A/N: This was inspired by EggplantWitch's Advent is Now. Her story also begins with Pit and Ash, but I am not trying to plagiarize hers in any way. I am writing about them because I never have before, and I've found a new respect for both of them, so I'd like a chance to work with their characters. Thank you for reading, and please, enjoy.

SSBB Christmas Chronicles

On the bleak, wintry morning of December 1st, Pit jerked up from where he lay on his bed, his face ablaze and his angel eyes sunny despite the fog in the window.

Like a rocket he shot into the air and flew around the room, his wholesome and innocent wings reveling in the early morning exercise.

"Happy December!" he cried in pure ecstasy, taking so much enjoyment in something so simple, the way only angels can.

His roommate groaned from below on a different bed, his black hair askew and sleep clotting his eyes. He rubbed his face in irritation, but also bemusement. Once he blinked a few times, trying to focus his fuzzy vision, he stared at his angelic companion.

"Pit…" he sighed, "What is it this time?"

Pit, still soaring around the room, looked down at him in mirth. "It's December, Ash! December, December, the season of snow and merriment! The month of unity and eggnog! The time where we can all stand together as one, lifting our praise to God for his sacrifice and endless love! No one is cold and no one is sorrowful, for warmth from the home also comes from the heart! December, the season of—"

"Christmas!" Toon Link burst into the room, his panting a testament to the assumption that he had indeed burst into every room and proclaimed the same thing, rudely awaking late-sleepers, such as Ash.

The Pokémon Trainer moaned. "Dude…that's in twenty five days…"

Pit finally descended from his joyous wheeling and levitated above his own bed, touching down on it gracefully. "I know! That's how many days we have to get thirty three Smashers their Christmas gifts! So we better jump on it!"

He rummaged through his closet, selecting a more practical outfit than his loose-fitting toga, muttering about how he should have gotten a head start. After pulling on a pair of jeans he'd borrowed from Mario (they'd been a too-big birthday present) and apologetically slicing two slits in the back of a white sweater, he extended his wings and flew out the door. Of course, even in the freezing weather, his sandals were still present. Ash rolled his eyes.

"C'mon Ash!"

The dark-eyed boy collapsed back onto his pillow, his snores filling the blissfully peaceful room.

Ike awoke early too that morning, though it wasn't excitedly. His body was tingling with enthrallment, but it was of the worst kind. He dreaded the thrilled chills that ravaged him as he panted into his hands, wiping the sweat off his face. Though his head pounded in protest, he gripped the edge of the mattress and pulled himself off of it, shutting his eyes tightly as a swinging sensation stumped his senses. He groaned as he dropped to the floor, leaning his head back against the tangled sheets.

How long would these nightmares continue to haunt him?

He wiped his mouth as bile tried to penetrate his lips. He was in no condition to head down to the Smash Hall for breakfast, yet he had to.

He must. He was a warrior. Sickness was no excuse for absence. Sure, it wouldn't be the end of the world if he didn't make it, but today was more important than usual.

Today as the day their partners for the Team Challenges would be announced. Team Challenges were exactly that – a series of obstacles for a team. This involved Break The Targets, Event Matches (in which you had to accomplish a specific feat in a brawl to advance), the Home-Run Contest, Multi-Man Melees, and many more; also the return of a few unforgettable difficulties, such as Classic Mode, All-Star Mode (Ike longed to take on Marth in this, because the other blue-haired swordsman was always boasting of his status as crown champion in All-Star), and the very old but much loved Race to the Finish (Captain Falcon was undefeated at this point, but maybe that's because it hadn't reappeared since the first tournament).

Ike tousled his eternally-messy navy hair. He bit his lip and staggered to his feet.

It was hopeless. This was killing him; exhaustion would have to take its toll eventually, and if he didn't get any sleep now, he had no chance of winning the Team Challenges.

Wearily and reluctantly, though also much relieved, Ike sank back into his downy blankets.

They could always tell him who he was partnered with tomorrow.

Princess Peach squealed and bounced up and down, an impressive feat in her five-inch heels.

"Zelli!" she called, her sickly sweet voice breaking Bowser's ears as he lumbered down the hallway toward the breakfast hall. He grunted. If only Master Hand hadn't threatened him so…

A beautiful young woman turned her head at the other princess's summon. Her long auburn hair slipped over her shoulder and flooded down her back as she returned, "I'm in here, Peach!"

The flouncy, wide-eyed, and pink-clad princess skipped into the room, a simple tune sounding from her rosy lips. "Zelda!" she sang, abruptly flopping on the other girl's bed, catching her breath.

Zelda smiled at her ecstatic friend. "Why are you so happy today, Peach? I recall you telling me your dread of the Team Challenges."

"True," Peach acknowledged, "but it's December!"

