Here's another new story. It's all human, so don't go expecting vampires to jump out. I tweaked some characters, so don't be surprised when you see that James isn't a murderer and Sam is a military-bro.

Anyway, here you go!

Bella's POV

Back when times were easier, it seemed nothing mattered but my time with Edward. It was similar to Rosalie, my best friend. She was dating Edward's brother, Emmett. Emmett and Edward both got accepted to this important college. Edward and I had been in a fight soon before, so the last thing we said to each other was "I wish you had never saved me" on my part and "I regretted it the second I did" from him.

Rosalie went with them. I wasn't about to let her turn down that scholarship just to stay with me. Of course, I didn't tell her that I was pregnant, and I didn't call her when my father was killed on the job. I did everything on my own.

I quickly figured out that the military was my easiest way out of the sink-hole I had gotten myself into. So, soon after I gave birth, I went to boot camp. Already knowing German, French, Spanish, and Japanese, they gave me a job as a translator. After a couple years, I went for a tour in Iraq, followed by a double-tour to Afghanistan. I am just recently getting back from yet another one.

Renesmee, my daughter, is so much like her father in the sense that she's too damn smart for her own good. It didn't take long at all for her to find out that I was hurt, and that it was my shoulder. That's why she didn't jump into my arms.

"I am never too hurt to hold my daughter" I grinned as I stood up with her on my back. "Damn, I missed you, Ren."

"I missed you too, Mama" Ren giggled.

Ren is my nickname for her. Her real name is a combination of her grandmothers, Renee and Esme; Renesmee. Her full name is Renesmee Rose Swan, though I was half tempted to give her 'Cullen' as a 2nd last name. Edward is her biological father. He's on her birth certificate and everything. Though, of course, he knows nothing about her. She knows all about him, even about our fight and all the ones before that.

"They're worse because the both of you are too stubborn to quit" she stated.

There are many reasons behind me not contacting Edward. There's the fact that he may be still in school, still wanting to be a doctor like he did when we were in high school. There's also the fact that he might be a little pissed he missed 5 years of her life. There's also the main fear. After 5 years, who is to say that he doesn't have a wife and child of his own?

"James, come on, hun" I called.

I named our dog after my brother. We dated after boot camp, but quickly realized that it was too weird. We were like siblings until our first tour in Iraq in which he got blown up and lost his right arm. He's married now to a red-head named Victoria, and they've both decided that I get to be their first child's Godmother. Laurent, one of my other friends from boot camp, has been pre-arranged to be Godfather, though we joke that he should be Godmother because of his long hair.

"We're gonna be staying at a hotel for a couple nights" I told her once we were in the car. "One of my friends died and I have to speak at his funeral."

"What kind of friend, Mama?" she asked, curious.

Translation – tell me a story, Mama!

"He had a sharp eye. He would always be the gunner for the first truck of the group. We had just set up camp and were about to go out for a mission when the alarms started going off. Those who could, bolted for shelter, but he was stuck in the middle of a field. The most he could do was get down and pray. One of the missiles hit him. He was a good man."

The next day, I woke up, got dressed, and went to the funeral. Ren was going with me, but only because she was my daughter.

"Sergeant Sherman was a good man" I stated when it was my turn to speak. "He never missed the chance to lighten the mood, but always knew when to get serious. He was a gunner during missions, the first to see threats on the road. Without him, I can think of at least 3 different times that I would have died, along with everyone in mine and his rigs. He knew how to look for the little things, spotting threats that would keep everyone from going home to our families." I cleared my throat, not daring to look at his family. "He was a strong man, a devoted husband, and a loving father. When he died, there was not a single person that knew him that didn't mourn. He died for his country, his fellow soldiers, and for his family, but his memory will never be forgotten. He'll live forever in the hearts of his fellow soldiers and his family."

