Agent Green Ushanka, at your service.

I feel like I never give Cartman enough love, so I narrorated a little one shot from his POV. This is just cuteness. I'm going to post a lemon in a second, I just have to touch it up, I think a lot of you will like it. It involves uke!Stan and seme!Kyle. 3

okay, newsflash! I don't own south park.

Kyle, Stan, Kenny and I only have one class together. The dreaded honors English. I think Stan and Kenny are in a biology class together, oh, and Stan and Kyle have a free period together. And I'm in graphic design with Jewboy, but English is the only time the fabulous four are together as one. It's quite a party. Our teacher is the biggest pushover known to man, so we just screw around for 75 minutes.

Today we were assigned a project, I didn't exactly pay attention to the directions, but we were allowed to choose groups of four. So here I am with Poory McPoormick, Jew, and Hippie lord. Kyle, as usual, is doing all the work while Stan suppresses his boner for the dumb Jew, and Kenny smacks any living being's ass that happens to walk by.

But, what is this? A dark mark on Kyle's neck catches my attention. It's huge, probably the size of a silver dollar.

"Oh my god, Kahl… Is that a hickey?"I say, immediately getting the attention of the entire class. Kyle turns beat red, but tries to play it cool.

"Oh. This? Yeah." He says, looking back down at his book.

I smirk, that dumb Jew ought to know that he can't get off that easy. "That's huge. No way it's from a girl!" I tease.

Kyle looks up at me and puts on his drama queen face, "You're right. It's from an octopus." He says.

"Don't get smart with me, Jew." I hiss.

"Who's it from?" Kenny pipes up, his slight Southern accent poking through.

I notice that Kyle's eyes immediately meet Stan's. Kyle shrugs, his face turning a color crimson enough to match his hair.

Stan clears his throat and nudges Kyle, whispering a little too loudly, "I told you to wear that scarf, dude."

"Stan!" Kyle gasps.

"Just saying." Stan reasons.

I scoff, "Fags."

Kenny lets down is hood and giggles, "Dude, Kyle, next time, tell Stan to suck on something a little lower."

Fin ~

Just a little cuteness for you 3