Hello everybody.

First, I want to say I'm so grateful for all of you who have favorited my story, from the beginning and even to today. I hope all of you stay safe in this global pandemic. I, myself, am quarantined to my house as per my state's lockdown policy (only essential travel).

Since I have a lot of time, I wanted to work on my stories. That's where you all come in. As I rewatched the Harry Potter movies (again, a lot of free time), I kept thinking of my story and my OC, Emily Potter. As I watched and thought, my ideas changed and grew. I wanted to know how you all felt about a revamp of my story. Here's the plan.

The revamp would begin with the fifth year (prequel still in the works to get the first four years). I would keep the original story up. Depending on how you all feel, I will either continue the revamp or delete it all together.

I value all of your opinions. My only ask: Be constructive, be nice. If you don't like it, tell me why or just say "I prefer the other."

I also want to apologize for anyone who just wanted any additional chapters to my sequel or wanted progress on my prequel.

Thank you 3