This just came into my mind and I couldn't ignore it. This goes out to everyone who loves Stoick/Hiccup bonding moments.
Disclaimer: I do not own HTTYD. If I did, would I be sitting here, writing random stories do you think? No, of course not! So why even ask?
Hiccup stared into the fire, tears on his face. Toothless layed beside him, whimpering as he sensed his rider's grief. Her screams echoed in his head.
Someone placed a blanket over his shoulders. "Hiccup."
"How did you deal with it?" He asked in a little boy voice. "Going on, even when she died?"
"Well, it wasn't easy." Stoick told him, sitting down. "But I had you to take care of, and a village to look after. So I forced myself through every day, leaving no room for thought. But at night... When there was nothing to occupy me... That's when I'd almost kill myself from grief."
"Do you still miss her?"
"Of course. You never forget about the special ones, like Astrid, or your mom... But you have to learn to live without 'em."
The two sat in silence for a few moments, mingling in their grief. Then, the door flew open and Snotlout looked around, panting. When he saw Hiccup he grinned, and merely said;
"It's a boy."
What, did you think I killed off Astrid? Nah, I'd never do that. I like her too much. I just wanted to get the point across that Hiccup's mom (in a small part of my imagination) died during childbirth, so as Astrid is giving birth, he's freaking out, and so he and his dad have a bonding moment. Well, see y'all later!
Penelope, over and out!