Soon enough, Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, Raj, Penny, Hotch, Garcia, Prentiss, JJ, Reid, Morgan, and Rossi were all gathered on the front lawn of a huge, beautiful mansion they called The Likability Factor House. Beside the twelve of them all gathered up with huge (mostly fake) smiles was the hostess, a twenty something slender blonde named Brittany Beals.

"Hello everyone, and welcome to The Likability Factor. We're just about to meet our contestants in the form of an immunity competition. Each contest will go before a panel of supermodels Keisha, Sandrine, and Mark who will give them a 'hotness rating' on a scale of 1 to 10. Whoever gets the highest rating cannot be eliminated this week. So let's go meet the contestants!" Brittany said to the camera.

"First to be rated is Penelope Garcia! Her turn-ons include bright colors and candy." Garcia was dressed in a bright yellow floral print dress and red high heels with an orange flower suspended in her nicely curled hair. Usually, very excited, Garcia looked nervous to be rated on her looks. "Keisha, what score do you give Penelope?"

Keisha, a tall and beautiful dark-skinned woman held out a sign that said 6.

"Sandrine?" The equally stunning woman with long red curls looked over at what Keisha had said and too picked a 6.

"Okay, that's two 6's for Penelope. Mark, will you give us your final rating?" Brittany said.

Garcia flashed a flirtatious smile at Mark, a muscular and ruggedly handsome underwear model. He raised an eyebrow and gave her 5.

"Okay, that's a final score of 17 out of 30 for Penelope." Garcia walked over to the other side of the yard where she stood alone. "Next we have Rajesh Koothrappali. His turn-ons include silence."

He was wearing his regular clothes, namely a god-awful sweater vest, dress shirt, and ugly pants. Keisha for some reason found him to be a little cute and smiled while holding up a 6. Raj smiled back for a brief second, until Sandrine stuck her tongue out in disgust and held up a 4. Mark looked disinterested and held out a 3. Raj held his head in shame and walked to the other side of the yard.

"Okay, Rajesh scored a total of 13 so Penelope is in the lead with 17," Brittany said. "Next we have Howard Walowitz whose turn-ons include… what's this? I can't say that on TV! Anyway, judges?"

Howard, wearing his characteristic tight pants (bright pink) and matching shirt, smiled at the ladies. All three judges held out 3s.

"Oh, that has got to hurt. Howard only scores a 9! Penelope is in the lead still with 17! Next is Emily Prentiss, whose turn-ons include sex on the beach… the drink of course."

"Cute, but a big nose," Keisha said, holding up the first 7. Sandrine held out a 6 while Mark held out another 7.

Brittany smiled widely at this. "Okay, finally someone takes Penelope's lead! Emily is now in the lead with 20. Next up is Aaron Hotchner. His turn-ons are paperwork and talking about work!"

Keisha looked unimpressed. "He's so old and serious!" She held out a 4. Sandrine crinkled her nose and held out a 3, the same number Mark gave him.

Rossi was up next. He was dreading it even before Keisha's remark about Hotch being old. What were the girls going to think of him? "Next is David Rossi. His turn-ons include a nice warm cup of soup."

"Eww, eww, eww!" Keisha said. "He's gotta be like a hundred!" She held out a 1, as did Sandrine, who had to shield her eyes in terror. Mark graciously held out a 2.

"Alright. Emily is still in the lead with twenty points," Brittany said. "Right now we're at the half way point, so there are just six people who need to be rated and if no one gets higher than twenty, Emily will win!"

Next time on The Likability Factor! JJ, Leonard, Sheldon, Penny, Morgan, and Reid all get rated! Immunity will be given away! The contestants enter the house for the first time! One contestant possibly loses their mind! The Big Bang Theory Characters meet the CM characters!

A/N: Sorry I ended this sort of abruptly but since they are so many people I thought I'd split the challenge in half. Next time will include the characters actually talking to each other and what not. Let me know what you think, good or bad. I'd love to hear suggestions if you had any! Oh, and last chance to suggest any pairings that you would like to see!