This is something of an extra to my story! It clears up a little bit of what went on after Shinobu and Miyagi got back together and of course Miyagi's talk with the Dean about his job and he and Shinobu's relationship. Some might disagree with the direction I made Shinobu's father go in, but you have to keep in mind that one of his children (Risako respectively.) has already suffered a mental break and her actions have brought to light a lot of his failures as a parent. (Or at least what I see to be failures.) I think maybe Shinobu's father isn't such a bad guy after all, but then again, who knows? XD

Please enjoy! There's actually a lemon that goes with this as well, which you will find in my gallery. I didn't put it here because I wanted this story to remain rated T. Thank you for reading and enjoy!

Hiroki was in a state of shock when he walked into the office he shared with the rambunctious Miyagi. The place was torn apart, as it normally was, with the exception of the ever growing mountain of boxes by the door. The older professor was sitting in the middle of the mess, an unlit cigarette dangling from his lips. His eyes were glassy and he didn't even look up when the brunette walked in.

"Um... Professor, what's going on?" Keeping his voice light as he approached, the normally Devil Kamijou was almost timid, stepping over books and paper. "You're not trying to clean the office again are you? You always make it worse when you clean."

"Sit down Kamijou." The odd flat tone that Miyagi was using, scared Hiro all the more and he sat down at his desk, spinning his chair to face his superior. "I apologize for this, but after today I'm being forced to resign."

"What...? Why?" Kamijou's face instantly went slack for a moment, then bewildered. "You can't be serious."

"Shinobu returned and I had a not-so-pleasant get together with Risako and the Dean." With this, Miyagi launched into his tale, telling Hiroki all that had happened. The younger man stayed quiet the whole time, the only sign that he was listening was the subtle change of expression and the nodding of his head. "-and that was about the time I had to step in. Shinobu had already confessed and I really saw no way to deny it."

"In exchange for me not pressing charges on Risako, I asked if he would allow me to resign, so I am." Standing from where he was sitting on the floor, Miyagi held out a hand to Hiro, a somber look on his face. "I wish I could have been more help to you Kamijou-Kun."

"Ah, yes, well." The brunette awkwardly took his superior's, no, his friend's hand. He helped his fellow professor up and stared at him for a moment, unsure of what to say. Miyagi was about to lose the job he had worked so hard on for a long time. Hiroki couldn't imagine having such a thing happen. "Things are going to be very quiet around here without you."

"Don't let my replacement put the moves on you. You'll always be my honey~"

"Professor!" Huffing in embarrassment the smaller yanked his hand away, smoothing his shirt as a nervous habit. "I hope he's not as incompetent as you."

"Me too."

Both men looked at each other, clearly wanting to find better words to say to one another, but not really able to go through with it. With a weak smile Miyagi pulled Hiro into what could only be described as a passionate hug between two very dear friends, though neither one would admit it. It might have been the older man's imagination, but he could have sworn he felt the Devil hug him back.

Miyagi had never known a stack of papers to feel so heavy. His resignation was printed up in soulless black ink and it stared up at him. The periods and dots atop the i's like a sea of little human faces staring up into his. For someone who loved literature so much, he could think of nothing more distasteful at the moment than words on paper.

It would be the last time he walked down the familiar halls. The scent of chalk, the squeak of his shoes on the polished floor, the chime of the bell. He would miss it all. He knew there would be work waiting for him at another university, but it would never quite be the same. He had many memories at Mitsuhashi University, some good, some bad, but all important. He knew that his Sensei would have been happy to see him working at such a place.

His mind seemed to dwell on this the whole walk to the Dean's office, making the trek seem miles longer than it actually was. As he stood outside the door his whole body felt weak and he was sure he was going to be sick.

With a new apartment and a brat to take care of, he had to find another job fast, they couldn't rely on the part time job that Shinobu had scored. Nor did Miyagi want to put such pressures on the younger man. He was the adult, older adult, and he was going to make sure they made it.