Zelda raised a sculpted eyebrow as she examined a different dress. She wanted to look especially nice if she were so fortunately paired up with Link…oh Lord, let her be partnered with Link, please… "I have noticed. Why has that got you so happy?"

Peach was shocked, though Zelda didn't see this as she continued to silently pray. "December! The month of giving and selflessness, of beauty and excitement—"

Indeed, her speech was something even Pit would envy, if only it hadn't been interrupted by a rather toonish reincarnation of Zelda's favorite hero.

"And Christmas!" the Hero of the Winds exclaimed, dashing straight back out of the room, yelling down the hallway: "Christmas is coming, Christmas is almost here! Everybody wake up, it's nearly Christmas!"

"I can't believe that was once Link…" Zelda mused, running an experienced hand over a different dress. Liking the texture, she finally decided on a seasonally festive green one, the color of holly, and – though she denied it – identical to Link's own tunic.

Peach babbled on about what she'd like to get each Smasher as Zelda brushed her hair in her mirror. But as the bubbly princess reached Link's name, her voice slid into an insinuating suggestion.

"Oh yes, Link. I wonder what he'd like? Poor baby, he must always be lonely on Christmas, with no one to celebrate with…Maybe he'd like to celebrate with his friends, I wonder what it's like, being alone all the time, I mean, he has no one, only his friends…"

As Zelda firmly showed no sign of recognition, Peach grew agitated.

"His friends… That will REMAIN friends unless they get off their shy butt and do something about it!"

"Ready to go to breakfast?" Zelda strolled out of the room, hanging on to her last shred of self-restraint. Because there was nothing she'd like to do more than run into his arms, than to kiss him passionately, than to confess to him everything she'd been feeling ever since he'd saved her life.

But of course that'd never happen. She was royalty; he, a commoner, despite the fact of his saving her kingdom. Her father refused to see Link for the hero he was.

And everybody knew a princess shouldn't either.

The dining hall was crowded, teeming with excitement and anticipation. Most of the Smashers were seated, chatting eagerly across their breakfast plates, but the younger ones were sprinting around the tables, laughing and playing an intense game of tag.

Marth seated himself next to Link, looking round. "Where's Ike?"

"How should I know?" Link shrugged. "Though last night, I do remember him blundering around in the kitchen…you think he's okay?"

"Most likely. He's a tough guy." Marth's tone was conversational, although his face was concerned. He endeavored, however, to chase away his suspicions as the gorgeous Zelda appeared in front of their table, looking simply radiant in a very jovial, forest-green dress. Marth was fond of Zelda, though strictly as a friend. Despite what people said, the two were only close friends. He wasn't attracted to her romantically, regardless of his admiration of her looks; in all honesty – and that was the point of this season, was it not? – if there was any man that didn't stand in awe of her beauty, he'd like to meet him.

The princess bestowed a warm smile upon Marth as he gazed at her in wonder. She blushed as he knelt to the ground, taking her hand and kissing it, proclaiming, "You look absolutely brilliant today, my princess. I wish you a merry holiday."

Link looked on in jealousy, his face burning red in envy. Why hadn't he thought of that? Oh yes, because his brain was absolutely befuddled anytime she stepped into the room. She was so glowing, so gorgeous; so sweet and compassionate. His common sense and logic were cast away whenever he saw her, allowing his mind to spin out fantasies that they would have reprimanded immediately, and did so when they returned, much to his dismay.

He cleared his throat, stood up, and greeted her differently, because kneeling would have looked too similar to Marth's welcome.

He bowed low to the floor in front of her, his right hand, the opposite of his sword hand, clasping the Master Sword in respect. "Good morning, Princess Zelda," he said, his voice low and convivial. "As the prince so kindly pointed out, you look ravishing this day. Are you excited for the Team Challenges?"

She laughed happily, allowing Link to take her hand to lead her to the table, pulling out her chair for her. "I'm positively energized, though rather anxious. I just know I'll be paired up with someone dreadful, like Ganondorf."

The friends shared a chuckle, while Princess Zelda peered around Link's cap to the table a few beyond theirs.

"Though," she said thoughtfully, her countenance sad, "I feel sorry for the poor man." She nodded to Link as he raised an eyebrow in shock. "No, I do. It must be awful, having everyone feel so negatively towards you. I hope he has a happy Christmas."

Her voice was completely sincere, because that was just the kind of person she was. Take the lessons of Christmas: selflessness, giving, gratitude, generosity, unity, hope, cheer, and love; and she was the very epitome. Had Christmas been an angel with dazzling sapphire eyes, she was it.

Speaking of angels, Pit flew into the room, his pearly white dove wings flapping gently as he slowed to a stop. He observed everyone in the hall, and his mind was divided into three parts: the quietest section was still caroling his joy of the holiday; the louder part was antagonized in the suspense of needing to know who was partner was; and the last, noisiest fraction was becoming melancholy over the loveless fighters. True, this was a brawling tournament, but there was no love between them. Certainly they were all friends, but it was a very distanced friendship. Also, the amount of couples that needed each other was great, and Pit could see it.

