My first proper fan fic that im writing so i hope you like it please review and give me constructive criticism

Chapter 1

Heaven knows how and why the 18 year old, mulleted blonde had found himself there, on that day, at that time. But little did he know that the single glace from a random stranger would change almost everything that he planned to do over the next few years at collage.

Demyx was what most people would class as….well just plain strange. Very rarely would you see a teen, in this day and age, with a hairstyle quite like his. Short at the side and longer on top and the back and always styled into a seemingly perfect mullet, with a few single strands falling forward into his eyes. Although, even with the unique hairstyle, most people seemed to still see him as good looking. He was somewhat tall, reasonably toned and had good style.

But he was never really very sociable most of the time, never seen anywhere without a pair of earphones hanging around his neck, just in case he found current conversation pointless or too boring. It was true that Demyx was a nice guy but in his opinion there were actually very few people who seemed to actually care what he said or what he did. So he spent most of him time alone with his school work (though he was never had the best grade) or playing his Sitar, his one genuine passion. Well either that or spending time with his best friend (and current boyfriend) Axel.

Sadly for him though, since he was starting collage in 2 weeks time he hadn't had much time to see Axel over the last few week and didn't know when he'd be able to see him again, since they now lived over 3 hours apart.

On his arrival to his dorm he simply dumped his bags on a bed, grabbed his ipod and car keys, and left not even bothering to wait to meet his roommate. After an hour or so of pointless driving around town he found himself perched on a chair, head resting in his hands, staring blankly at a computer screen while drinking coffee in a local cyber café. Idly clicking away at the mousy to check his emails, he found a single unopened email from Axel reading:

Hey Dem, missing you already. Well who wouldn't in my situation? You, Marluxia and Luxord all bog off together…leaving me stuck here with Larxene. Do you really want me to be killed? Or is the plan for me to kill her? But either way I'm most likely going to be following you lot there some point soon…along with Larxene if she gets her way. Seriously it's only been one days and she's driving me nuts, I need to interact with someone normal! But yeah all I really wanna say is hope collage starts ok…oh and how's the roommate? Axel xx

Laughing slightly at his boyfriend's message, he ran his hand through his hair and took another sip of coffee before replying to the email.

Hey Axel. Haha oh I know you miss me, bet you're lost without me around am I right? Seriously don't kill Larxene, my mum really wouldn't appreciate it if you killed her only daughter. I on the other hand wouldn't mind that much; she's a pain a good half of the time. But really don't give my mum a reason to keep you away from me again. Sure collage will start fine; I'm doing music, what can go wrong with me and music? As for the roommate…I don't quite know yet. Got here about an hour ago and they weren't there yet and I was bored so I kind of left. Heading back in a minute so I'll let you know once I've actually met them. Dem xx

Leaning slightly back in his chair, with a sigh Demyx thought yeah probably is about time I headed back there. Can't be as bad as they make it out to be. With that thought he pulled himself up from the chair reaching for his keys and the empty coffee cup, after shutting down the computer. Once he dumped the coffee cup into the bin he slowly mad his way back to his car, while slipping his earphones back into their usual position.

For a single moment while leaving the Cyber café he met eyes with someone entering it, for a fraction for a second. But even form that short of a time he could tell that the person was either: A. The normal arse who so clearly thinks he was better than everyone else or B. A normal guy who just wasn't able to interact comfortably around others for unknown reasons. From the appearance of the boy, Demyx had his money on the second guess, and he'd even risk betting on it with Luxord. The boy didn't seem much older than 15, but still looked a bit short for is age. And had a curtain of purple tinted slate coloured hair hanging over the whole right side of his face and only vaguely showing the world his cold and dark, yet beautiful, blue eyes. Even with that said the boy didn't seem to like the looks of Demyx.

When he was finally in the safety of his car he hit himself across the face, as if trying to wake himself up and began shouting at himself. "What are you thinking Demyx? You have a boyfriend and that boy's only a kid! What are you doing thinking that he's god beautiful eyes? You love Axel! Axel remember your boyfriend! Not some kid!" He had a habit of doing things like this when he was confused and angry with himself, although he didn't know that he would be feeling like that much more frequently over the coming weeks.

Little over ten minutes after he finally got back onto the road (he'd spent another good 10 minutes trying to convince himself he felt nothing for the kid) he made it back to the college dorms, where he made his way back to his room. Upon arriving, much to his surprise, he found his room exactly the same as how he left it, empty, apart from the fact his roommate had obviously arrived and had already unpacked. But said roommate was nowhere in sight.

Demyx took this as an opportunity to unpack, as to not annoy his roommate, once they actually turn up. He was surprised at how quickly he managed to unpack, usually it would take him hours, but with no distractions he managed to do it all in the space of 20 minutes.

Falling down onto his bed with a sigh he said "Well what am I suppose to do now? I'm unpacked and this mysterious roommate still isn't here." Then reluctantly decided to check his emails once again, since he felt guilty about what he thought about that kid, sighing once again when he found Axel hadn't replied yet. Taking a quick glance at his watch he realised Axel must have been at work…with Larxene, the poor guy. With nothing else to do he reached to the bottom of the bed where his Sitar was resting and began to play it, finding it soothing and making him grow tired. Before he knew it he'd fallen back on the bed asleep, sitar in arms.

It wasn't for what felt like 5 minutes, which was really in truth 3 hours, that Demyx finally woke, realising what had happened and noticed he was still clutching his sitar. "Shit" he mumbled the word under his breath in embarrassment, glimpsing his watch. His roommate had to be here by now. Proving himself right he sat up, placing the sitar down carefully, and turned away from the wall to the person sitting on the other bed silently reading.

What he saw was not what he expected in the slightest. That so called "kid" he'd seen when he left the cyber café was in fact none other than his new roommate. How was this going to help things with Axel, heck he already felt unfaithful after one day, how was he going to cope living with the guy who made him feel like that?

Those were his initial thoughts but after a few days he came to realise that living there might be slightly easier than he thought. Zexion, turns out that was his roommates name but it was pretty much all he'd managed to find out about him so far (apart from the fact he liked to read), was a man of few words, very few words. Occasionally as one entered or left the room you'd hear him say a "hi" or a "see you" but apart from that Demyx was sure the only other thing he'd heard him say was his name. After 3 days Demyx had come to the conclusion that living here was either going to be very easy or very hard, but that was all he knew at that point. But he had another 5 days before classes started to work things out with his apparently reluctant roommate.

Hope you liked it gonna try to update again before next weekend but cant give any grantees and please review. Oh and by the way i got the name for this from the song The Spell by Alphabeat.