Angelchan2012: Okay, so I've left the poll up on my bio for some time now-

Shiro: Tha one on whether or not ya should make a fanfic of ya and Ichi?

Angelchan2012: *hits Shiro while blushing* Shut up! And sort of-I mean, no, just one with an OC and Ichi…*twiddles fingers while looking down* not necessarily me and Ichi…

Ichi: I'd like it better if it were me and you

Grimm: Aww, isn't that cute? Berry wants it to be you and him *smirks*

Angelchan2012: O.O *blushes*

Ichi: Look at what you did Grimm! Now she won't talk!

Shiro: Lol

Grimm: *grins* now ya can have her all to yerself

Ichi: …that might not be so bad *grins*

Angelchan2012: Perverts…anyway, now that the voting is done, and thank you all so much for voting! At first I was kinda sad, not many wanted it, but thank you Ravensterling123 for helping to get people to warm up to the idea! You rock buddy!

Ichi: Isn't that the person I didn't want you hugging so much?

Angelchan2012: Um….

Ichi: You're not allowed to see any more people from now on, just so you know. *holds Angel possessively*

Shiro: *shit eating grin* Go Ichi!

Angelchan2012: Ichi~…*squirms in his hold* people are staring…and besides, I have friends I wanna hang out with too… *puppy dog eyes*

Ichi: Crap…fine *let's go*

Angelchan2012: Good! Now say the phrase! That way people can read the story!

GrimmIchiShiro: Please read and review! Angel doesn't own Bleach or its characters!

Aika's POV

"Ran, do I really have to go to this school?" I asked, looking towards my mother, giving her big, sad puppy dog eyes. "Yes you do, Aika, now stop complaining," she scolded, giving me a stern look, her strawberry blonde hair falling past her shoulders. I almost shuddered, almost, if it weren't for the fact that she was cracking under my gaze. She's so easy to use, I thought, smirking internally, why can't father be this easy to manipulate? Oh, that's right…he's the one that taught me this… "Aika," my mom said, snapping me back to reality, "you have to go to this school because you know I was tired of you hanging around those hooligans you call friends, especially that one with blue hair-honestly blue hair?" she said, scoffing, face sneering in disgust.

To say I was furious would be an understatement. "Rangiku," I said looking down, my voice dangerously calm, "one: he was a nice guy, and he wouldn't do anything to hurt me or anyone I care about, you know that, two: his hair is teal! Not blue, teal! Get that through your head!" Just then, she pulled up to the front of the school, and looked at me, her face wearing a shocked expression.

"Aika…I'm sorry…I didn't mean-" she started. "Shut up," I said, disgust lacing my tone, "You never liked me anyway, you only married my dad for his money, so just…shut up…" With that said, I got out of the car, content with the fact that I finally told the broad off like I had promised Grimmjow I would. I never liked her anyway, she never liked me, and she only acted like she did around dad.

Oh, I'm sorry; I never properly introduced myself did I? How rude of me! I also didn't explain the situation up there, huh? I better do that too…

Well, my name's Aika Ichimaru, I'm sixteen, and the daughter of Gin Ichimaru and Rangiku Matsumoto….Well, not the biological daughter…I was adopted. Don't let me go into details about my real parents, I-I never met them…I was adopted by Gin first, he's really cool! Then he met the bitch-I mean, Rangiku…well, let's just say me and her don't met eye-to-eye, I don't exactly know why she doesn't like me, she just doesn't…oh, and I used to go to a Las Noches High School in Hueco Mundo, Texas, (A/N people, it's a fake school in a fake city in Texas! Just so ya know) that is, until my step mother, Rangiku, decided I go to some place in Japan, this place called Karakura Town, I think. Anyway, I don't really wanna go, but this bitch- I mean, wonderful woman is making me go against my will and honestly…I hate her. But she said it's because my dad got a job offer there so tonight, me and him were gonna have a little chat…

A month before, back in Hueco Mundo, Texas.

