Disclaimer: Do I look like a troll to you? Wait, don't answer that. I don't own Glee, anyway. Bartie would never've happened if I did. And Faberry would be canon, obv. *goes back to listening to MATM and Valerie obsessively*

A/N: I've started writing like three other Glee fics, so look out for them^^ (1 Brittana, 1 Kurt&Brittany friendship fic with mentions of Brittana and two more Faberry fics)

"Berry!" Quinn haled as she entered the choir room for glee.

"Quinn yo-" Mr. Schue began before said blonde silenced him with the wave of a hand. She strode toward Rachel slowly. Deliberately. In an almost predatory manner.

"Yes, Quinn?" The diminutive diva inquired nervously. The cheerleader merely smirked and came to a stop in front of the seated brunette. She leant forward; placing one hand on the back of Rachel's chair. Their faces were so close they could each feel the other's breath on their face. The brunette leant back in her seat slightly. "W-What do y-"

She never finished the sentence as Quinn tired of watching Rachel squirm and closed the unwanted distance to claim the songstress's lips. The hand not on the back of the seated girl's chair snaked its way around the back of her neck. Rachel recovered from the shock quickly enough and eagerly reciprocated the kiss. After what seemed like an eternity to all present the two broke apart. The blonde smirked again at the adorable blissfully shocked expression on her not-so-secret-anymore-girlfriend's face. She straightened up and dropped into the vacant seat on Rachel's right, slinging an arm around the back of her chair and generally glowing smugly.

Rachel turned to Quinn, who waggled her eyebrows in an immaturely flirtatious manner, then Mr. Schue, who's jaw was currently resting comfortably on the choir room floor, to her fellow glee clubbers, most of whom were even more shocked than she was. The only people in the room not adorned with expressions showcasing their varying levels of disbelief were Brittany, who was grinning and gave Rachel a thumbs up when the diva looked her way, Santana, who just seemed incredibly bored by the situation, Sam, who was looking at Quinn with a sad smile, and Finn, who was – shockingly enough – repeating the word 'mailman' over and over under his breath, his eyes tight shut. Rachel looked back at the beautiful blonde beside her, then turned to face forwards. A face-splitting grin slowly appearing on her face and uttered;

"Is this real life?"