Disclaimer: In real life, Norman and Sean are actors who met when filming The Boondock Saints. In this story, they are college students who meet during their freshmen year. What does that tell you? It tells you that it is ALL LIES!

Warnings: I'm trying my first AU fic here, so bear with me. Also, this takes place at a generic, unnamed university on the east coast.

A.N.: Hello all! I haven't written in ages, I know. I've had some major writer's block. So I decided to go totally out of my usual comfort zone and write some pure AU goodness. Norman and Sean in college… need I say more?


Freshman Year

Chapter One: Sean's Arrival

Sean isn't going to admit it, but he's a little anxious about this whole college thing. He's going to be living on the east coast, without his parents. He's going to have a roommate. As an only child, he's not sure if he's ready for that. He's eighteen, yes, but nowhere near independent. Looking up from pulling his bags out of the trunk, he realizes that he will be meeting his roommate in just a few minutes. What if his roommate hates Texans and gay guys?

"Sean, it's your big day! Let's go in and find your room" His mom is so excited that Sean can't bear to bring her down. He pastes on his best fake smile and follows her into the brick dormitory building, carrying his duffel bag, stuffed to bursting with all his clothes.

"Hi," a young man says to Sean and his mother as they enter the building, "I'm Willem Dafoe. I'm one of the RAs in this building. I'm a graduate student, studying physics. If you give me your name, I'll help you find your room."

"I'm Sean Flanery," Sean mumbles, unusually shy around the cheerful, bubbly man.

Willem looks down a list of names until he finds Sean. "Great," he says, smiling. "You're on my floor, in room 401. Your roommate's already here, and he seems like a pretty cool guy. I'll lead you guys up!"

As strange as it sounds, Sean is secretly pleased that he's on the fourth floor. He'll get a good amount of exercise going up and down the stairs multiple times a day. His mother looks less than pleased at going up all those flights, though, so Sean takes the box she's carrying. "Thanks, sweetie," his mom says, smiling. Does she take classes on how to embarrass me?

They follow Willem up the stairs, Sean barely listening as his mother chats with the graduate student. He is pretending to himself that he isn't worrying. All too soon, in Sean's opinion, they reach the fourth floor. Willem holds open the door for Sean, who acknowledges the favor with a quiet "thanks" as he passes through. The older man gives Sean a key and points to the first door on the left, which is slightly ajar.

"Let's go in and I'll introduce you to your roommate!" Willem is far too cheery in Sean's opinion. But Sean just sighs and trudges into the room after his mother. "Sean, this is Clifton Collins; Cliff, this is Sean Flanery." Willem watches the boys awkwardly shake hands, before stepping back. "I've got to go help other people find their rooms; if you need me, I'll be downstairs." He left, whistling quietly.

"So, uh, Sean," Cliff starts awkwardly, "where are you from?"

"I'm from Texas, a town called Sugar Land. What about you?"

"L.A. Want some help getting stuff out of your car?"

"That'd be great, thanks." Sean walks down the stairs with Cliff and his mom, making small talk about what they like to do. Cliff seems like a nice guy, Sean decides.

He doesn't have much stuff, so he and Cliff grab all of it. Sean hugs his mom goodbye and kisses her cheek. He promises to call soon, and she gets in the car and drives away.

"Well, let's go back up," Sean says, not wanting the moment to last any longer. He feels sad about leaving his mom, but he's pretty excited about the freedom he's getting here. He and Cliff walk back to the dorm, going a little more slowly, weighted down by Sean's possessions.

They are walking into the dorm building when Sean glances around and sees a guy talking to Willem. He nearly stops in his tracks. This boy is gorgeous. His dark hair is in his eyes, and an elegant hand keeps brushing it to the side. He's about Sean's height, with great legs and – Sean can't help but notice – a nice ass.

Whoa, man, he tells himself. Don't go throwing yourself at some boy you don't know. Let's see how he turns out, okay? Part of his brain wants to disregard this internal advice and go flirt with this boy immediately, but the smart part of his mind wins and he keeps walking. How he hasn't stumbled and made a fool out of himself by now is beyond him, but he is very happy he hasn't.

"Oh, hey guys," Willem says, spotting Sean and Cliff as they walk toward the stairwell. "This is one of the guys in the room next to yours. Norman, Sean and Cliff are in 401."

Norman. It would be a nerdy name on anyone else, but it fits this guy. Somehow he makes it sexy. No! Sean's brain reminds him. No thoughts about sexiness until you've at least talked to him, okay? Sean follows Cliff up the stairs, leaving Norman and his good looks in the entryway, but he has a feeling he'll be visiting room 403 a lot in the near future.


A.N.: So… should I continue? Is it too ridiculous? I know this chapter is kind of awkward, but that's what introductions are like: a bunch of boring, awkward conversations about where you're from and all that. If I get enough positive feedback to think y'all want more, just know that I will be updating sporadically and probably slowly, because life is really busy right now. Anyway… does this mysterious Norman notice Sean? (What a dumb question; this is my slash fanfic, of course he does.) Does he have a certain Danish girlfriend? (Actually, I need to figure that out; I'm not used to AU!) Is Cliff okay with gay guys? SUGGESTIONS ARE WELCOME!