"Dad," I asked, my dark brown eyes full of sadness, "are we really moving to Japan like Rangiku said?" "Well ta answer yer question, yes, we are sweetie; I got a job offer with the Espada. Do ya remember Aizen-sama? Tha man wit the brown hair?" I paused, and thought back, trying to remember, then smiled and said, "Yeah, I remember him! You got the job offer with him after all? That's great dad!" He smiled at me, his deep red eyes filled with concern as he said, "Now tell me, why do ya keep callin' Rangiku by her name and not 'mom'?" I sighed, I knew this would come up eventually, "I know I tell you over and over again, but dad…she hates me…she really does…she just doesn't show it around you…"

His eyes closed as he sighed and said, "I'm sorry ya feel tha way, Aika, but I just don't see her doin somethin like tha to children." I sighed and said, "I know, but…I don't know what else to do to make you believe me…she doesn't like my friends-" "Ya mean Grimmy, Nnoi, Ulqui and Nel? She doesn't like them?" he interrupted, his face etched in wonder. I shook my head, "Nope, she doesn't like them, she says they're 'hooligans', I don't see how they are! Besides, no one even says hooligans anymore!" We both laughed at that. As we calmed down, Gin put a comforting hand on my shoulder and said, "Maybe Rangiku and I will have a lil chat then, ne? But we're still moving, so ya still gotta tell yer friends…I'm sorry Aika…" I sighed and looked at him before smiling and said, "It's okay…besides; maybe I'll make some new friends, right?" He smiled back at me and nodded, before going to make the preparations to move.

The next day-last day-at school was pretty sad, at least Nel thought it was. "Noooo! Aika can't leave!" the girl screamed, her long green hair flowing in the wind. "Nel…let…go…can't…breathe…." I said, trying to wiggle out of the girl's hold. "Nel, let Aika go, for God's sake, she can't even breathe with you crushing the life outta her like that." Nnoitra said, rolling his eyes. Girl or not, Nel had the hold of a champion wrestler! She was very strong for a girl of 5'10"; she also had sea-green hair and dull gray eyes. She was a very lively person and that was one of the many reasons we became friends, sisters even. We were very close, and when I told her I was moving, well… Nnoitra was another one our friends, he was a tall, lanky guy, with long flowing black hair, and always wore a bandana. I never knew why, but I always made fun of him for it, calling him a pirate. Meanwhile Nel was calling her brother…

"Grimm!" she called, "Aika's-" Just then I put my hand over her mouth and locked gazes with her, whispering to her and pleading, "Nel, please, please let me tell him in private that I'm leaving…I don't want him to find out from someone else, cuz then things might get ugly….so please let me tell him…please?" She looked into my eyes, as though searching for something before hardening her gaze and nodding. She leaned down and said, "Tell him before the end of the day Aika, because you know if you don't…he'll chase you down till the end of the earth to get you and make you his…believe me, I know my big brother." I sighed, "I know, Nel…I know."

Grimmjow Jeagerjaques…now this guy was also one of my friends. He was 6'2", had teal colored hair and eyes, and even has the same colored tattoos under his eyes, giving him this wild look. His really cool! His personality could use some fixing, since he's a bit of an egotistical bastard at times, but he has his moments, usually around me. But that's what I like about him; he's really a nice guy…once ya get past the tough guy act. Anyway, school couldn't have gone by quicker, I always hated school, and sometimes considered dropping out…. I would even skip classes… I know, bad right? My friends always said so, well, my friends that are nerds think that's bad, not Grimm or Nnoi or Nel, but Szayel does, the loser. I'm kidding, I love the guy! He's cool! It's just that Szayel doesn't want me to go either, and I had to plead with everyone to not tell Grimm, so that I could tell him myself.

It was the end of the school day, and I was waiting for Grimmjow in the front of the school. I glanced at my cell phone, 4:15pm, where are you Grimm? I told you to meet me here! Just then I got a text message from him.