As soon as I sat down, I pulled Ren onto my lap. She stayed there for about an hour, only getting off when a woman walked up to me, thanking me. We went back to the hotel when everything was over and I ended up falling asleep. I woke up to see both my daughter and James curled up. It was just barely dawn, so I got up and got on the computer.

I have a Facebook account that I haven't been on sense I was in high school. So, an update of my status is at least 5 years overdue. I decided to upload some photos of Renesmee, James, and all my friends.

Status – Single

Children – Renesmee Rose Swan

Hobbies – Do you think I have the time?

About me – I'm a single mother. What else is there to say? Oh, and I'm in the army as well, so I can kick your ass!

I just had to add that little bit. Though, it took me a while to actually save the changes. I'm a coward, really.

Then, I spotted all of my friends' requests. I accepted a bunch of them, most of them being my bored-ass friends when they were in the hospital. One of them was from James.

I decided to put a little comment in for my status stuff. They're only seen by friends, so I put it in after I had accepted all the requests I felt like adding.

I finally get on here after 5 years and my friends' request thingy is a mile long. What the hell!

Giggling to myself, I shut my computer.

A couple hours after that, Ren was dressed and we were heading to the hospital. We sat and waited in a room, and I got the shock of my life when Carlisle walked in. He froze as well, staring at me with wide eyes and dropping his clip board.

"Mama" Ren called, looking between Carlisle and I with a confused look.

"Bella, dear, what happened?" Carlisle gasped, bolting to my side. "All the papers tell me is that you have gunshot wounds. Honey, what happened? Are you ok? Are you sleeping enough?"

Ignoring him, I turned to my daughter. "Honey, remember him from the pictures? This is Carlisle, Edward's father."

"Oh!" Ren exclaimed. "Hi there, I'm Renesmee! Mama, does this mean Daddy is here, too?"

"Maybe" I shrugged.

"Bella" Carlisle called, wanting answers.

"What can I do for you, doc?" I grinned.

"You can start by giving me a reason besides the ones that are going through my head as to how you would be in a situation where you would get shot!"

"Mama's a soldier" Ren chirped. "She protects us from the people that did 9-11."

I've been telling her that sense she was old enough to understand, which was pretty young. I smiled at her before looking to my gawking 2nd father.

"I've done 4 tours in Iraq so far" I told him. "I have 2 gunshots to the shoulder and shrapnel wounds, along with an ass load of old wounds."

"Mama, you said ass" Ren pointed out.

"Yes, but I meant it like a donkey. In Iraq, they use donkeys and stuff to carry a lot of weight. It's like saying a truck-load."

"Then, can I say it, too?"

"Are you a soldier?"


"Then, there you go."

We all chuckled for a bit before getting to work. Ren went to go sit in the chair as Carlisle looked at my wounds. Every time I would wince, Ren would glare because she knew wincing was a very bad thing. She knew her mother never shows pain around anyone.

When Ren went to go to the bathroom, Carlisle let me have a brake, or so I thought.

"She's Edward's daughter, isn't she?" he asked.

I don't know why I was surprised.

"What gave it away? Was it the Daddy question, the bronze hair, or her smarts?" I asked.

"A bit of everything" he answered. Then, he sighed. "Considering the terms you left on, I am not surprised you kept it away from him. But, what about Rose? Did she know?"

"You're the first" I sighed. "I knew she was my best friend, meaning she'd drop everything in a heartbeat and come help me. I knew Emmett would fallow her, too. I wasn't about to let that happen. I couldn't let her do that. So, I never told her anything."

"Meaning there was something else" Carlisle mumbled. "I know you, Bella, what else happened?"

"My father was killed in the line of duty 2 weeks after you all left" I sighed. "I found out I was pregnant the day before Edward and I had our fight. I'd gone to tell him, really. I then found about the letters for the 3 of them. One thing led to another, things were blown out of proportion, and we had the fight I'm sure everyone knows about. Ren knows about it too, don't you, baby?"

