A/N: Before reading the introduction below, I want you to know that I adopted this story from Hikari Tsukishi's Elements of the Earth. So the plot is not mine, it is hers.

Disclaimer: I do not own nor wish to own Prince of Tennis, as if I own it, I cannot make it as breath-taking as Takeshi Konomi. *winks*

Introduction: Gods of the Elements

Earth, a very beautiful planet to live in. There are four elements in the Earth – air, water, fire and earth. Unknown to most people, four Gods reside in this blue planet, and they have the power to control those elements. They can transform into humans and possibly other things too. Moreover, they are immortal. The first two Gods, God of Earth and Goddess of Air, fell in love with each other and made a family, having two children of their own. The two children are also Gods. The oldest child is the God of Water, while the youngest child is the Goddess of Fire. This family is known as the Echizen family.

The God of Earth, Echizen Nanjirou, has short spiky brown hair and dull brown eyes. He can make rocks to move, shake the ground, make volcanoes to erupt and even can make the Earth itself to crumble. He is the patriarch of the Echizen family. His prestige in tennis is known practically by all tennis fans in the whole wide world, and it's because of his love to tennis that made his children to play tennis and eventually love the sport. He is the best tennis player of the family. During the twentieth century, he transformed to a junior high school student and tried to attend Seishun Gakuen, a popular school for its tennis club back then. After one year or so, he quitted school and transformed back to his normal self. He, then, joined the US Open 8 years later and almost achieved the Grand Slam title before he retired abruptly. His body stopped maturing when he was thirty years old. He fell in love with Rinko and married with her 2 years after his retirement.

The Goddess of Air, Echizen Rinko (maiden name Takeuchi), has brunette hair and hazel golden eyes. She can control air every time she wants. She can blow even a heavy piece of metal with a simple sneeze and make whirlwinds when she runs. She can play tennis, but she doesn't play it as often as her husband and her children. Her body, like Nanjirou, stopped maturing when she was thirty years old. She has a job as a lawyer and is the second commander of the Echizen family, first being Nanjirou. She fell in love with Nanjirou when she was still active in playing tennis and married with him.

The God of Water, Echizen Ryoga, has black hair with greenish tints on it, along with Nanjirou's dull brown eyes. He can control water easily and do anything to it. He even can heal himself using water when he is injured and create a tsunami if he wants to. He is the only son of Nanjirou and Rinko and also is the eldest child. He likes to play tennis even though he is not as good as his father, and Ryoma can beat him sometimes, putting him in par with her sister. He is 24 years old but has an 18-years-old teenager body as his body stopped maturing earlier than both Nanjirou and Rinko. He is very protective of Ryoma is a bit of a pervert, obviously being rubbed off from Nanjirou's perverted fetish.

The Goddess of Fire, Echizen Ryoma, has black hair with greenish tints like her older brother, but has her mother's eyes, hazel golden. She can control fire very easily without anything being burnt and can make fire to go out from her body. She transformed herself into a 12-years-old child to join Seishun Gakuen and crossdresses as a boy. She also plays tennis and is currently a tennis regular on the Seigaku's Boys Tennis Team. She won four tennis junior tournaments consecutively when she was in America, being in her 12-years-old body. She is the only daughter of Rinko and Nanjirou and is the youngest Echizen.

Each member of the Echizen family actually can control all four elements, but not as good as their dominant element. They can also use varies of weapons, such as katanas and guns. They can even defend themself without using weapons or their powers, being black belts on different types of self defenses. They have enemies too, and the enemies also have the powers to control elements. The enemies are 8 in total, 2 for each element, god and goddess. The only difference between the enemies and the Echizens is that the enemies abuse their powers to reach their aim – to dominate the Earth and control its residents.


A/N: I hope this went well. English is not my mother tongue after all, and this is my first fanfic. I'll be happy to take constructive criticism and reviews. If I mess up on something, like grammar and spelling, please tell me through your reviews... :)