
A is for Aperture,

B is for bed.

C is for cake,

D is for dread.


E's an experiment,

F is for fire.

G is for GLaDOS,

From whom you've drawn ire.


H is for hostile,

I's what you see.

J is for jumping,

K is for knees.


L's for cube love,

M is for mate.

N is for no-one,

Who can save you from fate.


O is for orange,

Your shirt I mean.

P is for perched,

A security cam gleam.


Q is for questions,

R is for rage.

What you feel for S,

Entering the next test stage.


T is for turret,

U I don't know.

It doesn't matter,

'Case w's for woe.


X is for xeno,

Which is how you feel.

Trapped in these chambers,

Don't know what's real.


Y is for you,

Z is for zero.

Which is what you are,

A far cry from hero.


Twenty-six letters,

Which will be your death?

I suppose we'll find out,

In one of these tests.