We'll be okay. He assured himself, thinking fondly back on their recent apartment hunt. They had spent all day Saturday looking at dozens of places, the honey-haired boy's expression growing more upset as the day went on. It wasn't until almost seven places in that Shinobu had finally found what he wanted.

Close to his (hopefully) permanent university, It had beautiful new hardwood floors, and a large enough kitchen for all of Shinobu's cabbage experiments. The living room was modest, but neither of them would be spending much time in it anyways. The master bedroom was roomy and sunny in the daytime, with a nice view of the city at night. To complete the package the room had big glass doors leading out to a spacious patio, perfect for all of Miyagi's smoking.

It was a smaller place than Miyagi's prior one, though the two rooms were bigger and as the Terrorist repeatedly pointed out, one was to be an office and nothing more. The chain-smoking professor thought he would soon to be glad of this office, after seeing how much he would be taking home with him from the university.

Shinobu had taken only a short look around before walking back to the older man with misty eyes, declaring in a soft sweet voice that the apartment, 'Feels like home. Feels like being with Miyagi.'. Naturally the professor was awed and delighted by this statement. They signed the papers that day and were now due to meet there to unpack as soon as Miyagi was done resigning.

Which brought him back to the future, where he now stood outside his ex-boss's office. With a soft sigh, seeing he could put it off no longer, he knocked on the door and waited to be called inside. There was a soft shuffle before an unexpected voice called out for Miyagi to enter. He practically ripped the door off it's hinges when opening it.

"What are you doing here?" The man's dark eyes stared suspiciously at Risako, who was seated in front of her father's desk. She looked better, calmer than she had in weeks, but there was still that obvious worn feeling about her. Shinobu had heard from his mother that she was staying at some kind of facility, specially tailored to suit whatever needs she might have.

"Calm down. It's not like that." Risako gave Miyagi a gentle smile before rising from her chair. She started for the door, but in passing whispered, "Good luck. Do your best."

Do my best...? My best with what? The dark-haired man stared after Risako in confusion, unsure what to make of her words. He watched as the Dean's wife hurriedly collected her daughter, a blank look on her pallid face as she stared in at Miyagi. Her expression became more fiery as she glanced past him to her husband, with whom she nodded at with a particular stiffness. The exchange ended as quickly as it had begun and the two women retreated.

After shutting the door and clearing his throat, Miyagi turned to face his boss, now ex-boss. The two didn't speak at first, simply looked at each other. Shinobu's father looked thoughtful and that only added to the professor's anxiety. He wasn't sure what the older male was plotting, but whatever it was, it wasn't going to be good.

"Take a seat please." The gray-haired man nodded to the chair in front of his desk. Stiffly Miyagi sat down and placed his resignation in his lap. Again, neither spoke, so seeing that someone had to take the floor and begin, the younger of the two obliged.

"I'd like to thank you for all you've done for me. I didn't expect things to end this way, obviously, but here is my resignation." Looking the Dean straight in the face, Miyagi handed over the stack of papers, heart beating itself out inside his chest. The gray-haired man's eyes fell on the papers and he took them, his hands instantly dumping them into the trash. "Sir-...!"

"Let me ask you something." The Senior Takatsuki laced his fingers together and set his hands down on his desk. "What did my son mean exactly by what he said the other night? I'm sure the implications are obvious, but I still don't understand fully what's going on."

"Ah-... Well. That's a bit complicated."

"I have all day Miyagi. I suspect that you should as well." The elder narrowed his eyes a bit until finally his employee nodded in submission. The younger man turned his head to glance at the clock on the wall, mentally kicking himself for promising Shinobu he would be back early. He wondered silently how long the torture would last.

"I guess it all began a while ago, a short time before he came to stay with me for the first time." Miyagi turned his head back around as he began his tale, trying to keep his eyes level with that of the other man. "He came to me and said that he and I were fated to be together. Naturally I dismissed him, who wouldn't do that in my position?"