"Yup" Ren chirped from the door.

Carlisle froze and Ren giggled as she jumped onto my lap.

"Mama does stupid stuff when she is stressed" Ren giggled. "I can only imagine how bad it was when she was a prego-ego."

"I also do stupid stuff when I am bored" I grinned. "Oh, like when I decided to try smoking. Do you wanna know what happened to me when I tried to smoke, baby?" I asked as I tickled her. "I coughed so much I hurled! Someone call a medic! But that is the medic!"

She was tearing, laughing so hard. After a few more jokes, all of which were based on fact, I was laughing so hard that I fell to the floor. I landed on my shoulder and both of them panicked, but I just continued to laugh my happy ass off.

I decided then that, even if Edward wasn't a part of Ren's life, Carlisle and Esme had the right to be. They hadn't done anything wrong. So, I made plans to go to the little family reunion they had planned in 2 days.

Of course, when we got there, Ren was acting like a mouse. She's just fine surrounded by complete strangers, but when she knows those strangers are somehow related to her, it's complicated. We don't do well with the complicated crap. We like to keep things simple.

It was around then that I spotted the widow from the funeral. It turned out that she was Esme's younger sister. We started talking to her. She wanted to know about the stuff we did in Iraq, so I told her a bit. I didn't mind the audience we were getting. Stories about Iraq, I could handle.

"No offense to any Air Force peps, but we make fun of them" I sighed. "We were practicing jumping out of helicopters in Nevada before we got to Iraq. We just started making the 2 pilots miserable and they were not fighting back. Around this time, you would get that little voice telling you something's screwed up, right? Hell no, half of us were hung-over from the night before! Well, we jump out, and start sliding down the rope. This is where they get us back when we least expect it. The guys pull the chopper at least 20 feet higher, giving us a good 8-foot drop when our ropes end. They're just up there, nearly crashing the thing because they're laughing too hard. Even worse was that we had to go up and do it over again about 10 more times! We're all just on the ground, groaning, praying that we could get another chopper."

"Did you?" the widow asked.

"Nope" I grinned. "Though, the next 8 were good and we thought we were safe. Then, the last one, we suddenly drop to the ground by about 10 feet. By then, the drill sergeant is there, and he's rolling on the ground, laughing like a mad man."

Ren's POV

I knew who the people were that were fighting. My father was one of them, another 2 were my grandparents, and the last was my uncle. I'd been listening to them argue for a while now. Dad says he isn't my father.

"If you don't know if it is true or not, take a test. If you just don't want me around then tell me and I'll leave" I stated.

"Way to go, bro" Uncle grinned. "The kid heard everything you said."

"Ren, you've really gotta stop running off on me" Mom sighed as she walked up.

"You mean, like you ran off on me carrying my child?" Dad hissed.

"Just a second ago he was screaming that I wasn't his" I told Mom.

"You remember when I said that the first week of basic training is to weed out the bad cadets?" she grinned. I nodded. "Edward would be the first to go."

Edward's POV

"I'm not done talking to you, Bella" I called, walking after her.

I grabbed her shoulder to stop her. Suddenly, I was slammed into the wall. Emmett was helping me up while my father was walking away with Bella. When he came back, I exploded. How could he pick that tramp over me? Emmett took my side and Mom looked near tears.

"She got shot in that shoulder, Edward!" Dad yelled back. "It was a reflex."

"Shot" Esme gasped.

"Who fucking shot my sister?" Rosalie yelled.

"So, I grab her shoulder and I get hurled into the wall. What if she does that to my kid?" I screeched.

"Edward, go calm down" Dad sighed.

So, I stomped off to my room like a moody teenager who was grounded from the video games. I didn't come out for the rest of the day. Yea, I wanted Bella back, but I was still pissed. How could she not tell me that she had my child? How could she keep something like that from me?

Really long chapter, I know. This is gonna probably be the longest in the story