AN: Hmm … this took a while for us to do. . It was originally a one-shot, but then FOXY (glares at said fox) decided to pretty much extend it by waaay too many words, so we had to take each section that begins with an italicized sentence and make it its own chapter so you poor readers cannot scream at the teeny, tiny scrollbar on the right. Want a horror story? She extended a hundred and four of my words into nearly 2,000 in one of the future chapters. TECHNICALLY it's supposed to be one fanfiction! The sections are technically not supposed to be their own chapters so please read it like it's all one thing! (Foxy: she complains and rants now, but she likes the extensions I made. ;) ). So we had to divvy it up. Also, this is situated sometime right before (spoiler) Anri being the Slasher. Y'all can expect the second chapter next … hmm … sometime next week (depends on when we can both revise the second bit together).

We're sorry y'all, we're trying to get everything done but college is quite painful. Pleeeaase continue to bear with us! Also, technically there are more than two main characters to this story … but, as you all know, only two can be put in the search thing. So we put in the first two main-ish characters that came into play.

DISCLAIMER: We do not in any way own the characters/scenes/… oh you know the drill I'm sure.

Hit by a Bus

A Durarara! Fanfiction by Kitty & Foxy

Chapter One: It Begins

-Ryuugamine Mikado was hit by a bus.-

"You're certain that he's all right? There're no problems?"

"Yes. He only needed minor surgery and so far there haven't been any complications." The doctor replied. "Don't worry; there's a nurse keeping an eye on this ward at all times, and we plan to keep him in the hospital for a few weeks to make sure he'll be alright."

Masaomi sighed in relief and thanked the doctor as he turned to go back into Mikado's room. I should be used to the sight of this stupid hospital by now … but I'm only getting sicker of it. Anri was already sitting near Mikado's bedside, looking confused and a little disturbed, but mostly unsure of how to react to this situation. Masaomi didn't blame her; he didn't think anyone would really know how to react in situations that no one expects to happen. Seeing a bus run over their best friend was certainly on the "unexpected list."

She looked up at Masaomi as he sat down next to her. "Is he … going to be okay?"

"Yeah, the doctor says he's going to have to say in the hospital for a while but he'll be able to walk out with everything attached." Masaomi tried his best to force a smile, but the smile faulted right after. He looked over at Mikado, who was still lying in the hospital bed, hooked up to the monitors in an unconscious state.

As Masaomi finally got the chance to sit down without worrying – at least, not worrying too much – what felt like happened in no time was finally starting to unwind in his mind, the events from over the past few hours starting to settle down in place. It really was a blessing that Mikado hadn't died when the bus rammed through the red light and through the crosswalk filled with people … Mikado was one of the unlucky four people that the bus struck, Masaomi and Anri having barely avoided it. As soon as the bus managed to stop, onlookers flooded the scene, some calling their cell phones for help. Masaomi and Anri ran over to Mikado, making sure that he was alive as he was knocked unconscious. Then came the ambulances and reporters. The two of them had been allowed in the ambulance with Mikado to the hospital, as there was room and the hospital wasn't too far away. Mikado arrived at the hospital with two cracked ribs, a broken leg with a large cut in it, a gash on his head (which the doctors called severe head trauma), and other various injuries and bruises that were too small to count. The doctors performed surgery to get one of the cracked ribs away from a few of his vital organs and stitched his leg and head up. Masaomi wasn't sure if Mikado looked better as he was now or as he was when he came in.

Now that everything seemed fine – or at least, under control – Masaomi started to feel tired. He pulled out his cell phone to look at the time only to realize that it was nearly 2 AM, meaning that the accident had actually occurred about eight hours ago, despite what it felt like to him. Well, I'm definitely skipping school tomorrow … although it's technically today, isn't it? Whatever. I'm skipping it.

He turned to Anri and offered to take her home, but she got up on her own and insisted she'd be fine. She probably wants to be alone right now, but that isn't exactly safe on the streets at this time of night … nonetheless, she parted on her own, leaving her cell phone number with the nurse so they could call her when there was some improvement. Masaomi did the same, telling them that he'd come visit again after he got in some sleep and a shower. They had also called Mikado's parents some time back and they were supposed to come either tomorrow or the day after (depending on when they could catch the next flight to Tokyo).

As he left the hospital's entrance into the night, relief flooded his system, helping him to calm down. It's okay. Mikado's going to be fine, and after a few weeks we'll all be back to normal, we can forget the bus incident and go on with our lives.