"Shinobu doesn't seem to take no for an answer, even now, so he kept pestering me. No matter how many times I told him off, he wouldn't stop," Hesitating to gauge the other's reaction, Miyagi was relieved to see that the Dean at least looked neutral. "That's a lie actually, he did eventually stop."

"So why didn't you drop it? I mean, you clearly knew better." Going from neutral to defensive in a blink, Shinobu's father rose from his seat and began to pace slowly behind his desk. "You say that he came to you, but how do I know that you didn't simply corrupt him?"

"I know you probably don't know your son as well as you'd like, but don't tell me you haven't noticed how brilliant he is. He's been going to one of the top law schools for a year outside of the summer term he spent in Australia and knowing Shinobu that was probably extra-credit for him. He's too smart to let some old guy like me take advantage of him."

"Well, maybe, but that still doesn't explain everything!"

"No and if you take a seat I can continue to clear things up." Miyagi sat back, patiently waiting for the prowling tiger to return to his own seat, before speaking again. "Your son is relentless. He doesn't know everything yet, but he at least has a pretty good idea of the things he wants in life. I guess I just happen to be one of those things."

"I understand the position this puts me in and the one it puts Shinobu in, but he's eighteen now. He's an adult who can make his own decisions. This is clearly not the life that you want for him and I completely sympathize with that. I'll do my best to stay out of your way, but please don't mess things up for him."

"I'll resign quietly and I can assure you I won't do anything that might jeopardize his future or your family's reputation, but unless he leaves me, I won't end he and I's relationship. Like I said, he's an adult and if he chooses to stay with me, then I'm not going to stop him."

The room grew very quiet and Miyagi's ears began to ring. The Dean was staring intensely at his desk, fixated on it. Moving with caution, the dark-haired male moved towards the waste basket and collected his resignation, dusting it off a bit before offering it to Shinobu's father.

"I'm not going to fire you. Put that back." Glancing up the Dean looked even older, worn out almost. The boy's father spoke slowly, his eyes staring like a snake's, void of emotion. "Don't think for a second that this means I'm okay with the relationship you have with Shinobu, but I've decided that I will keep you on staff."

"Why all the sudden-...?"

"Risako came here to speak with me and told me not to fire you, that I was doing it for the wrong reasons, among other things. Obviously I have my own opinion." Clearing this throat, the elder rose again and continued his pacing. "You're an amazing professor you know. All your summer students passed your exam and not only that, but with flying colors."

Feeling a little dizzy, all Miyagi could do was stare open-mouthed. He had graded the papers, but he himself hadn't even realized that his students had passed. He had been so focused on getting Shinobu back that the fate of his summer class hadn't been at the forefront of his mind.

"If I've learned anything from all this, it's that I don't know a thing about my own children. I've pushed them into things they didn't want to do. For Risako it ended up being a huge mistake and I don't want that for my son. I just don't understand one thing: Why you?"

"Sir, I don't think I understand it either." Miyagi's mouth was dry, but there was a note of humor in it, or maybe that was hysterical relief. He decided not to drabble with the details. "I'm old, way past my expiration date. We don't have much in common and his antics confuse me to the point of madness. I've discovered that despite it all that I can't be without him. He's my terrorist."

"...A terrorist..."

"My terrorist."

"Your-... … … My wife and I will need time to speak with our son and like I said, I don't approve of this relationship. But-... As long as Shinobu is happy and nothing gets in the way of his schooling, I guess I can tolerate it." Both men were silent again before finally the Dean came over to Miyagi, placing a hand on his shoulder. He gave the professor a long look before nodding in what was an obvious surrender.

The older man once more dumped the resignation in the trash and returned to his office-chair, looking thoughtful.

"Terrorist is an interesting term. Risako was describing him more like a dictator-..." The Dean trailed off in a half smile, Miyagi shuddered at the thought. That was the last thing Shinobu needed to be, a terrorist was bad enough.

