Hello, and welcome to my fanfiction. I am your host, Acadia, but you may call me Cadi (kay-dee).
Disclaimer: Obviously I do not own any of these lovely characters even though I wish I did.
Summary: Ginny/Draco Love Story. I'm not really good at summarizing stories, so if you are interested, please stick around and R&R
So without further ado I present to you... So Much for Fun. A Fanfic by Acadia.
Chapter One:
"Professor, I didn't mean for any of this to happen."
"I'm sorry Draco, but sometimes having a good time results in dire consequences. You must marry her, as it is customary for a wizard to take responsibilities for his actions."
"Professor… I was unaware of what happened. I might as well have been drunk." Draco Malfoy said shaking his head, aware that his blond disheveled locks were flying around as he did so. Damn Nott and his blasted muggle drinks. What had he called them? Oh yes, Red Bull. Gives you wings apparently. All it did was get a girl pregnant. By him. Draco let frustration show on my face.
Professor Dumbledore looked at him apologetically. "Draco, you must or else face banishment from the wizarding world. You know our kind will not tolerate that disrespect." Dumbledore said delivering the ultimatum.
What'll father say? Draco thought to himself pulling out a necklace from him pocket. He forced himself to tear his eyes from the necklace and look at Dumbledore who was waiting patiently while he handled this internal battle. He sighed out loud as he realized that he had to quickly make up his mind.
"Why didn't she tell me? Why do I have to find out this way? How do I even know that it's mine?" Draco growled softly. Dumbledore nodded expectantly. He remained silent yet all knowing. Draco sighed.
"Fine, I'll marry her." He sneered sarcastically. Dumbledore didn't notice the hate in his voice. He smiled. "Good choice."
Draco nodded his head, and pocketed the necklace. he got up from his seat.
"Oho, I almost forgot to mention this, you must do things properly. Meaning, you must ask her to marry you, and prepare a wedding, as she wishes." Dumbledore said winking at him. Draco gaped at him in horror. "WHAT?"
"Draco, you heard me." Dumbledore said sternly.
Suddenly Draco realized he had a way out of this mess. All he had to do was to convince her that he was a rotten person. She will never want to marry him. he couldn't help but to smirk to himself. I made up my mind. I began to develop a plan in my mind. I looked back at Dumbledore who was waiting patiently.
I nodded again and walked out of the office.
Ginny paced around the dark common room. The fire in the fireplace was crackling softly. But it did nothing to soothe the wriggling sensation in her heart. How is she going to tell Harry? She suddenly wished that he would just hurry up. She had knocked on his door a full 5 minutes ago. Just as she made up her mind to go back to her room, Harry peered into the common room wearing scarlet pajama pants and no shirt.
Wow. This is the man she risks losing. She just wanted to take him into her room and rip off his pants and have him touch her and caress her in all the right places. God, how she really wanted him in her right now. His delicious manhood in her mouth while he makes her touch herself. Just the way they like to play before he shoves his fully erect cock into her awaiting vagina. Thrusting in and out while she moans as loud as she can, begging for more…
She shuddered involuntarily, feeling slightly aroused. Focus Ginny. she rushed to him, throwing herself into his arms. He grabbed her, softly caressing her inner thigh, almost slipping his hand underneath her thong, and softly planted a kiss on her lips. God, I don't deserve him right now. She pulled away.
"Ginny. What's wrong?"
"Harry, love. I-"
"What is it?" asked Harry urgently. He pushed her hair out of her eyes tenderly. God, how am I supposed to tell him? That I was drinking muggle drinks, had sex with Malfoy, of all people, and now am pregnant with Malfoy's child? Why did I let Lavender to persuade me into going to this party?
"Harry… I'm… terribly sorry. I didn't mean to, I swear. It just happened. I would never ever ever-" Ginny babbled incoherently, but Harry interrupted her.
"Ginny, what?" she remained silent. The only sound was the crackling of the fire next to them.
"Harry, I'm pregnant," she said quickly. Maybe if she say it quickly enough she wouldn't have to worry about any response. It took him a full minute before he finally understood the magnitude of her words.
"Not by me… We always used protection… right?" he said slowly. Giny could see he was taking a good look at her stomach. She wasn't showing yet, but she knew she was pregnant. Revealing charms never lie.
"Always. See, I… had sex with… Malfoy… I swear I didn't know what I was doing, I was-"
"You what? HOW COULD YOU BETRAY ME LIKE THIS? Ginny, I thought you loved me," Harry said angrily before softening his voice, an excellent strategy for causing guilt in a person. She looked at him in shame and buried her face in her hands. He's right to be mad at her. she should never have let Malfoy seduce her. Or should she have not seduced him?
She felt hot tears running down her cheeks. She stole a glance at Harry; he was pulling his bangs back in frustration.
"Harry, what should I do?" Ginny asked meekly. She expected him to calm himself and take her in his arms, and suggest that it's his child. None of this occurred though. He merely got up from the seat he had thrown himself in earlier and looked at her sadly.
"Ask the father. It's the only thing you can do," he looked at me once more, shook his head and started heading back to his dormitory.
She looked at him sadly. I can't let him walk away. Wait, isn't that the guy's line in muggle movies? Right when he sees the girl walking away? Focus Ginny. She thought to herself again.
"Harry… Wait," said Ginny impulsively. He stopped on the first stair. "What?" He mumbled unwilling to look at her.
"I… I love you," she said softly. She wiped the tears off of her cheeks and waited for a response. Receiving none. she simply nodded, feeling her heart tear into pieces.
She looked up expectantly.
He hesitated, still not meeting her eyes. "Have a good life." And with those four words, he continued walking away.
Have a good life… Have a good life, is that all he can say to her? Did he not love her the way he would tell her every time they had sex? Or shared an intimate kiss or touch? But then again what did she expect? Ginny went partying, had sex with his enemy, and got pregnant by said enemy.
Mind you, Draco was amazing, from what she can remember that is… He knew exactly what she wanted and how to give it to her.
No Ginny. Stop. You are dating Harry, not Draco. Well used to date Harry, that is. No longer.
She shook her head in despair and began to cry, thoughts of all the good times she had with Harry began to run through her memory. She longed to whip herself up a sleeping draught, but that would be harmful to the baby.
After what felt like hours, she finally dried her face and made up her mind to go talk to Malfoy. Sighing deeply, she walked back to her dormitory with thoughts of what she would say to him racing through her mind.
Sorry that my first chapter was pretty short. It was the intro, and I didn't want to get too far into the story.
Coming soon: Ginny Telling Malfoy, Malfoy's reaction. Ron's reaction after finding out, And many more reactions. Plus a lovely sex scene is coming up soon too. Maybe the next chapter or in the following ones. Expect a flashback as well.
Did I give too much away? Perhaps, but stick around please, and let me know what you think.
Thanks for reading! Please review!
-Acadia (aka Cadi)