The angel was filled with tristfulness over this, but his heart was brightened as an idea warmed him: he'd show them what the Christmas spirit was all about.

At that moment, Master Hand floated into the room, his giant fingers bearing rings of wreaths. All the Smashers became solemn, and the little ones scurried to find a seat. Pikachu scampered to his master as Ash came in through the back door, not wanting to interrupt their boss.

The hand spoke, his voice echoing impressively throughout the hall that waited with baited breaths.

"Good morning, my children, and I hope you enjoy this wonderful season." In fact, Master Hand had had a beautiful speech planned, that would have made Pit and Peach fume in endless rage, because it would have made theirs look like a first-grader's guide to the ABC's. But, in deciding this was cruel, he continued gravely, "I suppose you'd all like to learn of your partners for the Team Challenges? I have drawn up the list, as promised, and I have actually taken your requests into account. The order of events will be posted on the wall over there, and I'll have some Toads hang it up as soon as your partners are announced."

They hadn't breathed, and now, they were waiting on pins and needles. Oh, how he was torturing them!

He would have smiled, had he a mouth. Instead he withdrew a folded piece of paper from the ominous black section of his glove, where a hand should go. He pinched it between his forefinger and thumb, holding it to where they supposed his eyes were.

"Mario and Fox, Falco and Wolf, Bowser and Donkey Kong, Jigglypuff and King Dedede, Kirby and Lucas, Ness and the Ice Climbers, Marth and Link, Meta Knight and Lucario, Pit and Zelda, Toon Link and Wario, Sonic and R.O.B., Peach and Ganondorf, Snake and Ike, Samus and Ash, Olimar and Mr. Game and Watch, Luigi and Diddy Kong, Captain Falcon and Pikachu."

There was a silence, and then a general murmuring broke out as they discussed this new development. Cries of frustration were uttered as well as shouts of triumph; Marth and Link were busy grinning at each other, assuring Zelda they'd easily win beat her and Pit in this tournament. She shot back that she had an angel on her side, and Marth cracked another smile. "Whatever you say Zelda" was his reply as he and Link shared a smug yet good-natured smirk.

Ash stroked Pikachu's sleek yellow fur contemplatively. Samus Aran?

He glanced across the room, to see the bounty huntress slouched in a disgruntling way in a corner. She would have been alone if it weren't for the presence of Captain Falcon. Though everyone knew that the captain wasn't alone in his lust for her, they had all been surprised when he became her only friend.

Except for Ike, of course.

As the name of the great mercenary rose to his mind, Ash searched around for hall for a sign of his spiky hair. Surprisingly enough, Ike had been one of few people who had bonded with Ash when he'd first come to the Mansion. Though he didn't do the fighting himself, Ash was the strategy and brains behind his Pokémon's melees. He was very proud of them, though sometimes he wished he could fight on his own…. So maybe some of the other Brawlers would stop looking down at him so contemptuously.

Samus Aran was one of those veterans that would never see him as a Smasher. He was a Trainer, not a fighter; thus, he could never be one of them. What right did he have to call himself a Smasher? He wasn't out there, taking the blows, feeling the pain, celebrating in the victory, risking his life; the boy had never known what true fighting is. He would never be one of them.

Ash Ketchum sighed.

This was going to be a long Challenge.

A/N: Hola, faithful readers. Before I get any further, Thank you so so much. I can't even explain how much you mean to me. Reviews just make my entire day, you have no idea; well maybe you do. :D It's just that…writing is all I've dreamed of doing. I can't imagine my life in the future without writing; all I want to do when I grow up is become an author. Maybe I'm just writing fanfiction now, but someday, and you wait for that day, but my name will be on the cover of a book. Remember my name, because you'll see it someday.

(You know, when you actually do find out my name. ;)

But what I'm saying is, thank you for reading. To my reviewers, thank you for doing so! If it's constructive criticism or just amazing praise, I thank you SO much. The criticism only helps me get better and the praise just makes me so happy I'm on a cloud and glowing. It also reassures me that I have what it takes to be a writer. Endless thanks to all of you, and I highly encourage you to drop me a line. You can say anything, even the likes of "I like Christmas" and I'd be content. At least you read it! (Hopefully.) If you are anonymous, I will reply to you in the next chapter, though I encourage you to get an account, so I can heap thanks upon you as I just did. I had so much fun with this chapter. Review to tell me if you thought it was fun. (:

Thank you. Thank you so much. Thanks to all of you. If I could say it in any other way I could; if I could hug all of you or send you a muffin basket I would. Thank you!

P.S. – Dear EggplantWitch: I decided to go a little longer than a one-shot. Bring on the competition, girlfriend. ;)