Where r u? ~Grimm

I'm at da front of da skool! Hurry up! I hafta tell you something important! ~Kitten

Alright! Alright! I'll be there in a minute ~Grimm

I sighed as I put my cell back in my pocket. I was getting nervous about telling him about my moving. You're probably wondering why right? Well, the reason's simple: I found out Grimm likes me. The problem: I don't exactly like him back. Sure I like him as a friend, hell, a brother even! But I can't return the romantic feelings simply because…I've never been loved like that before…I don't want to ruin a perfectly good friendship I have with him and if I got with him…I guess you could say moving is somewhat of a good thing. That's why I wanted to be the one to tell him.

Just then I felt a hand on my shoulder, causing me to jump a little. "Hehehe…scared ya!" he laughed, causing me to scowl and send a halfhearted glare his way. "Asshole…" I muttered, crossing my arms over my chest, "And no you didn't scare me!" His face became serious as he said, "You said you had something ya wanted to tell me?" I looked to the ground and said, "Yeah…I-I wanted to tell you that…I'm…I'm…" I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. "Okay, no beating around the bush…Grimmjow, I'm moving." He stared at me, shock written all over his face, before he stuttered, "You're…you're…moving?" I nodded, "Yeah…I'm moving to Japan, my dad got a job with the Espada working with Aizen and so we're going to Japan over the break. I'm sorry Grimm."

He looked at the ground, his hair shadowing his eyes so I couldn't see his emotions. "Grimm-?" I started only to be interrupted by a hand grabbing my wrist, pulling me towards him and a pair of arms wrapped around my waist in an awkward hug. I could feel tears running falling onto my cheeks and gasped, is he…? Is he…crying? I looked up in shock, he was! He was crying over me leaving! I smiled sadly at the thought, I always knew he was a softy on the inside…the bastard…

Grimmjow's POV

She's moving? She can't leave! I can't let her go! My mind was racing with all these thoughts. I kept my head down, trying to prevent myself from doing something stupid. I could tell she was worried about me, from my peripheral vision her face was laced with worry, even her voice as she started to say my name. But even as she said it, I grabbed her wrist, and pulled her towards me for a hug, my eyes stinging with tears as they cascaded down my face. I couldn't bear to lose her, and knowing this…it tore me apart.

As we broke apart, I could see a sad smile on her face and said, "What's th-that look for?" inwardly cursing how my voice cracked. Blushing with wide eyes, she looked away, smiling softly as she said "I'm sorry. It's just…I've never seen you blush before…let alone show this much emotion," She giggled and walked towards me, placing a gentle hand under my chin and forcing me to look at her, locking gazes with her brown eyes. She smiled sadly and said, "I'm sorry too…I'm sorry that I'm leaving, and I'm sorry that I…I'm sorry…Goodbye, Grimmjow…I hope that we can all still see each other over the holiday some time though."

After she said that, she held me close and just like that, she was gone, and I was all alone.

Normal POV

Aika had had a pretty boring break, it was summer vacation and she was already packed and ready to go. Her room had become empty and here she stands, looking back as if hoping some god would let her stay. Why me? She thought miserably, I guess I should be grateful…Gin was nice enough to adopt me all those years ago and then when I met Nel, Nnoi, and Szayel and…Grimmjow… tears slowly made their way down her face as memories of her past in this town came into her mind. Well…good memories anyway…she sighed as she grabbed her bags and walked down the stairs and out of the front door, into the car where her father awaited.

She glanced towards the passenger seat and saw no sign of the red headed demon, Rangiku, and said, "Where's Ran?" The silvery haired male smiled at her and said, "She's waitin' fer us at the airport, c'mon, let's go, ne?" Aika's heart sank at his words, but she faked enthusiasm and nodded, throwing her belongings into the trunk and hoping into the front seat, getting ready for the long ride to Hueco Mundo National Airport.

When they arrived, she caught sight of the red headed menace, and sighed. Lord, take me now….please, just take me now, and end my suffering… Rangiku saw them as well and smiled, running up to Gin and placing a big kiss on his lips. Aika almost shuddered visibly at the sight, thinking, God…why couldn't Gin be gay? That would have been nice…as well as hot…but with whom? ….Maybe….Aizen? Definitely! She was snapped from her yaoi fangirl thoughts when Rangiku shoved all of the family's things on to her, "Aika, could you be a dear and place these things on the check in? Thanks!"

