Professor Layton and the Christmas Adventure
"Professor?" Luke rapped on the door. "Professor!"
Layton opened the door to find Luke standing on his doorstep, looking up at him. "Hello, professor!"
"Goodness, Luke. To what do I owe the pleasure?" the professor asked, surprised, taking note of the large brown trunk beside him.
"Er, Hershel…can we talk?" A man stepped forward from the walkway. The professor looked back up.
"Clark? Yes, of course. Come in." Layton pushed the door back, allowing the two entry.
"Luke, why don't you go play?" Clark suggested, heaving the trunk inside.
"Sure…" Luke looked up at the professor. "Professor! I made up a new puzzle, do you want to see it?"
"Er—I have to speak with Hershel first, Luke. Can you find something else to do while I talk to him?" Clark suggested. Luke's face fell.
"Luke, Rosa's been baking biscuits since this morning. Why don't you go inspect the quality? It's the job of the ace apprentice to make sure the teatime snacks are up to par, after all."
"Yes, professor!" Luke grinned again, dashing past the two adults.
"Now…Clark, what's the matter?" Layton crossed his arms. "You're being rather secretive."
"The thing is, Hershel… We've hit a bit of a snag."
"A snag?" Layton repeated.
"You see, Brenda's been given a few tickets to a world class cruise…but they don't allow children." Clark bit his lip. "We were…we were wondering if you could look after the boy for a few weeks."
Layton frowned. "Clark, it's Christmas."
"I-I know. But we've been having such a difficult time lately, we really need a vacation…"
"What does Brenda say about all of this?"
Clark avoided the professor's gaze. "I…she doesn't approve. She said the same thing you did, really. She only softened when I told her he could stay with you. He could, right? It would mean so much to him—to us…."
"It would mean more to him to spend Christmas with his family," Layton countered.
"You are family to him," Clark replied.
Layton sighed. "Your relationship will never improve if you just keep running away, Clark."
"I—I know. But please…do this for Brenda. It's been so stressful… We just need a break. And I couldn't think of a place the boy would be happier than here." He wrung his hands nervously, glancing at the professor.
"Clark…" Layton began.
"Hershel, please. Take him for the winter break. We've packed all his games and his presents—he won't be much of a bother to you, I promise."
"Luke has never been a bother to me, but—"
"Wonderful! You'll get along fine, professor."
"But," Layton continued, eyes narrowing, "this is both incredibly last minute and terribly rude to both me and your son."
"Please, professor. We know he'd be happy here." Clark laughed anxiously. "We…we can't have a stressed out mayor, either, can we?"
"Professor, these are wonderful! You should try them!" Luke appeared from around the corner, holding a stack of cookies in his hand, chewing one as he walked. "Here!" He held up a cookie. Slowly, Layton accepted.
"Quite right, my boy," Layton agreed, taking a bite. "Rosa is quite the baker, isn't she?"
"Guess what, Luke?" Clark asked, grinning at his son. Luke looked at him suspiciously. "You get to stay with Uncle Hershel for the winter break!" Layton choked on a piece of cookie. He hadn't agreed to this!
"But…what about mum?" Luke asked. "Isn't she…isn't she going to stay with us? I thought we were going to spend Christmas together."
Layton glared at the man before him. "Clark…" he began warningly.
"We had some business to take care of, it came up last second. But you'll be happy here, right? The professor will take care of you. You always have fun with him, don't you? We've packed all your toys and presents, so you won't be missing—"
"I don't want that," Luke said bluntly. "I want to spend Christmas with mum."
"Now, Luke, don't be difficult…"
"Clark," Layton said again, tone serious.
"Oh, my, look at the time. Thanks again, Hershel, you've saved us. Really, you have." Clark grabbed Layton's hands, patting them in gratitude, then bolted out the door.
Layton looked down at the boy. "Well…"
"Are they…are they really leaving me?" Luke asked, holding on to the professor's pant leg. He was looking away, expression shielded by the brim of his hat.
"They…they had something to attend to," Layton said vaguely. Why must I lie to him? he thought bitterly. It's not his fault, and it certainly isn't mine.
"D-don't you want to finish your biscuits?"
"I'm…I'm not feeling very hungry anymore, professor. I'm sorry."
Layton knelt beside him. "Now, Luke. A true gentleman finishes his desserts." He took a cookie from the top of the pile and bit into it.
"Yes, professor…" Layton could see that the boy was on the verge of tears, but didn't know how to remedy it.
"You told me you had invented a puzzle, didn't you? How about we take a look? See if you can stump me?"
"I…I don't feel much like puzzles right now, professor… I'm sorry."
Layton sighed, patting the top of Luke's head. "It's okay, my boy. I understand. What do you want to do? We can do whatever you want."
"I…I want to go home…if you don't mind. I'm sorry. I just…don't feel like playing."
Every "I'm sorry" broke Layton's heart just a little bit more. "Luke…"
"I know, professor. I can't go home until after the break, right?"
"I'm afraid so."
"Then…will you read me a story?"
Layton was surprised. "You haven't asked me to do that for years."
"I…I just felt like it."
"Anything for my number one apprentice." The professor tapped the brim of Luke's hat so that it fell over his eyes, then stood up. "Help me come pick a novel, then."
"Yes, professor…"