Squirrel Mother

Summary: Kisshu has turned into a child and it is up to the newest Tokyo Mew Mew member to look after him. Can she survive living with the child form of a crazy, possessive, alien stalker?

Sorry. The part of my brain that creates fanfiction stories went dead for a while. But, it was brought back to life today. Hallelujah! I know this basic plot has been done many times but I have decided to do my version of it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Tokyo mew mew. If I did, I would be joined with a clouded leopard and I would be freaking out right now because it is raining very hard here.

Kisshu and Taruto were floating above a residential area, watching their racoon chimera anima destroy anything in its path.


The cry of the mew mews sounded in the distant before six girls arrived, dressed in mew mew attire. The first five were the regular mew mews, all ready for battle. The sixth member was different. Mew Sugar, found just a week ago. Infused with a squirrel monkey, she surprised everyone with her first battle against the aliens. Needless to say, Pai, Taruto and Kisshu almost fell out of the air when they first saw the new mew, literally. She ran straight into battle with her 'Sugar Katana' and landed quite a few painful hits onto the aliens.

Her outfit was a sleeveless and collarless cream coloured shirt with an orange spider web pattern and she had cream short shorts with the orange spider web pattern. She had orange knee-high boots with a cream spider web pattern and she had orange short, fingerless gloves with the cream spider web pattern. She had the mew mew choker, garter and armbands that were cream with orange lining and orange spider web pattern on them. She had shoulder cut, cream hair and orange eyes. She had a cream coloured monkey tail and cream coloured monkey ears.

Sugar was known for her hit-and-run tactic. She'd run forward, hit with lightning speed, run back away from harm and out of sight, then when everyone was starting to let their guard down, she'd attack again from another angle. She called it her 'Lightning Strike' technique. Speaking of which, she was doing it now...

"Sugar Katana!" Her katana appeared in her hand as if by magic. The blade was solid, sharp steel and the handle was cream leather with citrine spider web pattern and an orb at the bottom of the handle. She jumped towards the racoon and, before anyone could blink, she slashed it with her blade and the parasite departed from its host, only to be eaten by Masha. She landed on the ground and pointed her weapon at the aliens.

"Ribbon Sugar Strike!" Lightning came out of the tip of the blade to hit the aliens dead on. The other mew mews powered up their attacks and fired. The aliens teleported away just before they were hit, but a few attacks, mainly lightning, crashed through the teleportation portal after them, removing large chunks of the space ship.

"Lost again?" Kisshu and Taruto picked themselves up off the floor to see Pai standing in the door way.

"We need a way to fight their new ally." Kisshu dusted off his shorts.

"Already working on it, but it isn't ready to go into battle yet." Pai moved out of the doorway as Kisshu walked through towards his bedroom. Kisshu laid down on his bed, thinking.

So we just need to hold on till the experiment is finished. I wonder what it looks like. Pai wouldn't let me see it before it was finished but that could take days. I'll sneak into his lab tonight to take a small peak. He won't even know I was there.

Kisshu grinned as he imagined what their latest weapon would look like.

Kisshu crept quietly through the halls of the ship. It was almost midnight and he was almost at Pai's lab. He opened the door quietly and peaked his head through to check for any danger. Safely asserted, Kisshu crept through the door and quietly closed it behind him. A small cage covered in a white sheet rested in a dark corner. Kisshu went towards the object and removed the sheet. At once, a large creature burst out of the cage, breaking the lock, and Kisshu had to scramble backwards in order not to get trampled. He looked at the anima. It was a savage looking, German Sheppard-like dog with big, black, bat wings. It snarled at him and Kisshu gulped. He couldn't call for help. He'd get grounded for a year, but if he fought the creature it would get damaged and Pai would know exactly what had happened. The dog anima opened its mouth with a roar and blasted a yellow beam at Kisshu. As the beam engulfed him, Kisshu felt an amount of pain he never knew existed. It seemed to come from everywhere, on the outside and inside of his body. Kisshu tried to muffle a cry but as the pain grew, he couldn't hold it in. He let out a pained scream. There was the sound of rushed footsteps and Pai opened the door and immediately blasted the anima to pieces. But in many ways, it was too late. Kisshu had already had an overdose off the beam and his teleporting powers were starting to become activated. Pai could only watch as Kisshu slumped figure distorted then disappeared from view.

Pai stared blankly at the spot which once held his little brother. The unfinished experiment's beam could have done anything to him. Pai could only check the radars for where he had gone and hope that he was okay.

Sugar sat straight up in her bed, covered in sweat. She had been dreaming she was lying in a field of very pretty flowers when a ragged and pained scream cut through her dream. Hurriedly going out the door in just her light blue night shorts and shirt, she ran to the place her subconsciousness called her to. Out of her mew form, she had aquamarine eyes, which glanced around in a panic she could not yet understand. As she approached the park, she saw the familiar ripple of an alien teleporting, but there was something different about it this time. Nearing it, she found Kisshu grasping a tree in a desperate attempt to support himself. He was shuddering in pain.

"Kisshu, why are you here?" she tried to make it as less threatening as possible, but kept her distance.

"I'm...not sure..." Kisshu voice was dull and laced with pain and fear. Sugar came closer as she understood that he wouldn't be able to harm her if he tried. Kisshu's shuddering increased to the point where he toppled over from the pain. Sugar rushed to catch him but as she did, a bright light engulfed his body, causing her to shield her eyes. When it died off, she turned back to Kisshu. He was still in her lap, but he was different. Instead of being the age of fourteen, he looked about four. Instead of his normal attire, he had on black long pants and a black shirt with a hood on it, small black boots protected his feet. His looked no longer in pain but instead looked very cold. He curled himself up, asleep, into her lap for warmth. The wind blew, causing him to shiver and whimper in protest. She wrapped her arms around him, not quite understanding what had happened, but knowing enough not to leave him out there at winter's mercy. As she started carrying him back to her house, the realisation of what she had gotten herself into dawned on her.

Oh my god! What am I doing?

A quick look at the shivering chibi-Kisshu in her arms quickly extinguished any doubt in her mind with a It doesn't matter.

Thank you for reading. Nighty, Night

From Night.