This is only my second attempt at a fanfiction, and as excited as I am to finally be an author, I am also very nervous to read reviews! So please, include as much constructive criticism as you see fit but also include which parts of the story are done right/enjoyable. Books 6 and 7 are ignored in this fic.
Disclaimer: I do not own any of the Harry Potter books or characters and I do not make any profit. That lucky JK Rowling!
Chapter One – Alohomora
Hermione Granger's eyes shot open for the third time that night. She had once again fallen into her nightmare of forgetting to complete her potions essay, due tomorrow.
"Bloody potions!" She grumbled as she turned over and buried her head into the cool softness of her pillow. After tossing and turning for another half hour, Hermione finally untangled herself from the gold sheets of her queen size bed in the Head Girls dormitory. She couldn't resist checking, for the umpteenth time, her potions essay and finding it just as complete as it had been three hours ago when she first checked it. Hermione smiled and grabbed her fluffy white bathrobe from its draped position on her overstuffed chair.
Making her way down the stairs to the Heads common room she shared with the Head Boy, Blaise Zabini, she stopped to take in a portrait depicting an apple lying on an open book. On top of the apple sat a worm, grinning and peeking shyly at her over the top of his black spectacles. Hermione suspected that Professor Dumbledore or her own beloved head of house, Professor McGonagall, had intentionally placed the book worm here to amuse her. Just then, the portrait in the common room banged open and in stumbled Blaise.
Blaise Zabini would not have been Hermione's first choice for Head Boy; or second, third, fourth, or even fifth for that matter. But sharing a common room and bathroom with the Slytherin git hadn't been all bad, considering it was only their first week of classes and the two had only fought for the bathroom once. She and Blaise had managed to be civil to one another for a full three days and counting thus far; and Hermione would even go so far as to say that they had established a respectful Head relationship with balanced powers of authority, despite his pure blood supremacy notions. Even Harry and Ron had entered the Heads Dorm with out Blaise hexing their noses off. Hermione admired his dedication to his school work and quidditch, even if his choice in friends was not to her liking, to say the least...
Blaise grinned up at the Head Girl, Hermione Granger, Ms. Know-It-All-Nose-Stuck-In-A-Dusty-Old-Book-In-The-Library-Gryffindor-Prude-Golden-Trio-Tag-a-long herself. Well, at least that's how he had thought of her prior to his seventh year at Hogwarts. Blaise was amazed to find Hermione to be a very outgoing, polite, and courteous witch, and surprisingly he didn't mind sharing a common space within the Heads Dorm with her. But then again, what male in their right mind would? Hermione had come a long way in her appearance since her first years at Hogwarts. Her once bushy hair was now tame and fell to her mid back, the thick fullness of it being the only evidence that it had ever been hard to manage. 'Oh the wonders of a good beauty charm,' Blaise mused silently to himself. Her body had filled out nicely, thought he preferred his woman a little taller than 5'4, and pureblood only if you please. But, considering that he could have been stuck with an ugly Gryffindor, or worse… a Hufflepuff, he figured he had it made. 'Then again, that might just be the alcohol talking' Blaise reasoned.
"Hey you" Blaise called up the stairs to her, only slightly slurring on 'you'.
Hermione rolled her eyes but offered him a small smile. "Really Blaise, it's the first week of classes, haven't you any-" Hermione cut off and dropped her smile immediately, her jaw tightened and her nostrils flared. Striding in behind Blaise came none other than King Asshole of Slytherin himself, Draco Malfoy. 'Gee thanks for the warning Blaise.'
"Bit late for guests isn't it Blaise? Heads are expected to set an example for the entire school body. Firewhiskey on a school night and sneaking prefects not on patrol duty around after hours is certainly not going to cut it." Hermione snapped bossily.
There was the Hermione that Blaise was accustomed to. 'Damn prissy prude.'
"Relax Mudblood, I'm just making sure Zabini made it back without bumping into any professors. Bit too much to drink tonight, better make sure he sleeps on his side." Hermione nodded her head in Draco's direction as her only acknowledgment to his statement. The last thing she wanted was a duel against two Slytherins, one drunk and the other a ruthless prick trained by none other than daddy dearest in the dark arts. It would be a short duel at least, seeing as how Hermione's wand was still on her bedside table upstairs in her bedroom. Actually ALL she wanted at all was a hot bath and to get back under her cool sheets for a few hours of shut eye before her morning classes, was that really so much to ask?
