Gamer4 in. Well, not much to say here. I was listening to Iron Man the other day, when it occurred to me that, with a bit of tweaking, it could be made to fit Samus's life story. So, here you go.

Disclaimer: I don't own Metroid or the aforementioned Iron Man (the song.) Those belong to Nintendo and Black Sabbath, respectively.

Metroid: Iron Woman

(From the Space Pirates' POV, after attacking Samus's home.)

Has she lost her mind?

Can she see or is she blind?

Can she walk at all,

or if she moves will she fall?

Is she alive or dead?

Has she thoughts within her head?

We'll just leave her there.

Why should we even care?

(From the Chozo's POV, after Samus leaving their planet.)

She got a suit of steel

in our great magnetic field.

Now, she'd travel time

for the future of mankind.

They killed all her people,

then she stared at her world.

Now she's planning her vengeance

that she soon will unfurl.

Now the time is here

for Samus Aran to spread fear.

Vengeance from the grave!

Kill the people from which she was saved!

They killed all her people

then they turned their heads.

None of them helped her,

now she has her revenge!

Heavy boots of lead

fill the pirates full of dread!

Running as fast as they can!

Samus Aran lives again!

If that seemed a little too close to the actual song, it was because I was trying to show how close the song is to Samus's life story. Anyways, please R&R, constructive criticism is fine, flames are bad, Gamer4 out.