"Aika, could you be a dear and place these things on the check in? Thanks!" How about I put my foot in your ass? Bitch! Aika thought, glaring at the woman, who simply smiled evilly at her in return. Gin came up to the two girls and said, "So, girls, how are things?" Aika quickly said with a smirk, "Oh, Rangiku was just offering to put all of our stuff on the check in! Isn't that nice of her?" Gin looked at her with a smile and said, "Aww, Ran…tha's so sweet! Thanks!" he then pecked her on the cheek and guided Aika to the plane's entrance, leaving a shocked strawberry blonde behind. Aika silently sent back a smug look that said, 'Payback's a bitch, ain't it?'

They flew to Karakura Town in silence, Rangiku listening to the movies the flight had to offer, Aika, falling into a dreamless slumber. Gin looked over to his daughter, seeing the discomfort on her face and thought, ne, I hope she'll at least make some new friends at this new school and be happy…she hardly smiles anymore…especially since Rangiku showed up…maybe I shouldn't have taken tha job offer wit Aizen-sama…

It was a thirteen hour flight from Hueco Mundo, Texas to Karakura, Japan, and to say the trio was sore from sitting was an understatement. Gin gently shook Aika's shoulder, saying, "Aika, wake up…Aika…" She groaned, whimpering, "No…leave me alone…please…" Gin's eyes widened, not one of those dreams, "Aika, it's me, Gin…wake up…" She slowly opened her eyes, as if searching for something before meeting Gin's, "Oh, are we there yet?" she said sleepily. He smiled at her, releasing the breathe he'd been holding, "Yeah…we're here, c'mon, we need ta get goin', ne?" Rangiku looked at them in confusion, that girl's strange…creep… she then grabbed her things and proceeded to hail a cab. "Gin! Aika! Cab's here! C'mon, let's go!" Gin nodded at Rangiku and faced Aika, holding a pale hand out towards her, smile never leaving his face. She smiled back at him and took the offered hand, and then the two walked towards the cab, unaware of the glare sent towards them from a certain blonde haired woman.

It had been a few weeks that they had been in Karakura Town, and Aika had still been trying to adjust. She liked some of the things the town had to offer, like the park, for instance. That was beautiful. She would be starting school next Monday, and she was dreading it more and more, so she had been visiting the park to calm her nerves, especially during the early morning, when the sun was beginning to rise. She was very much like Gin that way, getting up before the sun rose, and walking to the park, usually to the garden there. Aika would sit under a tree and read, normally fictional horror stories. That was one of her hobbies, reading, other than hanging out with friends, which now she couldn't do because of where she was. She sighed as she sat under the tree and from her peripherals she could see the figure of her mother.

"I figured you'd be out here," Rangiku chimed, arms crossed over her huge breasts. Aika sighed again and said, "To what do I owe this pleasure, Rangiku?" The strawberry blonde laughed at the young girl's remark and said, "Oh, so you can be polite? How strange! You and those hooligans you call friends…I'm glad we left!" Aika rolled her eyes at the elder woman's remark and decided to continue reading as she said, "Rangiku, shouldn't you be at home? Dad's probably worried sick about you." Rangiku's eye twitched at that last comment, and she said, "Actually, that's part of the reason why I'm here…" The sixteen year old looked up at her suspiciously and said, "Oh? Do tell." The blonde woman laughed and said, "Yes, I'm here because Gin wants me to bring you home. Then we were gonna take you shopping for something, I don't remember what. But there is something I want from you." Aika narrowed her eyes and said, "What do you want?" Rangiku said, "Call me mom from now on."

When they got home, Aika was pissed, to say the least. No, she was beyond pissed, she was furious. She ran to her room and locked herself in it. Gin looked at her door and at Rangiku, asking her what was wrong. The strawberry blonde only smiled and said, "Nothing, I only told her to call me mom from now on." The fox like male nearly sweat dropped, but instead, he went to go and try to comfort his daughter, but she wouldn't budge. He sighed as he said through the door, "I'm here fer ya Aika, just remember tha."