She quickly made her way down the last few stairs into the common room, breezing by Malfoy leading Blaise to the couch by his elbow, and quietly closed the door to the Heads shared bathroom behind her. Not long after Hermione had settled herself into the large sunken tub with loads of vanilla scented bubbles, there was a sharp knock on the door. 'You have got to be kidding me…'
"Blaise I'm in the tub, I'll be out in a few minutes. We can talk about whatever it is in the morning! Go to bed!"
"Cover up Granger, Blaise is about to spew, we're coming in!"
Hermione's brown doe eyes widened to about three times their normal size as she mentally measured the distance from her position in the bath to her robe hanging over a chair in the corner. "No Malfoy, I'm not dressed! Just scourgify it if you have to but don't-"
She heard "alohomora" muttered and the door swung open, Draco rushed in with Blaise's arm draped around his neck. Half carrying and half dragging Blaise to the toilet, neither wizard took the time to glance over at the tub. Hermione sunk down into the bubbles until her chin was resting on the surface and glared angrily at Blaise, who she had assumed to be a responsible boy, worthy of the Head Position she obviously took more seriously.
As tempting as it was to yell out her frustrations and take points left and right from the Slytherin house, Hermione thought it best to keep her composure and go unnoticed in the tub. Of course, great plans don't always work out the way they are meant to.
"Been slipping the Mudblood a polyjuice potion Zabini? Those curves couldn't have possibly come from her filthy muggle mother."
Hermione wrapped her arms around her upper torso to hide as much of her breasts as possible and stood to her full height in the tub, the bubble filled water now lapping up against her navel. "How dare you come into the Heads dorm and insult me! This is my private space, and you are more than unwelcome here you spoiled prat! Twenty points from Slytherin for being out after hours, twenty for bursting in on a female in a locked washroom, and thirty-five for getting on my last nerve Malfoy! GET OUT! Get out now you filthy ferret!"
Draco Malfoy grinned over his shoulder at the tan beauty in the tub. She had NO idea how tempting she looked with her cleavage clearly visible spilling over the tops of her arms, and that self righteous look of pride on that gorgeous face, right over her defiantly raised chin. It was true, he hated her blood, her friends, her ability to beat him in all of his classes, and even her accomplishment of becoming Head Girl annoyed him; however, there was no denying her good looks. "Keep your knickers on Mudblood, or rather…off I supposed, it was a joke."
"Well I am not joking, get out. I'll take care of Blaise. I will report you to McGonagall immediately if you are not in the next thirty seconds." Hermione's eyes blazed hatred and Draco could tell she was far from bluffing.
"Sorry mate, looks like you're on your own with the lion now." Draco quipped on his way to the door. Blaise continued to retch into the toilet, raising his hand in a salute of goodbye to Draco.
When Hermione heard the common room portrait close behind Draco she sighed in relief. "Don't turn around Blaise, I'm going to grab my robe." Hermione pulled the drain plug from the tub and quickly retrieved her robe, wrapping it around herself and securing it tightly with the belt around her waist.
"Listen Granger, I'm really-" Retch and gag, "sorry about this. I know you need your sleep for tomorrow so just leave me here to die." Blaise rested his cheek against the cool porcelain surface of the toilet seat. Hermione let out one little giggle, which encouraged another little giggle, and soon she was in a fit of giggles. Blaise shot her a glare, but when the room began to spin he decided it best to concentrate his eyes on just one place on the wall next to the toilet. Hermione knelt down next to him and rubbed his back comfortingly, her giggles had subsided but a small smile still played around the corners of her lips. "Come on, let me help you up. You just need to sleep it off."
An hour later Hermione had Blaise tucked into his bed, lying on his side, with the small wastebasket that usually sat next to his desk levitating not too far from the edge of his bed. He was a beater for the Slytherin quidditch team, so hopefully his aim wouldn't fail him tonight. Hermione was now safely tucked into her own bed and it wasn't long before exhaustion took her into a dreamless sleep.
So there you have it, chapter one! Please let me know what you think.