"Kamijou~ I'm going to be able to stay with you forever~" Back to his usual self, Miyagi sped to the office he shared with Hiroki, launching himself at the man. "The Dean didn't fire me after all! It seems that my genius showed itself this summer and I inadvertently created a class full of star-pupils!"

"Excuse me?" Hiro shoved his co-worker off with a look of rage and shock on his face. "You're not leaving?"

"Aww~ You sound disappointed! How cruel can you be Kamijou?"

"Yeah I'm disappointed! I thought I was rid of you for good!" Crossing his arms and turning his back to Miyagi, the brunette strained to hide the satisfied smile that was forcing it's way onto his face. The dark-haired man took no notice and instead threw his arms around his lackey.

"I'll explain everything tomorrow when I come into work."

"I really wish you wouldn't." Grumpy as ever, the brunette shoved Miyagi off and turned to glare at the taller professor.

"You sound happy to me and since you're so happy, I thought you could show your love for me by putting all the books back where they go!"

"What? NO!"

Miyagi was gone before Hiro even had a chance to stop him. The dark-haired man was clearly on some kind of I-Got-To-Keep-My-Job buzz and there was nothing and no one who could stop him.

"Shinobu?" Miyagi had finally gotten home. In his excitement he had, had a senior moment and gone to his old apartment. His shock at finding an old woman greeting him at the door instead of Shinobu had been so bad that the professor spent the whole drive to the new apartment calming his nerves.

He opened the door and stepped lightly into their new living room, surprised to find that the boy had made amazing progress at unpacking. Shinobu's plan had been to have the apartment completely ready by the time the older man arrived home. However he was quickly felled by the smell of fresh sheets on their bed and the warm sunlight streaming into their bedroom.

Similar to a cat, the warmth and comfort of the bed had been too much to resist and his body had given out on him. This is where Miyagi found him, curled up on the bed, covered in tape and foam peanuts. Unable to resist such a cute sight, the dark-haired man crawled quietly over to the space beside the blond.

One hand pulled Shinobu over against his chest while the other lazily picked the packing peanuts from the boy's soft hair. The Dictator, as he was so named by his sister, didn't even stir. His eyelids were red, surrounded by dark circles, sure tell signs that he hadn't slept in some time. The thrill of being in a new place was too much for him.

"I'm home Shinobu." Miyagi breathed, placing a very light kiss on his boy's forehead. Two gray eyes opened for just a fraction of a second.

"W'lc'me h'me M'yagi."

"Go back to sleep."

Shinobu gladly obliged and Miyagi spent a happy afternoon with the smaller man snuggled up to him, not moving until long after the sun had gone down. He finally was forced to wake 'Sleeping Beauty', who took nearly half an hour to fully bounce back.

"How did things go with my dad?" Still bleary eyed, Shinobu was attempting to open the box in front of him, a box-knife held dangerously in his hand.

"Give me that!" Pulling the blade quickly away from the dazed child, he cut the tape on the box and opened it up to find out what the contents were. "Actually, I've been meaning to talk to you about that-..."

"How bad was it...?"

"He said I could keep teaching."

"What?" Now fully awake, Shinobu stared incredulously up at the professor, a smile beginning to take shape on his face. "You're serious?"

"Yeah, what's with that face?" Embarrassed by the look of bliss on his boyfriend's face, Miyagi averted his gaze. "They decided I was too important to just sack."

"We have to celebrate somehow. I could make dinner!"


"We can go get the ingredients and I could cook and we can buy a cake!"

"Shinobu, that's really sweet and all, but I'd like to stay in tonight." Kneeling down in front of the grey-eyed boy, Miyagi grabbed his face gently. "This is the first night of the rest of our lives together. I want to spend it with just you."

"M-Miyagi." Now it was Shinobu's turn to look embarrassed. He wound his arms around the taller's broad shoulders. "You just don't like my stir-fry."

"I've got to have a chance to get ready for it, that's all. It's a very manly meal and my stomach has softened up while you were away."

"So what are we supposed to eat? The fridge is empty and you don't want to go out."

