Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who.

Author's note: All names and places are totally fictional. Any resemblance to real situations is only a coincidence.

A job in another planet?

It was Monday. An ordinary, sunny Monday in Manhattan. Well, ordinary has a different meaning in U.N.I.T. Martha was checking some tests on a new, top secret, experiment.

"What do you think, Dr. Jones?" , General Johnson asked her.

"Well, I believe it's too soon to be enthusiastic about these results, but they are promising." She answered.

No sooner than a moment had she finished her line that a deafening sound was heard.

"Invasion. Invasion." A computerized voice was repeating. Martha looked at the General and they both run to the Control room.

"What's going on?" the General demanded to know.

"An alien spaceship is trying to enter our atmosphere, sir. We have less than an hour.", a man answered.

Suddenly, Martha's phone rang.

"Jack?" she answered.

"Martha, what's going? I have a …" Jack said but he was cut by the General.

"Dr. Jones, is it him?" he asked.

"No, sir. It's from Torchwood." She answered. "Jack, someone is trying to invade Earth. We may have less than an hour." Martha told Jack.

"Have you identified the spaceship?" Jack asked.

"No, not yet. It seems it's not in our database." She said.

"Hold on, a moment." Jack said and he was lost for a few minutes.

In the meanwhile, more spaceships appeared on U.N.I.T.' s radar.

"Jack…" Martha said while General Johnson was screaming at her to call Him.

"I got it, I got it , Martha. They are Mercians." Jack finally said.

"But this doesn't make any sense. Mercia is a peaceful planet, why on Earth would they…" Martha stopped for a moment. "Jack, I got to go." She said hanging up.

"try contact them." He said to the man in front of the monitor.

"Dr. Jones what are you doing?" the General asked.

"I don't think war is what they seek, sir." Martha answered.

"We are on. Good luck." Harry told her.

Martha looked at the monitor. She had never seen a Mercian before, but He had told her about them. The one on the screen had to be a male one. Human looking apes, Just like in the movie. Well, he looked more like a gorilla…

"Hello, Mercians. This is Dr. Martha Jones talking on behalf of Earth. What is the purpose of your approach?" she said.

The Mercian General said something in his language and then he said her name.

"I don't speak Mercian." She said desperate.

"Martha Jones?" the Mercian General repeated.

"Yes, that's me. Martha Jones." She said. It was the only thing they could ever discuss.

Suddenly he was lost from her sight and another man, an old one, appeared.

"At last, I am so glad I finally meet a child of time. I am blessed that it's you, Story teller." The old Mercian said in English.

Thank God he speaks English! Martha thought for a moment. "Storyteller? Excuse me sir, I do not understand what you are talking about. What is the purpose of this invasion?" she tried to stay focus.

"You say you do not understand and yet you do. Born in the same year as those of the same age and yet a year older. Once you walked the Earth saving the Balance with your stories in a year humanity has forgotten. For that I will not proceed. We come in peace. One of our machines is broken and we need CO2. You seem to have plenty." The old Mercian said.

Martha sighted as everyone else. It wasn't a long time ago the planet had been invaded. They were still recovering.

"Sir," Martha said to the General. "I believe we should not deny. Imagine the benefits." She said.

"I do, Dr. Jones, but imagine the consequences. An alien spaceship above New York, Washington and other great cities." He said.

"we will say it was an experiment, of N.A.S.A." Martha said.

The General hesitated but he finally agreed.

"I'm calling, Harold Manville. No sooner than midnight." The General said and left.

Martha looked at the screen. The old Mercian was there.

"We give you permission to enter, but not before midnight." She told him.

"Thank you, Story teller. Your kindness will not be forgotten." He replied.

"May I ask your name?" Martha asked.

"I am Lord Hasam Kuun, the eldest of the Narayan tribe of Mercia and I will see you again, Martha Jones," he said and the screen went off.

That night hundreds of lights appeared in the sky above Washington, New York, London, Beijing and Tokyo. Millions of people were gathered to see N.A.S.A 's new experiment.

"If only they knew." Martha said sitting at her office in U.N.I.T.

A few days later the Mercians contact U.N.I.T. again. This time Lord Hasam Kuun was not alone. Eleven Mercians had joined him. The lords of the other tribes.

"We are grateful for your help. That day you saved more than a hundred Mercians. Electric storms can be really dangerous. That is why we, the Council of the Tribes, have decided to reward you." Lord Hasam Kuun said.

"Sir…" , General Manville said only to be corrected by Martha, "Lord" she whispered.

"My Lord, these are difficult days and no reward is more satisfying than our alliance." General Manville said.

"We are peaceful creatures, General Manville, that do not participate in wars. However in these difficult times, as you said, alliances should not be neglected. So you may consider us as your friends. Our gift to you will be knowledge." Another Lord said.

"In what way?" General Manville asked.

"We are willing to share our knowledge of the universe, medicine and technology with your people." The Lord sitting next to Hasam Kuun said.

Harold Manville greened from ear to ear. Alien technology. It was the dream of a lifetime.

"But…" Lord Hasam Kuun, said surprising him. "this will not be done unconditional."

"What do you want?" the General asked.

"The right person. Our knowledge will pass to you through the right mind." The Lord answered.

"And who would that person be?" General Manville asked.

"the one you call Martha Jones." Lord Hasam Kuun said surprising her.

"Martha Jones? Who is she?" the General said in an annoyed manner.

"That would be me, Sir." Martha said standing right next to him.

"Oh, the companion, if I remember right. Ok, how will it be done?" he asked the Council.

"Three human years will be needed. Only a small part of what we know will get to you for we are not sure if you are ready. Three years in Mercia. You have a week." One of the Lords said and they were lost.

Everyone was looking at Martha. They were expecting her to say something.

"Well, Dr. Jones?" Manville said.

"I do not know, sir. It is not easy. I have family here, friends, I can't just leave them. what am I suppose to tell them?" Martha said.

"That will be our job." General Johnson answered.

"It is not an easy decision. It's another planet we are talking about! Aliens!" Martha said.

"I thought you liked Aliens." Harry made a joke. Bad timing.

"Dr. Jones you do not understand. You do not have to make a choice. It's an order. Get ready, you are going across the universe." General Manville said and left the room.

"There was a time I liked that line." She whispered.

It was her birthday. Normally she would have a party, or just go out with friends. She would get a family phone call since she was in another continent, and maybe a call from Someone far, far away.

But this time it was different. Her things were send somewhere in the North Pole, her family thought she was sent to Alaska and she was sitting in a narrow room, in an alien spaceship traveling to a foreign planet.


Only now, she was alone.

I hope you liked the beginning because there are a lot of chapters to come…. Please review.