The week went by fast, and Aika was now enrolled in Karakura High School. At least I don't have to wear a stupid uniform…she thought to herself, but her hope was crushed as her father walked in carrying a yellow button-up uniform on a coatrack. Eyes shut; she shook her head, muttering, "OH. HELL. NO… I'm NOT wearing THAT!" Gin frowned, "But you'll get in trouble." "I'm not wearing a freakin' uniform dad! You know how much I hate that shit!" she shouted, crossing her arms over her chest. He sighed, "Fine, but Ran's droppin' ya off…" Aika stared at him in curiosity. He smirked at her and said, "I start my first day at my new job today!" She smiled at him and gave him a big hug, saying, "Good luck! You're gonna do great!" He beamed at her and said, "You too, sweetie, you too, just try not ta get into too much trouble…okay?"

Aika smirked at him and said, "No promises."

She then jumped into the car and waited for Rangiku to climb in and drop her off at school. When the blonde haired woman got in, she saw what the young girl was wearing and said, "Why aren't you wearing your school uniform?" Aika smiled and said, "I hate uniforms, so I decided with this." The girl wore a pink and black checkered button-up blouse, leaving the top two buttons opened, revealing a black tank top underneath, with torn up blue jeans and black converse. Overall, she thought she looked decent, but to Rangiku…she looks like one of those emo punks! "Maybe you should change," the elder woman said. Aika shook her head and said, "Nope, now let's get going before I'm late."

Aika's POV

"Ran, do I really have to go to this school?" I asked, looking towards my mother, giving her big, sad puppy dog eyes. "Yes you do, Aika, now stop complaining," she scolded, giving me a stern look, her strawberry blonde hair falling past her shoulders. I almost shuddered, almost, if it weren't for the fact that she was cracking under my gaze. She's so easy to use, I thought, smirking internally, why can't father be this easy to manipulate? Oh, that's right…he's the one that taught me this… "Aika," my mom said, snapping me back to reality, "you have to go to this school because you know I was tired of you hanging around those hooligans you call friends, especially that one with blue hair-honestly blue hair?" she said, scoffing, face sneering in disgust.

To say I was furious would be an understatement. "Rangiku," I said looking down, my voice dangerously calm, "one: he was a nice guy, and he wouldn't do anything to hurt me or anyone I care about, you know that, two: his hair is teal! Not blue, teal! Get that through your head!" Just then, she pulled up to the front of the school, and looked at me, her face wearing a shocked expression. "Aika…I'm sorry…I didn't mean-" she started. "Shut up," I said, disgust lacing my tone, "You never liked me anyway, you only married my dad for his money, so just…shut up…" With that said, I got out of the car, content with the fact that I finally told the broad off like I had promised Grimmjow I would. I never liked her anyway, she never liked me, and she only acted like she did around dad. I opened the car door and left, slamming it shut behind me and walking briskly towards the building, head held high, intent on showing pride in myself, not letting her get the better of me...of my friends...of Grimmjow.


Okay! So that was the first chapter of my new story! Please tell me what ya'll think! I had to make her a little bad because I do that myself too! XP I'm a bad girl! Plus I really do curse a lot lol XP

Shiro: Hey! Am I gonna be in this story too?

Angelchan2012: Actually, yeah! You are! You're gonna be Ichi's twin brother! Cute, right?

Ichi: Grimm likes you? Like, loves you?

Angelchan2012: Umm…you caught that?

Ichi: ….Yes and I don't like it

Grimm: It's part of the story…it's drama

Angelchan2012: *nervous laugh* Okay! So review! Please tell me how much you liked this story! No flames please!

Ichi: If you flame it, you die

Angelchan2012: Omg, get over it Ichi! There's gonna be DRAMA in the story! And I also want to apologize for not updating in so long! I just haven't been inspired as well as the fact that I've been trying to work on this! Please make me feel good and review! And omg! *fangirl squeal* I get to meet Ichi in the next chappy! Sort of…

Ichi: Really?

Angelchan2012: You gotta read to find out~!