Bella's Perspective-

What is it with men, and their longing for something more? Always something more. I loved Edward Cullen. And he loved me. So he says.

Tanya is coming today, and I have a feeling that today's the day. Tanya has been living at the Cullen's house for the past five months, saying that she wanted to spend time with her cousins. I had a feeling she wanted to spend time with a certain copper-haired cousin more than the rest. For the past five months, I had been shunted to the side by Tanya's strawberry locks, and tinkling laugh. And today is the day. I know it. Today, Edward and Tanya will announce to the Cullen's that the friendship-only relationship they had been having was a lie. They will admit that Edward had been cheating on me, a puny mortal. No worries however. It would be for the best. Tanya and Edward would be forever. Bella and Edward would only last a couple of decades. The Cullen's loved me. This I know. From kind-hearted Carlisle, sweet, motherly Esme, strong and rambunctious Emmett, tiny Alice, Jasper, Rosalie...and Edward. They all cared for me, but Tanya would be accepted after a while. I would be forgotten. After all, I was only a human. A human that was unbelievably fragile, and unimaginably appealing. I have to leave. I have to get away. From Edward. From the Cullen's. From Forks.

I loved Edward Cullen. I always will.