this story was written by my best friend, and ... ME! so we were bored one day and we randomly decided we shall write an hetalia fanfic. and so we did! their will be yaoi later on! we decided to take turns on writing some of these parts. i hope you like it!

Becca stared at the sign of the Italian restaurant with great interest.

"Hey, Sophia! What was the name of the restaurant?" she yelled at her best friend who was trying to get something out of the back of the car.

Sophia poked her head out of the car. Her long brown curly hair got into her face and she flinched away, "Um. Ristorante Italiano," Sophia replied.

"How original," Becca mumbled. Sophia finally closed the car door and brought out her bag.

"Come on I want you to meet my brothers!" Sophia said.

Ristorante Italiano was slow on Monday's. Antonio was just randomly tapping on a stand completely bored. Of course, the moment he saw the straight brown haired girl come out of the car staring at the restaurant he straightened up ready for some customers.

It was the start of summer so it wasn't surprising to see someone in the afternoon walking around but the girl was in long jeans and a tank top which was not normal since at the beginning of summer no matter what it was still cold enough for someone to wear long sleeves. The girl turned to look at someone who was coming out of the car.

Both girls opened the door, "Welcome to Ristorante Italiano. How may I help you?" Antonio greeted with a huge smile on his face. He looked over the two girls. The first one had long straight dark brown hair that was parted on the side. She was about 5'7 and the girl next to her was at least an inch taller. Her long curly hair was longer than the first girls and her breast size was definitely bigger than the firsts.

His smile widened further as he stared at the second girl, "How are you ?" he asked smoothly. Sophia, a bit surprised simply smiled but stuttered, "Good-," but before she could continue a loud bang was heard in the back.

Antonio's smile disappeared slightly as he straightened up a bit, "Sorry but could you excuse me," he said as loud curses were heard. Antonio left the two girls standing in the front of the stand.

Becca leaned sideways a bit to see what was going on behind the wall. She saw through the long window into the kitchen and there was the chef yelling at someone. As she looked closer she saw the chef had a short brown hair with a curl in the middle he had olive Italian skin and the employee he was yelling at looked exactly like him, curl and all, but instead his hair was a lighter brown and the curl was on the side of his head. Antonio entered the kitchen with the same smile he had on when they entered the restaurant.

Sophia leaned over Becca to catch a glimpse on what's going on, "That's them," she whispered and Becca couldn't help but roll her eyes and smile.

"We have customers," Antonio exclaimed and thus the chef stopped yelling and turned to look out the kitchen window and saw the two girls spying. "Sophia?" he asked in surprise.

The twin smiled brightly, 'He's so adorable,' both girls thought at the same time. "Hey Lovino!" Sophia said. Sophia grabbed Becca's hand and dragged her to the kitchen.

The twin ran up to Sophia and gave her a big hug, "Sophia! Lovy is being mean!" he whined as he hugged her tightly. Sophia just rolled her eyes and turned to Lovino, "Stop yelling at your brother," she said.

"You're not the one who pays for the new dishes," Lovino said, obviously mad.

"You're so adorable when you're mad," Sophia commented. This comment turned Lovino's face red. He opened his mouth to say something but Antonio interrupted, "Wait! You know each other?" he asked.

"This is my half sister Sophia," Feliciano cheered. Sophia nodded, "Lovino, Feliciano I like you to meet my best friend Becca."

Becca smiled and waved, "Yo," Becca said as a smile graced her lips. Feliciano smiled and walked up to Becca. "Hug?" he asked and Becca gave a slight nod but was not expecting the huge glomp that threw her off her feet. "Welcome Becca!" he said.

The straight haired girl nodded slowly as Feliciano got off her. Lovino just held a pissed off look on his face. Becca stood up straight, "Nice to meet you to," she said back.

"So, you're here for the job?" Lovino asked. Sophia smiled, "Please! We just finished high school and our parents don't mind us moving and our college is nearby so we won't have a problem getting there."

"I already said I was ok with it," he said, "Just making sure but if I knew you were bringing your friend along that would have been better." Sophia shrugged.

"You guys can start tomorrow," Lovino said as he grabbed a stool and sat down on it lazily. "Besides, Monday's are always slow."

"Can I show them to their rooms?" Feliciano asked. Lovino shrugged, "Sure."

The little Italian boy smiled and turned to them "Follow me!" he said.