Looking about the room with a face full of seriousness, Miyagi reached out to seize a box. He dug around inside, pulling out some of the packing peanuts and holding them out to Shinobu, who looked simply appalled at the idea.

"You're not serious, right?" Eying the foam with disgust, the honey-haired boy picked up one of the peanuts and examined it. "This isn't edible."

"Sure it is! It's good for you. Lots of fiber I'm sure." Grinning in amusement, the professor was enjoying his banter.

"Fine, you first."

"Wait, what?" Banter over.

"You know what they say, age before beauty. You go first." Impish as ever, the Terrorist held out his hand, a few of the packing peanuts laying peacefully in his palm. "Come on, it was you who suggested it."'

Two dark eyes went from the foam to the smirk that was on his boyfriend's face. Taking a deep breath Miyagi leaned forward and opened his mouth, but instead of taking a bite out one of the packing peanuts, he placed a gentle kiss on the boy's palm.

"H-Hey-..." Shinobu's hand was tingling where Miyagi's lips had pressed against it, his heart playing a bass drum against his ribs. "Miyagi don't-...!"

"I'm just kissing you, calm down." Brushing the foam pieces away, the taller of the two turned the small hand over, delicately placing another kiss on the other side. His kisses continued all the way up Shinobu's arm, first his wrist, then forearm, continuing up until he reached the boy's neck.

The smaller's eyes were closed lightly, his face burning red as a stop light, chest rising and falling rapidly. He was trying to play it cool but falling short by miles. His body was trembling with excitement and anticipation as he eagerly awaited Miyagi's next move.

"Shh, calm down." Placing his head against Shinobu's chest, the older man listened blissfully to the steady thump of Shinobu's heart and the soft swishing of his breathing rushing in and out of his lungs. One of his hands snaked around and began to move carefully up and down the boy's slender back. "You're getting too excited Shinobu, we're not quite there yet."


"I brought something home for dinner when I was coming back from the school."

"Well why didn't you say so?" Not ready to let their intimate moment end, Shinobu's fingers wove through Miyagi's hair, tangling in the dark locks so that he could keep the professor's face pressed against him. "Stupid Miyagi."

"I wanted to warm up a bit before dinner." Shutting his eyes, the older of the two leaned all too eagerly against his lover, using him like some kind of body pillow. They stayed that way until Shinobu's heart and breathing had slowed.

"You promise that we can do it after dinner?"

"I promise."

"Hey Miyagi." Releasing his prisoner, the boy rose to his feet. "Next summer, I'd like to go back to Australia, but I want you to go with me. There's this lighthouse you have to see and I can teach you how to surf."

"Wait, you surf?" Looking bemused at the idea, Miyagi too rose from his spot on the floor. "You don't seem the type at all."

"Colin taught me, okay? I really can do it!"

"We can go, but I don't think I should get up on a surf board. Somehow I think it'll end in disaster."

"Fine, but we have to go see the lighthouse." Looking absolutely giddy, Shinobu started for the kitchen. "I'll show you how I surf."

"I'd like that. Let's get through tonight first though. I can only handle so much at my age." Though he was joking, Miyagi was thrown off by the sudden look of rage on his boyfriend's face. "Shinobu?"

"Just because you're a little older doesn't mean you're not any good. I'm older too you know, older than I was when we started going out. Everything gets better with age, right?"

"You certainly have." Feeling a little sentimental, the dark-haired man wrapped his arms tightly around Shinobu. "Don't grow up too fast, okay? Next thing you know you'll be graduating. Speaking of which, what exactly do you plan to do when you graduate?"

"I'm studying law at the top school for it, so it should be obvious what I'm going to do." Looking quite proud of himself, Shinobu answered, "I'm going to become a dictator. Rule the free world. Build a cabbage army."

"Somehow, I don't doubt that for a second. If anyone could do that, it would be you."

From Terrorist to Dictator, Miyagi had no doubts that the future was going to be an interesting ride.