Here's where I'd normally respond to questions, but I guess I'll explain some stuff now… Italics are flashbacks. Per request, I'm attempting to put some companionship into this story. It may be hard considering it's about "zombies" and killing… But I'll try to HINT at it… Lots of L.O.V.E.

May the VaLVe be with you! (Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN! IF I DID, I'D BE RICH AND I WOULDN'T BOTHER WRITING THIS!)

Stepping out into the street, I glanced around, trying to block out the coughs from the Smoker, the gurgling of the Boomer.

The Commons were wandering around, not taking any glances at us. One blundered into a wall. That was the reason my old Horde consisted of all Hunters. They, at least, had some traces of mental capacity.

The Witch twitched on my back. Did she fall asleep? I took a chance glance at her. No, her glowing eyes stared back at me. I looked forward again and leapt forward, landing in the middle of the street.

The blinding light of the sun started to peek over the buildings and the Commons began to dissipate into alleyways and buildings, getting away from the blinding light that rebounded off of the buildings.

Setting off across the street, I saw a rather large opening in the side of a garage. We squeezed our way inside. There was a good number of debris that had collapsed in front of the entrance. A sizeable clearing in the debris.

The Witch lessened her grip on my neck and clambered to the ground on her way to a corner. Instead, she stopped in the middle of the floor and curled up there, laying on her side. She shivered as the contact of the cold floor made an audible hiss.

The Smoker clambered on top of a tall pile of debris, wrapping his tongue around his arm as he made his way. He sat on top, scratching at a boil pulsing at his neck. He had a perfect view of the opening and that was good enough for him.

The Boomer plopped down in the entry way, burping as his buttocks hit the ground. He wiped at his mouth, gurgling and grumbling before rolling onto his side with a grunt. He rocked back and forth then came to a standstill, laying in a ball.

Watching these antics, I backed my way to the corner, curling up and relaxing, my knees touching my stomach. Slowly, I made my way into a relaxing position and settled down. I could see every one of my newest comrades.

Staring across the gap in front of me, I could feel blood pulsing through my veins, adrenaline building up behind my legs. Could I make it? Without using a running start, I leapt across to the opposite roof, grunting as I stumbled on the cement.

Glancing back, I smiled to myself. I made it, but barely. I looked at the next roof. Would it make a difference on all fours? Crouching low, I started at a run then pushed off of the edge with my hands, followed by a powerful back thrust with my legs.

I landed rather catlike on the other roof, scraping up my hands in the process. I found a new way to travel. It was rather nice. I looked around me, nostrils flaring as I picked up the scents of others. They were getting closer.

I glanced around and saw a group of…others advancing toward me. I recognized, but barely, some of their faces.

They prowled behind another who seemed to lead them in the front. He approached me, bloodied teeth bared.

I recognized this as a threat and crouched lower than he, trying to show subordination. I didn't want to fight.

He leapt into the air, reminding me much of a pouncing tiger, and came upon me, scratching at my face and neck.

I had no choice but to fight back. I had just recently acquired my jumping skills, now I had to quickly find my fighting abilities. I slashed at him with long fingers and quickly got the upper hand with my body weight. Soon I was on top of him, his throat in my hand.

He switched positions and showed me complete submission.

I released him and climbed off him and they looked at me as if I was their new leader. They were like a pack of wolves. I figured that I was now their Alpha.

A loud noise woke me from my trance. I looked at the Smoker near the entrance.

He was looking at me. It was apparent that he had heard it as well.

With a snarl, I got to my feet and ran to the Witch, scooping her onto my back. Another noise alerted me as to what it was that was nearing. Just in time, I rolled the Boomer out of the way.

A Tank came barreling into the garage, looking positively livid. I got the Boomer to the wall and the Smoker grabbed the Witch with his tongue, pulling her to safety. The noise hadn't startled her yet; she was still asleep.

I turned and faced the Tank, shoulders hunched. It was hardly a match. I would've been brought down in a second.

But the Tank's eyes had fallen on the Witch. He wasn't stupid enough to attack a Horde with a Witch in its possession. His aggression calmed and he seemed to diminish.

I gave him a questioning look but climbed up top to the Witch.

She had awoken and was staring at the Tank with bleary confusion.

I nudged her with my forehead and she climbed onto my back. I brought her back down and she and the Tank exchanged glances.

He seemed quite interested in the Witch, but she didn't give him a second glance. Her arms tightened around me as I settled in my corner again. The bright light coming in from the outside told me that there was still some time left until nightfall. I relaxed again, the heat of the Witch lulling me back into sleep.

A whimper and moan awoke me and I jerked up to a crouch.

The Witch sat in a corner, her eyes glowing with fear and anger. There was no question why: Shots from the monsters' machines could be heard coming down the street and fast.

I walked up to the Tank and growled something to him.

With a roar he ran out of the garage like a gorilla, arms swinging madly. That should distract the monsters long enough.

With a snarl, I grabbed the Witch and ran out, the Boomer and Smoker following me close behind. I could smell the blood from down the street, hear the Tank roar and smash things in his way.

Leaping to the other side of the road, we started to climb the wall of the opposing building. I glanced back with a growl, watching the Tank fall to the ground. With a snarl, I pulled myself and the Witch to the roof. I backed away and waited for the Boomer and the Smoker.

With a hacking cough, the Smoker clambered onto the roof then the Boomer with a stomach churning grunt.

Looking down at the street, I watched as the monsters were overwhelmed by a Horde of Infected, their machines letting off bright flashes of light. With grim satisfaction, I turned and led them across the rooftops. There was a sea of rooftops ahead of us and many monsters following us.

A/N: Sorry for taking such a long time with updating and such and it IS quite a short chapter. I've had school and crap to deal with and haven't had MUCH thinking time for this so that's all I could come up with without doing a lot of time skips. …I'm sorry! *bows* I ask for your forgiveness! I'll try to do better next chapter, so please don't give up on me! Much love! ~~Aki Uchiha