Heya! I've updated :3

Rose POV

Omg! I can't believe that Aqua was a werewolf. I mean, who knew they even existed. She's a bloody wolf for gods sake! What am I meant to tell everyone. I can't just say Aqua's a werewolf can I?

What I wanted to find out was why they're here in the first place.

My thoughts were interrupted by a knocking on my door. I got up and opened it to find Lissa.

"Hey Liss," I said. She smiled and walked past me and sat on my bed.

"What do you think of Aqua?" She asked.

"Do you want me to lie or tell the truth?" I asked.

"Truth of course," She said it like she thought I was dumb.

"Well, I think she's a lying bitch, I don't trust her Liss, I don't want you hanging with her," I said truthfully. Lissa just frowned.

"Why would you think that? She's awesome and she's gonna be training with you. You should be happy there is another girl Dhampir out there. Maybe if you two spend more time together, you'll become friends," She suggested.

How was I going to tell my best friend that the girl she's talking about isn't a Dhampir and is really a wolf. I sat down on the bed next to her.

"Can you keep a secret?" I asked. She looked at me like I was crazy then nodded. "Aqua is a werewolf," I told her. She looked at me with a are-you-crazy look.

"Look, I know you don't like Aqua, but making up stuff saying she's a werewolf?" She said the word werewolf as if it were a piece of dirt. "Is just mean," She finished.

I sighed. Of course Lissa wouldn't believe me. She has to see the good in everyone.

"Liss, I'm not lying. I saw a wolf in the woods and it was black and Aqua had black hair and had a blue bracelet. The same bracelet that Aqua was wearing," I explained to Lissa. She shook her head.

"Do you have a picture of Aqua as a wolf?" She asked, raising her eyebrows. I shook my head.

"See, no proof. Anyway, I've got to go, I'm meeting up with Christian," She said, a lovey-dovey look in her eyes.

To be honest, I'm glad she's with Sparky. Okay, I admit I don't love the guy, I see him more of a brother. I nodded and she got up and left.

Why did she not believe me. Maybe Dimitri will.

I opened my door and ran to Dimitri's room. I pounded on the door and Dimitri opened it.

He wasn't wearing a shirt and I was staring at his chest.

"Roza, my face is up here," He said, his words laced in a Russian accent.

A blush crept to my cheeks and I looked up at Dimitri, who was smiling like a madman. And considering that he loved me, he probably was.

"Can I come in?" I asked. He chuckled and opened the door wider. I stepped inside and went to sit on his bed. It smelled like Dimitri.

He came to sit beside me.

"What did you want?" He asked. I hoped that he would listen to me.

"You know that wolf we saw?" I asked, he nodded and waited for me to continue. "Well, I think it's a werewolf," I blurted out. Dimitri played with a bit of my hair.

"What makes you think that?" He asked. Well, here comes the crazy part.

"There was a new girl today, she says she's a Dhampir and is going to train with us and she was wearing the same blue bracelet that the wolf was wearing," I finished. He just looked at me.

"Don't you think it could be her wolf, besides, werewolves don't exist," replied Dimitri.

His explanation was so simple and sounded completely sane. But I didn't like the feeling of me being wrong.

"Dimitri, I know she's a werewolf, I'll prove it to you," I said, having no idea how.

He sighed. "If you have proof that she's a werewolf, I'll have to believe you won't I?" He said. I smiled and placed a soft kiss on his lips.

"Yeah, and I can't wait to say 'I told you so'" I said heading to his door.

I heard him chuckle, "Goodnight Roza," he said.

I blew him a kiss goodbye and headed to my room.

On the way I bumped into the one and only...


"Watch where your going, I thought Dhampir's are meant to be careful and watch where they're going," She said, almost growling.

"Yeah, like you know anything about Dhampir's," I replied nicely. Aqua narrowed her eyes at me.

"I don't know what you mean, in case you hadn't noticed, I am a Dhampir. You know, your a lot dumber that I thought you would be," She said smirking.

"To be honest, I thought you'd be out howling at the moon or something," I said bluntly. That caused her to growl. Like actually growl. Damn! I wish I had one of those voice recorder things.

"What's the matter?" I asked, "Wolf got ya tongue?" She took a step closer to me and looked me in the eye.

"I'd watch your tongue if I were you. Or you might just end up in a cave, tied up in the middle of nowhere and no one will hear your screams. Don't get on my bad side." With her finale words she walked off. Back to her hole in the ground probably.

I watched her turn the corner and decided to follow her. She walked out of the building and towards the woods. I saw another figure and one I got closer I realised it was Cam. They talk for a bit and then right before my eyes they changed into wolves and ran into the forest. They were gone in a flash and I knew if I tried to follow them, I'd only get lost.

I decided to go back to my room and get some early sleep.

I opened my door and plopped my self on my bed.

I fell asleep immediately and for once, Adrian did not disturb my dreams.

I still need another wolf... that's why this chapters not that long... I feel bad for my chapters not being long so as soon as I get one more wolf, it will be a lot longer, I promise :3

