engage in solo sessions." He shrugs. "I sort of miss anal stimulation, though, so if it won't hurt your feelings, I might start again."

Norman blushes. "Or you could do it with me, somehow. Like we did just now," he suggests shyly.

"Yeah, I could," Sean agrees happily. "So, my mom won't be home for at least four hours, and we have a blindfold, anal beads, a dildo, and some food left. We don't have to try them all today, we can have regular sex, we can do some of the things multiple times… want to keep going or take a break and nap?"

Norman giggles. "Let's power nap for 30 or 45 minutes, okay?" he says hopefully. "I've had lots of orgasms already today, so I need a quick break. Afterwards… hm. Well, you can wake me up with any of the toys, okay?"

Sean grins widely. "Sounds good," he purrs. He wipes semen from his comforter and gets up. "You can snuggle down into my bed, I'm going to go to the bathroom."

By the time he returns, Norman is already fast asleep.


A.N.: So how do y'all like their new light kink?