Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty, time to wake up," Dean said, nudging Castiel. Castiel's eyes fluttered open. He looked around, confused as to why he was on a park bench. "You fell asleep here." Castiel nodded, sitting up.

"Dean, I am not Sleeping Beauty," Castiel said.

"It's an expression Cas," Dean said, not really in the mood to explain expressions to Castiel.

"But calling me Sleeping Beauty implies that I am to be awoken with a kiss," Castiel said.


"I do not think that you will oblige so-"

"Okay, Snow White," Dean snapped.

"Have you ever heard the tale of Snow White, Dean?" Castiel asked. Dean groaned and got off the bench, pushing Castiel back down. Castiel could have stayed up if he wanted to but he let Dean push him back on to the bench.


"Close your eyes," Dean muttered. "Just do it." Castiel obliged and then he felt a pair of lips on his. Castiel opened his eyes and sat up, facing Dean's back.

"There. Good morning, Sleeping Beauty. You happy?" Dean snapped. "God, I hate fairy tales…"


"What Cas?" Dean asked.

"You woke up Sleeping Beauty but you did not wake up Snow White," Castiel said. Dean turned to look at Castiel in surprise before he smirked.

"You devious little angel," Dean smirked before bending down to kiss Castiel again.

Maybe fairy tales weren't so bad after all… well, the modern children's versions, at least.