"I assume you´ve prepared to face the consequences of mocking me." Grimmjow´s arm was around the red head´s waist and his other hand was placed on the ex-shinigami´s ass. The bluenet rubbed his lover's entrance through the loose pajama pants the younger man was wearing. Ichigo could feel his lovers hard on; it was poking him straight to his lower abdomen. It was not difficult to detect it since the man was wearing only his boxers.

"Bring it on"¨

"Oh, don´t worry. I will but…" Grimmjow´s voice was filled with lust and without any warning he scooped the red head up from the floor, so that he was holding him bridal style. Ichigo´s hands automatically went behind his neck so that he wouldn´t fall to the floor. He didn´t exactly like what the bluenet was doing or how he was doing it but he preferred his current position over the second option of being dropped to the floor. Ichigo was absolutely sure though that his face had turned crimson red and the bluenet´s next comment confirmed his suspicions.

"Such a cute face you are making berry." He said and started to walk somewhere, Ichigo guessed that being most likely their bedroom. Few seconds later it was revealed that his suspicion had been right as he threw the red head to the mattress and quickly tied his hands to the bed post with the belt that had been lying on the ground. Ichigo´s heart was starting to beat faster, anticipating what was to come, he could feel that his own member was starting to show signs of life. Grimmjow was hovering above the red head a grin plastered over his face. The red head could hear him chuckle before he sunk his teeth to his neck, drawing blood. He started to lick his way down, towards the chest and that was when Ichigo knew. He was going to tease him. The son of a bitch would go as slowly as he could, tease him and try to make him plead but did he know that this game could be played by two?

Grimmjow was extremely pleased. He had his red headed lover right where he wanted him; completely on his mercy and this time there would be no interruptions or any excuses from the red head or anyone else for that matter.

Yesterday Ichigo´s family had stayed late and the younger man had been exhausted after whole morning of cooking, cleaning and then putting up with his dad´s constant attempts to have a conversation with his son about the nature of the red head´s relationship to the bluenet, so Grimmjow had restrained his urge to fuck him senseless but now he had waited long enough.

As the bluenet´s mouth concentrated on sucking and nibbling Ichigo´s nipples, his hands wandered lower. Grimmjow´s fingertips brushed the red head´s sides, causing his skin to rise on goose bumps. Ichigo´s breathing had started to come out in pants and there was nothing else the red head would have wanted more, than to have the bluenet hurry up and touch him already. Finally the former espada´s fingers came in contact with the red head´s pajama pants. Grimmjow´s tongue was still playing with Ichigo´s nipples but he had changed the one he was in the process of abusing. The bluenet looked up and he could see that his lover had closed his eyes and was biting his lip in an attempt to muffle the sounds that he was making.

So, the berry tries to be quiet? Well, in that case he should make sure he wouldn´t be able to. He would make the red head squirm under him. Make him scream and beg to be taken.

Grimmjow smirked to the idea. The red head could be extremely stubborn when he was on the mood for it but he wasn´t the best one to give someone a lecture about that matter. After all he was pretty damn persistent himself.

After his small conversation with himself, Grimmjow started to pull the red head´s pajama pants down slowly and sensually, making the ex-shinigami feel the fabric as it slid down, inch by inch. All of his attention was directed into the act of removing the loose pants. The bluenet was able to go slowly but when he reached the half way of the red head´s thighs, he lost his patience and pulled the pants all the way down, tossing them to the floor. The bluenet´s own boxers, followed soon behind.

They were both on the bed stark naked. Grimmjow licked his lips and brought his mouth near the red head´s ear. He let out a warm breath before he spoke.

"So, Ichigo, what´s it gonna be." The bluenet was well aware, that his voice must have been full of anticipation but he didn´t care. After all he was more than ready to forget the foreplay and go straight into the business but knowing his opponent, the red head wouldn't be one to go down without a battle, which was quite okay too.

"Grimm, don´t play with me." Ichigo made his words sound a little whiny, slightly commanding perhaps and it was all on purpose. He knew, that if he played his cards right, he might get the man forget his previous plan of tormenting him. Sure Ichigo appreciated the foreplay but right now he wanted the bluenet to stop with the crap and just fuck him.

Grimmjow really needed to be on the edge, so his control wouldn´t snap…on the other hand, fuck the control! He didn´t want to wait anymore. Ichigo let out a surprised yelp as the bluenet lifted his legs, bringing them to his shoulders and positioning himself between them,

"Say it." It was not a proposition but a command instead. A command, Ichigo couldn´t resist trying to disobey. He knew what the man was waiting for.

"Say what?" He threw back, his eyes full of defiance.

"Tell me what you want." Grimmjow said and brushed their erections together. Ichigo fought a brief battle with himself on the matter of whether he should test the man more or just give in already and quickly came to a conclusion that his pride refused to consider the latter option.

"I don´t know what you´re talking about." Ichigo couldn´t suppress the smug smile on his lips.

So, the red head was going to play hard to get. Grimmjow leaned closer to the red head´s face; folding the red head and making their swollen lengths grind together. Ichigo was barely able to suppress a quiet moan escaping his lips.

"You know soul reaper, I don´t quite believe you. Your cock seems to know what you want and precisely where you want it." Grimmjow purred, sticking out his tongue to lick the red head´s lips.

