Buried alive.

Plot: "Karai...Karai...it's not funny anymore...Karai..." Raph stopped turing to the foot communicator.."I'm between two walls of satin and surrounded by a wall of dirt other then that I don't know, Raph, I don't know."

A/N: I know, I know, I should be working on Concealed, but once I came across this challenge I couldn't help myself, k? I promise this story won't be long...

Chpt. 1

Slowly his eyes drifted open, everything spinning around him, but somehow everything else around him was calm. He felt something clasped between his fingers, he felt the softness of a pedal and sharpness of a blade. He tried to rise, but found space very limited, his head gliding into silky material forcing it to lower instantly. His heart dropped as realization hit him, fingers tightening around the objects clasped between his fingers. His mind reeling, trying to resurrect the missing chunks of his memory.

This could not be his family's doing, no, the coffin was far too expensive feeling and if they thought of him dead why would they leave a blade? If he had any guess, he would assume Hun, truly only his mind could fathom something this low. He kept his breathing low as he mind ran through everything to have happened, but he couldn't even remember waking up in the morning.

Still your breathing, still your breathing, still your breathing was the lullaby stringing through his mind as once more his eyes shut. His heart was his mind's only enemy here, it might drive him to the desperation whoever locked him in here wanted if he did not calm himself.

"Leonardo, are you awake yet?" a voice vexed his eyes to the blinking, nearly blinding red dot blinking near his head.

"Karai!" he groaned hands shakily grasping the comminicator beside his head a soft ache running through them from the movement,"What is this about?"

"Why, it is your funeral," she replied nonchalantly making his blood turn to ice and his heart beat ever faster,"I'm sorry your family missed it, but I must have misplaced their invitations. But don't worry, as you wish I will not burden them with the details of this mess."

"What of our agreement? As long as we stay off your side of the city, you leave my family alone! What does this accomplish?" he growled into the device a low sigh coming from her mouth.

"Things change, but let's just say, the details are for me to know," she said coyly,"I'm not cruel though, I'd say from now you have at least two hours, an hour and a halfish, that is if you don't panic," there was almost pleasure in her voice, maybe he imagined that?

"Don't worry though, any time you wish to end it all, the blade will be your savior. Farewell, Leonardo." With that the line went dead, the red dot dying instantly.


At first, the only thoughts he had were calm and almost endearing about death. It was not a big deal, he did not fear it at all. He would kindly await death to stop by to visit him. But as the seconds ticked by to minutes, hours even, and the walls sank closer and closer to him, his breath increased and the calmness found panic in its way. Was the air disappearing? Had it been that long? Was he imagining things?

Once or twice in his state of panic, he slipped out of this world only to come full circle back to a place of darkness, silence and fear. He would not die this way!

Three or four times he had to fight the desperation of honorable harakiri, but still his mind would not allow it. Five to six times in this phase he contemplated begging Karai, but his pride forbid it.

Finally, taking deep breaths, he found it might be simpler to break his way out. He was a ninja after all and if any one from the unrealistic world of Kill Bill could do it, why not he? His fist slammed against the ceiling only producing a sheering sharp pain to travel through his arm, calming himself several more times he only got the same result. Teeth sank into his lip to keep the scream at bay as warm blood droplets drizzled down his knuckles, his hands pulled back and rested against the soft material.

Perhaps, negotiating would not count as begging? His mind told him he would die before he, Leonardo Hamato, begged the leader of the foot clan. But those were at the time, his only options. Shakily he pressed the button down upon the device, once more the red light penetrated the darkness. He repeated her name a number of times, getting no response. His fingers found a dial on the side of the device, slowly he turned it, repeating her name. At first, it was a calm dignified way of speaking as if he was trying to call the shots in a matter he had no control over, but soon enough he found desperation kicking in.

"Karai..Karai...Karai...it's not funny anymore...Karai...Karai...answer me! Karai! Karai!" he was yelling now, an emotion he tried to usually restain in matters as this was leaking through. Taking a deep breath, then releasing it to the still air, he stilled himself dropping the device next to him.

"Leonardo?" a voice drapped in a familiar accent questioned the red light sparking once more. Quickly he snatched the device, scraping it against the roof in his haiste of bringing it to his mouth.

"Raph, Raph, where are you?" desperation and anger where once more replaced by panic,"Are you OK?"

"I'm fine, fearless, what about you? Why is your voice coming from a foot transmitter?" he almost sounded suspicious, making Leo almost laugh, what would he think if his brother's voice came from an enemy's device?

"I'm fine, for a little while at least," he admitted his right hand loosing its grip completly from the blade's handle.

"What's that s'posed to mean?" he snapped at his brother,"Where are you?"

"I don't know."

"What do ya mean, ya don't know?" he acclaimed his voice agitated but had an edge of worry in it as well.

"I don't know, Raph, I don't know."

"Stop telling me that! Tell me what you see and we'll go from there," he said slowly.

He paused not knowing how to say it without his brother freaking out and threatening to kill someone,"I'm between two walls of satin and surrounded by a wall of dirt other then that I don't know, Raph, I don't know."