A/N: Lo and behold...I have started a series. It shalt be called the Colours Series. This is the first one. Hope you like, will be updated shortly. xx

Prologue- Harmonic Eternal

She had seen so many of the little ones come and go. They would step inside, and some would go mad with the sheer knowledge of what could be. Some would be terrified, their minds quaking. And of course, there would be ones with darker intentions, the ones who clearly showed the human traits her Beloved was most loath of.

And then there were the special ones. Brimming with the thirst to learn, eyes set a-sparkling. Yes, they were often full of naivety, but her Beloved knew he could take that raw potential and fashion it into something greater. With just a single trip.

It didn't always go to plan. Some fell in love, and they chose to leave lest their hearts break any more. The darker ones, they were caught out of line by both her and her Beloved, and forced to leave. Souls like that didn't do him justice. They clawed at his own soul, wearing it more.

Each were unique in their own way, traipsing through her winding corridors, unlocking secrets -some forbidden- and leaving imprints on her Beloved.

And, then, one day, there came a little one that was the rarest jewel. Not many of those came aboard her.

And when both the Storm and the little Wolf were hurting, the TARDIS took it in herself to find a way.