The girls followed after the boy, both of them deep in thought. Becca was thinking of the other Italian boy downstairs and Sophia of the Spanish waiter who met them at the front.

"Hey," Becca whispered, "your kind of hot."

Sophia stopped short and spun around. "FELICIANO?" She yelled. "YOU THINK CUTE, SWEET, INNOCENT, AND ADORABLE BUT FELICIANO IS HOT?"

At this, the boy in front of them stopped and stared back at Becca. "I think you're pretty too!" He said, practically radiating sunshine.

"Erm...thank you," She said, addressing Feliciano. "But..." She turned toward Sophia and yelled. "I MEANT LOVINO!"

Following her outburst, a shout could be heard from downstairs that sounded vaguely like "SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU TWO AND GET TO YOUR DAMN ROOM!"

At this, both girls turned towards each other and looked at the ground sheepishly. "Sorry," They muttered in unison.

"That's alright! Lovino gets angry at just about anything so I'm sure he's fine!" Feli said in a soft tone. "We're here!" He shouted and spun around to look at them. "Here is your room!" He threw open the door and walked inside.

The girls walked in to the room and stared at the space. The walls were covered with paintings of landscape (probably from Italy) and the walls were painted a sunny yellow. The room had one large bed with crisp white sheets and large, light blue pillows. Next to the bed was a small wooden desk with several drawers which were painted white in contrast with the darker wood. There was a small bookcase in the corner which held no books, but instead had several snow globes. The floors were hardwood with one yellow rug underneath the bed.

"Aww...It's so cute!" Sophia turned toward her half-brother and gave him a hug, "Can I have this one?

He turned to her and hugged her back, jumping up and down a bit. "Of course! I made it with you in mind, in case you decided to come back some day!" He turned to Becca and smiled, "Your room is across from this one. We intended to rent it out to someone, but since you'll be working at the restaurant with Sophie you don't have to pay!" He skipped out the door and led them to the door directly across the room they had just left. He opened the door and stepped inside saying cheerfully "TA-DA!"

Becca looked around the room and smiled. The room looked almost exactly like Sophia's room with the exception of the colors. The walls were light blue and instead of a white bed, the sheets were a pale yellow with white pillows. In the middle of the bed was one pillow with a giraffe print on it that took up almost half the width of the bed in size.

"Wow this is...this is really nice. It kinda fits me which is weird considering I've never met you and you didn't know I was coming..." She trailed off at the last part as Feliciano and Sophia shared matching faces of innocence. "You know what...I don't even WANT to know." She stated and walked out the door hearing light giggles behind her. Were those two psychics or something? Or were they just not sharing something? Well she had had those rare moments (which had become more frequent in the last few years) where Sophia knew exactly what she was thinking or vice versa but to have a complete stranger know her so well? That was odd.

The three of them walked down the stairs to hear what sounded like a fight from the kitchen. They turned in to the room and were met with shouting.

The three of them walked down the stairs to hear what sounded like a fight from the kitchen. They turned in to the room and were met with two men shouting.

"-But Lovi she's so cute! ~" The happy Spaniard from earlier pleaded.


"Yes, but if I have your sister then that means you can have her cute friend!"~ Antonio answered.

"Sh-Shut up. . . No one said that I...thought...she was cute..." Lovino trailed off at the end as he finally noticed the three other people in the room.

Sophia and Becca were staring at the scene with their mouths hanging open and wide eyes. (Something Becca called the "Sophia" face as Sophia was known to do this often.) Feliciano had an innocent smile on his face and was looking at his brother with interest.

"WH-What the hell were you two talking about?" Sophia exclaimed as she walked up to Lovino.

Becca looked as if she was going to faint as she stared at the now blushing Italian across from her.

"Um...," Antonio started.

"Pfft. Save it," Sophia said as she walked away, pulling Becca after her. "Men. Seriously, just met them and they are already thinking things like that!" She muttered. "We're going out!" She yelled behind her. "Maybe you can think of something more interesting to talk about in the mean time!" She slammed the front door behind her on her way out and sighed. This was going to be some hell of a new life for her and Becca.

Oh if only they knew...

HELLO MY GOOD FRIENDS! AND SO THAT WAS THE FIRST CHAPTER OF THIS RANDOM STORY! while we have OC's their will be straight couples and also yaoi so be warned! SO YAOI FANS KEEP ON READING FOR MORE YAOI ...NESS XD