Disclaimer: I claim to claim nothing!

I can't control this anymore. It's a need now. A voice that whispers softly to me, gets the feeling started. The feeling sits in my stomach and festures and yells until the only thing I can hear is the voice. The shrill sound fills my mind and consumes my dreams until the only thing I know is this voice.

And all it says is "murder."

I need to kill. I want to kill. Everyone. Everything. I can't hold it in much longer. I'n gonna hurt Tori or Cat. I can't risk that.

"I'm moving..." I say firmly. The hurt evident in both Tori and Cat's eyes. It would hurt more to have their blood on my hands.

"Where? Why?" I look at them boredly.

"To San Diego with my Aunt, Emaleigh." Cat grabbed my hand.

"Jade, why? we worked so hard. I don't-"

"Cat, I need to." I pulled my hand from hers and walked away.

"When do you leave?" I don't turn at Tori's words, unshed tears thick in her voice.

"Now..." I say before walking out the door.

The house is nice. It's a white house with pink trim. Pink bars, pink screen, pink everything just about. I hate it. But my aunt is on the porch swing and she has a friendly smile. I follow her in. The house is covered in things from her travels, one of the things I've loved about her house since I was young. I walk past a giant world map and notice random points on it.

"The places I've been." My aunts voice is right behind me. I jump and look at her.

"Let me show you around." Her voice is soft and sweet but she causes a strange chill to go down my spine. I nod and follow her, her long brown hair bouncing with each step. She starts showing me around. I notice small things about the house that I like. A jar of m&m's on the counter in the kitchen, a rock mural over the stove, cheetah print wallpaper in the computer room, a stone yin yang creation in the back yard, a lemon tree not far away. It was interesting.

I set my stuff in my room as she went to cook dinner. The room is white, all the house is white but this room has no personality, probably a guest room. I sit on the light blue sheets and look around. The room is so... bland. I wonder if the rest of the house could ever be this way.

"Jade!" Emaleigh pulls me from my thought with her call. I walk downstairs and sit at the already set table.

"Your mom said it was your favorite." She set a plate of chicken penne on in front of me. Her smile was warm and welcoming, making a small smile pull across my lips. We sat and chatted as we ate for a while. I like this, my parents never did this. We finished and sat for a while. I was about to move to get my plate when she spoke.

"I know why your here Jade." I feeze. What? She can't. No one knows.

"I know you can't control it." I stand there, my mouth hanging open.

"I can help. I can help you control it." She stands slowly.

"I too suffer from your problem." She kills too? How is this possible?

"We will work together Jade. Now say something." I open and closed my mouth a couple times in shock.

"Y-You kill people too?" She smiles and nods.

"But only the ones who deserve it. I will teach you Jade... I will help you hone your skills to make this need a controllable urge." Her smile is wicked and send fear deep within me. I nod.

"Ok..." She smiles and extends her hand. I clasp her hand slowly.

"Its a deal."

A/N: Alright everybody I know its short but this is the end of Cat Fight, but only because its leading into the sequel story. Yes a sequel. Now i have a little competition for you all. Its simple really.

Contest: Every chapter in this story was named after a song. This first person who can message me a list, in order, of the correct artist of the songs get a preview of the first chapter of the sequel.

have fun with that one, and as always...REVIEW!