A/N: When I saw the preview for Kuroshitsuji OVA 4, I just had to write this. I don't know if it will turn out good, but I just want to get rid of the plot bunny on my head. Anyway, I present you my second crossover, featuring Ouran High School Host Club and Kuroshitsuji.

I own neither Ouran High School Host Club nor Kuroshitsuji.

Kurohosuto (Prologue)

The host club has opened. The doors wide and vast from the Third Music Room welcomed the ladies with their undying service and ever-so-bright voices. Yet, somewhere near at the closing time of the club, everybody started to worry about the day after tomorrow; for that is the day they promised the ladies a new theme.

"Have you thought of a good theme yet, senpai?" The twins said in unison, boredom seeping from their voices. "I guess not." Kyouya responded, slamming his laptop shut. "Tamaki?"

A sigh came from the taller blond, and that alone can be intercepted as a 'no'.

"I think we have used up all our themes..." is what Hikaru commented.

Wondering around the room, restless and frustrated, the hosts used up their remaining energy trying to come up of a new idea.

"How about a Christmas theme or something?" Hikaru wildly suggested, gaining everyone's attention.

"We promised them a 'new theme'. We have done that."

"We did?" Kaoru raised an eyebrow. Kyouya just ignored answering the younger devil and continued to think endlessly.

This is going to be a long day. Currently, that is what all of them were thinking.

"Ne, have you watched its latest episode?"

The girl's voice made the seven hosts' ears twitch in interest. Tamaki curiously listened in and was followed by the peach-haired twins.

"I did, and it was really cute!" The other one replied, a blush painted on her face.

"That is so far my favourite episode! He totally blushed when he thought of him!"

"Yeah, yeah! And about the ending, it's so mysterious! I can't wait for the next episode!" The conversation ended like that, followed by giggling and squealing as they imagine the possible outcomes of said story.

Then, Tamaki walked in.

"Excuse me, dear ladies, but what could you be talking about? Could you tell me?" He put on a rather affectionate facade and applied a pout to add a finishing touch to his puppy face. The two girls just blushed at the sight of the host club president's eyes.

"Uh-uhh... it's K-Kuroshitsuji..." The first one muttered, finally blurting out the information they wanted.

"Kuroshitsuji?" Haruhi asked, having no idea whatever that is.


"Kuroshitsuji. It is originally a manga made by Yana Toboso, but made an anime series out of it in the later years after its first release with the help of A-1 Pictures. Summary: In a manor on London set on the Victorian Era, is where a 13-year old earl lives; Ciel Phantomhive. A fire that enraged on their manor, and the child lost everything he once held near in the vent. In his moment of death, he strikes a deal with a demon: his soul, in exchange for revenge. Ciel Phantomhive is now the head of the Phantomhive Corporation, handling all business affairs as well as the underground work for the Queen of England. His new partner is a demon butler, Sebastian Michaelis, whose powers as a butler is only surpassed by his strength as a demon. End of summary." Kyouya narrated and closed the folder.

"That sounds interesting, Kyou-chan~!"

"I have heard of it in one of the talks of my customers." Haruhi stated as-a-matter-of-fact.

"Apparently, the name of the actors who play the characters is what it appears. In fact, they were enrolled here in Ouran Academy a year ago, but then the cast transferred to England to do the filming there."

"Alright." Tamaki stood up from his sitting position and pointed at his members, "We'll use that as our new theme! And you all learn everything you can from it!" The blond was suddenly very determined and excited about the new event. After so, he went away walking, murmuring then giggling to himself.

Holding the door handles, Tamaki opened them widely and let the light spread across the room, then dramatically exited the room.

"Okay, just try to be familiar with this 'Kuroshitsuji'. Everything will be prepared by tomorrow. Now, let us go home." Exclaiming that sentence, Kyouya reached for the switch, and then turned the lights off.

That is it. Yay, I'm done! That's 1/3 of the plot bunnies in my head! Anyway, please review! Sorry for the OOCness, and the grammar (if anything is wrong) since I didn't really beta-read this. Actually, my beta-reader is also myself, XD. BTW, I had a hard time keeping them in character. I had to watch the anime once again. Please review, and tell me if there's anything wrong!