A/N : Okay Guys; my first Glee fanfic. Obsessed with Klaine. UNF LIKE YEAH.

Erm anyway, review = love.

Dedicated to my good friend Lauren, because she loves Chris Colfer so much ! :) xx

Once again; I don't own Glee. Never will; shame really.

Blaine handed Kurt his gingerbread cappuccino with a smile. "So, what's the urgency? Is it that Neanderthal Karofsky again?" Blaine asked after taking a sip of his coffee.

Kurt smiled, "No, nothing like that. I'm at Dalton now, I have you. And David and Wes. He can't send me into emotional turmoil anymore"

"Kurt," The older boy began "You know you can talk to my about anything, right?" Kurt nodded and tried not to blush when Blaine placed his hand on the younger boy's knee.

"Yes, and I do appreciate it Blaine. I really do" Kurt replied and added a sincere smile "But I have something important to ask you and I completely understand if you say no"

Blaine picked up a muffin from the dish on the table "Shoot"

"Well, as you know, I have successfully transferred from McKinley to Dalton. However, it costs me at least $20 a day in gas everyday and that's money I'd rather be spending on my rather extensive fashion collection. So, Carole, Dad and I have come to a solution. I'm going to board permanently at Dalton"

"Kurt, that's fantastic! There's a free room two doors down from me" Blaine smiled

"Yes, that's the problem actually" Kurt sighed "I know East Wing is full and there's a spare room in West Wing, but I don't feel safe on my own. Not after…" Kurt left the sentence hanging, hoping Blaine would get the gist.

"I completely understand. You can board with me; it's been pretty lonely actually. David and Wes share next door and my old room-mate moved to East after complaining to Mr Barlow that I play Katy Perry too loud"

Blaine seemed to scowl at his coffee, before his features softened and he smiled back up at Kurt.

"Soul connection, eh?"

"What can I say? The woman's a marvel"

"I'm shocked" Kurt mock gasped "I always pegged you for the Andrea Bocelli type of guy"

The older boy laughed "Really, Kurt? You really must stop listening to David and Wes!"

Kurt blushed "How did you know?"

"Bocelli is the only classical singer they know. Apart from Katherine Jenkins, because apparently 'she's kinda hot'" Kurt laughed and made a reach for this cappuccino.

"Don't worry. We're going to be living together, plenty of time to get to know each other"

Living together… Kurt smiled at the thought of Blaine and himself sharing a house, but shook the memory from his head.

"But really Kurt, don't listen to them"


"So" Blaine opened the large mahogany door as Kurt stepped inside "Welcome to my humble abode"

"You live here?" Kurt looked gobsmacked

"Oui, think you'll be able to cope?"

Kurt drank in the sight of the room. Opposite him stood a large window draped in deep burgundy and purple curtains. On the sill, stood and array of framed photographs. One of Blaine playing his guitar at an obvious Warbler impromptu jam session.

The next was a picture of David and Wes grinning comically into the camera. The last, Kurt recognized, was a picture of himself and Blaine at the park. He smiled softly as he remembered the day;

"Oh, come on Kurt, just one photo of you and Blaine. You look adorable together"

"Quinn, really? I'm not even going to comment on the state of my hair!"

Quinn pouted before Blaine grabbed the camera and pointed it to the two boys snuggled up on the grass.

"See? That wasn't so bad!" Quinn giggled

"If that ever gets online!"

He ran his fingers over the silver frame and turned back towards a very guilty-looking Blaine.

"Yeah, sorry about that. I thought it was a rather good picture"

Kurt smiled at the older boy, silently thanking him.

Suddenly a loud bang followed by shouts of "Ow David!" and "Bloody hell, Wes!" reached both boys ears.