"I-I don´t…"Ichigo tried to make contact with the bluenet´s mouth but the older man withdrew, so that he was just out of the red head´s reach. A disappointed whimper came out it the red head´s mouth. That was it. Ichigo lost his resolution and snapped.

"Stop with the crap already and fuck me!" Ichigo was sure he was blushing as he saw the surprised look on the bluenet´s face change into that shit-eating smile he was more than familiar with.

"I´m more than delighted to follow that order." As Grimmjow said that he brought his fingers to the red head´s mouth and continued.

"Suck them, I ain´t gonna go to find the lube." Ichigo smiled to the bluenet.

"You don´t need to prepare me. I´m ready." A blue brow rose in question to the red head´s unexpected statement. The room was dimly light but Grimmjow could see the blush on the red head´s face turn to a deeper shade of red.

"Before I woke you up I had a shower and…" Ichigo´s voice slowly disappeared as he turned his face sideways, so that he was facing away from the bluenet. Grimmjow growled. Could it get any sweeter than this? The red head had gone and fucking prepared himself for him. The knowledge went straight to his throbbing length. So the red head HAD been looking forward to this. The only thing that Grimmjow was slightly disappointed, was that he hadn´t been there to see the red head prepare himself.

"So, in other words you´re saying you want my dick in yer ass right now?" The bluenet withdrew and gently brushed the tip of his member against the red head´s opening. Grimmjow´s husky voice sent shivers running through the red head´s spine. Ichigo bit his lip and decided that his pride could go and fuck itself.

Without warning the red head pushed his hips towards the bluenet, causing the older man´s erection to press against the tight muscle ring and penetrate it. Grimmjow hissed at the sudden pressure. Ichigo threw his head back. He was breathing heavily. The former espada started to move, pushing his member slowly but steadily deeper inside his red headed lover. His hands were holding the younger man´s hips, preventing him from bucking. Ichigo was starting to get impatient.

"Grimmjow…"Ichigo moaned his lover's name, tying to make him understand that the slow intrusion was killing him. He could feel his insides being spread inch by inch and it was torturous. He wanted to feel the friction of movement already. Ichigo closed his eyes. This wasn´t enough, he wanted, no, needed more.

"I´m all the way in now." Ichigo´s eyes flew open. It was hard to concentrate on words but he managed to say what he wanted.

"M-move!" It was quiet, barely louder than a whisper but it was filled with need and Grimmjow understood. He started to move his hips in a slow rhythm. He had wanted to let the red head have time to adjust but it seemed that they were both at their limits. They were both panting, Grimmjow had picked up pace and was now thrusting inside the red head with more force. The bluenet´s other hand had gone to stroke Ichigo´s neglected length and the other was tangled in the red head´s hair. They were covered in sweat and both men were close to their release. Grimmjow reached to kiss Ichigo and access was immediately granted. The bluenet swallowed his lover's wanton moans. With every thrust he could feel the pressure around his cock grow and he had to increase his pace once again, to be able to keep thrusting in.

Neither of the men had said a single word, there was no need for them. Grimmjow kept up his pace, his hand stroking in time with his thrusts. Their tongues were caught in a heated battle for dominance. They separated for air and Grimmjow gazed to his lover

"I´m coming." Grimmjow grunted and with a final thrust he pushed himself inside to the hilt and shot his seeds deep inside Ichigo, causing a chain reaction. Ichigo felt the heat which had been coiling in his stomach start to move and erupt. His eyes rolled back and his seed spilled to his stomach.

They stayed like that for a moment, trying to catch their breath. Grimmjow reached give a chaste kiss to Ichigo before he opened the belt which had been binding the red head´s hands. Ichigo immediately put his hands behind the bluenet and pulled him to another passionate kiss. Their kiss however was interrupted by the phone ringing. Neither was willing to get up or actually cared, that is until the answering machine went on.

"Oi, Ichi! What are ya doing? I know yer home, so I´ll come to see you. We´re gonna go party with the gang and…" Ichigo could almost see a vein pop in Grimmjow´s head. The bluenet grabbed the phone from the nightstand and pushed the answer button.

"Listen carefully pineapple, we´re in the middle of something and if you´ll come in 2km radius of Ichigo I´ll make sure to contact Byakuya and tell him that you´ve raped his sister!" Grimmjow didn´t wait for Renji´s answer. He hung up the phone and threw it back to the table. Ichigo chuckled and pulled Grimmjow closer.

"You know Byakuya would annihilate the poor guy if he had done that. For more reasons than one…"

"He would deserves it. Interrupting us…" Grimmjow put his hands around the red head and placed his head to his chest, he was mumbling something Ichigo couldn´t quite catch. There was a moment of silence.

"Um, did you notice that you´re still inside of me?" Ichigo pointed out. Grimmjow didn´t move or say anything but he tightened his grip around the red head. Ichigo rolled his eyes even though he knew that the bluenet couldn´t see him.

"Fine, stay there then. At least I know exactly where you are." Ichigo could feel the bluenet smirk and then he felt the man start to get hard inside of him.

"I guess you´re not gonna let me wiggle my way out of this, are you?" Grimmjow lifted his face and Ichigo saw the predatory look on his face.

I figured the answer for that…

AN/: Finally finished this. I´m extremely unsure about this chapter since it´s the first time I´ve written something like this, so please review and tell me what you think.

Thank you and this comes a little late but I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas!