So this is my first Junjou story. ~m~ I've always wanted to write one so here it is. XD Even though with four other stories I have no business starting this. .A. I dunno how often I'll update, but I'll do my very best not to leave you hanging too much.
-It's cold. I'm wet. I should just go home.
-So why don't you?
-I'm waiting for him... What if he shows and I'm not here?
-Face it old man, he isn't gonna show.
-But what if?
-There is no 'what if'. There only is or isn't and he isn't.
-He isn't.
-He isn't.
It was getting late and the impatient boy was frustrated. Miyagi's simple trip to the book store was taking longer than Shinobu had estimated it would take. He wanted to call the older man up, bitch him out, and demand that he return home immediately, but he didn't have the heart to do it. Every minute drifted away, slower than the one before it. When Miyagi wasn't around, time might as well be frozen.
It had been a few months since Shinobu had moved in with Miyagi and still it felt like they could never score enough time together. The younger would finish up with school and rush home only to find a note left by Miyagi claiming an unfathomable need to rush to the bookstore right away. Either that or halfway to their apartment a text would pop up on Shinobu's phone announcing that the object of his affection needed to stay late at work... Again.
It was almost as if, (Shinobu worried that it was.) Miyagi was avoiding him.
The loud ring of his cellphone broke Shinobu's train of though and startled him so much that he jumped. Embarrassed he looked around to see if anyone had noticed, even though he knew he was alone in the apartment. After checking the caller I.D. And confirming that it was someone he cared to speak with, he flipped open his phone.
"Hey." It was simple enough, although he would rather be yelling. It was like that every time Miyagi called. His heart would start racing and his voice would choke up. His palms would sweat a little and it was all he could do was try to focus on replying
"Oi... Kamijo and I are going to go for a drink together. I won't be back too late, I don't think. Don't wait up for me either way." Shinobu's heart sunk. He'd been stood up again.
"Right. See you." He didn't wait for a goodbye, shut his flip-phone and tossed it angrily to the floor. Sitting on the dining-room table was the stir-fry that Shinobu had worked hard to cook. He hadn't burnt it for once and was excited to see if Miyagi would enjoy it, but he wasn't coming home in time to eat.
Frustrated and angry the boy snatched up the plates and pitched them into the sink, not bothering to wash them. Instead he turned on the water and left it running, as a half-hearted attempt to get back at his boyfriend for leaving him high and dry again.
He started for his room, another reminder of how angry he was at Miyagi. When the man had invited him to move in, Shinobu had pictured sharing a room, sharing a bed, but instead found himself moving into the old spare room where Miyagi had once housed his books. The boy entered the room and slammed the door, grabbing a pen off his desk and notebook.
He threw himself down on his bed and began to write, words of anger flooding out like blood from a sliced vein. Everything he had wanted to say to Miyagi over the past couple of weeks appeared on the page like magic. By the time he was done venting, Shinobu had filled up five pages and was finishing up his sixth. After scrawling his name at the bottom and dropping the pen to the floor, exhausted, Shinobu put his head down on the notebook and went to sleep.
"I warned you not to drink so much..." Miyagi staggered a little, leaning against his co-worker for support. "Stupid."
"I normally hold my liquor better than this. Besides Kamijo, isn't this fun~?"
"It's a pain in the ass. Now get in the car. Stupid drunk."
His mind a little hazy, Miyagi opened the passenger side door and tumbled in, fumbling to get his seat belt on as Hiroki entered the driver's side. With an angry sigh his fellow teacher reached over and buckled the belt for him, irritation plain as day on the brunette's face.
"Look Kamijo, I'm sorry about this. I guess I just needed to unwind. I've been busy lately, you know that." The more Miyagi rambled the more irritated Hiroki got, but neither of them commented on it. "S'nice of you to drive me home. You know, I didn't know you could drive. Never took you for the driving type."
"Of course I can drive! What a stupid thing to say!" Hiroki snapped, his face flushing a bit. Miyagi smiled a little to himself. Oh what fun he had teasing his subordinate.
"So how are you and that kid doing?"
"W-What? I don't know what you mean."
"Don't be so coy Kamijou~"
"You're so damn annoying when you're drunk! Even more so than usual!" Hiroki hissed, smacking at Miyagi's arms as they wound around his waist. "Professor! Let go! I can't drive when you cling to me like that!"
"Sure you can." Miyagi insisted.
"No I can't! Let go!"
It all happened very quickly after that. The tired screeching, the metal crashing, glass breaking. Sure enough, Hiro couldn't drive with Miyagi's arms wrapped around his waist.
Oh noes! D: The car crashed! How could something like that happen? XD Anyways. I hope I've caught your attention enough to want to read more. .A. And if not, then I guess that's how the cookie crumbles.
:D But come on, seriously. You wanna read more don'tcha?
Comments and critiques are loved but not required. ;w;