"Dammit! SO not awesome!" Prussia swore. He had come back from the grocery store with three six-packs of beer to find that the car he had borrowed from West had a flat tire. "How the hell does a parked car get a flat tire?"

"Do you need some help?" a timid voice asked from behind him.

Prussia turned around to see a mild-looking boy in a red hoodie. He held a little stuffed polar bear in one arm and a backpack in the other. "Sure." Prussia said. Less work for him.

The boy knelt down and began to change the tire, humming "O' Canada" as he worked. When he was done, he stood and gestured to the car, smiling. "It's fixed now, sir."

"Hey, thanks, dude."

"No problem..." the boy looked at Prussia. "Um...do you mind giving me a ride to the other side of the plaza? It's a long walk."

"Uh, well, I gotta go now. West is waiting for me at home." Something about the way the blonde was staring at him...it was making Prussia uncomfortable in a way he simply couldn't put his finger on.

The boy became insistent. "But I have a lot to carry, and I'm tired..." he pleaded, taking a step closer to Prussia. "Besides, I did change your tire for you." he cocked his head to the side. It would've been cute, but the look in the boy's glazed violet eyes was beginning to really unnerve him.

"Oh, I just remembered! I, uh, need to go buy some bird feed for Gilbird!" he ran back to the grocery store, leaving the boy behind.

He reported the incident to the staff, and returned to his car accompanied by a couple of cashiers. The boy was nowhere to be seen.

But he had left his backpack on the ground.

"Hey! Look at this." one of the cashiers said. "Your 'flat' tire has actually been slashed." Prussia looked, and sure enough, there was an elongated slash in the tire that was undoubtably made by a knife.

Getting nervous, Prussia decided to look in the boy's backpack. With trembling fingers, he unzipped the bag and looked inside. There was nothing in there except for some rope and a knife.