Disclaimer: No, I do not own the characters or Ouran High School Host Club. However this particular plot is an original idea of mine. And one of my original characters is in here.

Chapter 1: Twins Abound

Haruhi rushed up the stairs and through the corridors trying to get the Music Room number 3 without being late. She had gotten distracted with talking to a classmate of hers about an upcoming project. I'm never going to hear the end of it. It's the second time I've been late this week. Ugh, silly distractions, what is distracting me so much? Haruhi's thoughts ran busily around her head as she ran through the door, into the Hitachiin twins, Kaoru and Hikaru.

"Well, well, well." The twins said completely in sync with the other "You're late again" Kaoru remarked playfully, "You should keep better track of the time. You do still owe us that 8 million yen." Hikaru finished as they both wrapped their arms around her pulling her into the once again redecorated room. Today's theme seemed to be Mythology; each of the Host members portrayed a god from their choice of mythology. The room was decorated to resemble something like Mount. Olympus because they has managed to choose a Greek or Roman god.

"Sorry, I was distracted by a classmate, as we began talking about the upcoming project for English." Haruhi defended catching her breath. "I need to get a start-" Haruhi was interrupted by a knock on the door. There was still fifteen minutes until the Host Club opened for business. Trying to hurry Haruhi was getting ready to go change into her outfit for the day, or rather to see what the guys had picked out for her, most likely though she would remain in her usual school attire. But was stopped when she turned around and found a small head with long chocolate brown pin straight hair open the door and looked at the boys nervously before spotting Haruhi.

"Hello? Haru-chan?" the girl's voice was anxious and unsure, but when she fully entered the room she was greeted with gazes of bliss and grandeur. All six of the boys were poised perfectly, giving gentle glances to the girl who had stumbled upon the Host Club. The girl who stepped through the door had a petit frame with large round chocolate eyes. The common school girl's uniform fit her body perfectly; it was almost as if she were Haruhi's twin, a mirror image of the gentle beauty and innocence radiated from her warm genuine smile.

"Welcome, to the Ouran High School Host Club, our lovely lady." Tamaki flourished his hand out presenting the rest of the gentlemen and Haruhi as well. Grasping her hand lightly and pecking a quick kiss on it. Haruhi recognizing who it was ran over and slapped Tamaki's hand away, standing in front of the frightened girl shocked. Surprised she called out, Ri-chan?" excitedly

Looking up into the comforting eyes of Haruhi, Kiri Fukuoka grabbed her and gave her a giant hug. Haruhi taken by surprise for a moment reacted and put her arms around Kiri, smiling.

"It's been quite awhile sister." Kiri spoke to Haruhi softly, looking at her, and how much she had changed with her contacts and hair cut now.

"Indeed it has been sister, how is Tanaka doing?" Haruhi's voice hitched at the word of the other woman's name but continued on.

"She is the same as she always is. Commanding, crazy, motherly, we should probably make sure that she doesn't run into Father, I'm not sure what she would do if she saw him now. With everything that's happened you know?" Kiri looked away, it had been such a long time ago and it had taken so long for Kiri to convince her mother to even let her see her father, Ranka. It had taken years, she hadn't met her sister, though really half sister, until about seven years back. It was right after Kotoko's funeral. She had just started to get to know Haruhi when her Tanaka realised what Ranka was and decided to move away because she did not approve of the influences "that man had on his daughter". It was a harsh six years that they hadn't seen each other, though they kept in contact all of the time.

"Yes, sadly, I do. Though, she never did like me. She always thought I was too manly and didn't know the difference as a boy or a girl. Our last meeting did not go well…I don't think I deal with seeing her right now, that last visit brings back a lot of old memories." Haruhi's voice got really quiet as she tried not to cry. It had not been the best of meetings and Tanaka was really harsh with her, she admonished her for crying over her "worthless" mother. Haruhi chocked back the tears as she looked at Kiri she had to smile. "Would you like some tea, I think we should sit down and talk, it seems there's something on your mind."

"I wish I could Haru, but I can't. Mother will be calling me-" as if on cue Kiri was interrupted by the sounded of her cell phone ringing. "Yes, mother?" there was a slight pause but in the silence of the room Haruhi could hear Tanaka yelling at Kiri for not staying put and she was demanding to know where she had gone and who she was with. "Mother, I'm fine. I will meet you there in 10 minutes, it won't take me long to walk from where I am. No, No I am not with boys. Yes I am with a friend. I'll be there in 10 minutes deal with not knowing something for once." And with that Kiri shut the phone and sighed. Wrapping her arms back around her Haruhi brought her into a sisterly embrace, one that was only meant for her. Looking up at her younger sister, who was only about an inch taller than her, she smiled a rare genuine smile, and Haruhi smiled back. They hugged again and spoke quietly about making private plans to meet so neither of their parents would know. It would be World War III if either one found out.

"Good-bye for now sister. I will see you soon." Haruhi's voice wavered as she let Kiri go, right at the door Kiri looked back to face Haruhi mouthing words only she could read. "I love you sister." And with that, Kiri was gone again. Haruhi couldn't believe that she had seen Kiri again, it had been 6 years and that had not ended well. Checking her watch she pulled her thoughts out of her reverie enough to walk towards the changing room and see what the boys and picked out. She stared, of course they would. They had chosen an outfit for Aphrodite, the goddess of love and beauty. She stared at it for a minute before someone broke her train of though.

"Haruhi, the guests will be here soon, are you almost done?" It was Hikaru. She sighed and thought for a second before taking the costume off of the hanger, she wasn't in a mood to play herself today, After Kiri's visit she needed the distraction of being someone else.

"Yes, I'll be out in a minute Hikaru." Her voice was back to normal, though only a few of the members could tell something was wrong. Her voice may appear normal, but it was tight, restraining emotions that she didn't want to let out. So she locked them away, donned the costume and stepped out, waiting for the surprises of everyone in the Host Club. And surprise them she did. None of them though she would actually wear the outfit, knowing Haruhi, she always turned them down, but today was different, and they all knew it. Looking at her, they all thought she did Aphrodite proud. The costume the twins had chosen for her was a pale pink gown that had an empire waist a gold laurel crown had been placed on top of her head. The golden sash that draped across her torso revealed more curves than the boys could imagine, all in all, it was an amazing costume on Haruhi.

"Take a picture, it'll last longer. We have 2 minutes before everyone gets, stop staring and get back to work." Haruhi's voice still didn't sound right to them, but they didn't have time to ask her what had happened earlier and clearly it was a touchy subject, she never really looked any of them in the eyes. But they heard the clock tower strike the hour and it brought all of the boys out of the musings and dazes. Turning around and heading to their respective positions they all still couldn't believe, Haruhi was wearing a costume, what was going on?

Okay, so that's Chapter 1, I hope you enjoyed it. Please review so I know your thoughts, Chapter 2 should be coming soon. I'm kind of taking a different idea of this. There will be some OOCness, but I'll try not to, though for the story line it may be necessary.

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Also don't forget to review!

